图像处理滤波器(二)——中值滤波器(Median Filter)






   * Takes a 2D input image array and a kernel and a pixel location and 
   * calculates the new pixel value by calculating the median of its 
   * neighbours.
   * @param input the 2D image array
   * @param kernel the kernel array
   * @param w the width of the input image
   * @param h the height of the input image
   * @param x the x coordinate of the pixel at the centre of the neighbourhood
   * @param y the y coordinate of the pixel at the centre of the neighbourhood
   * @return the new pixel value
  public int medianNeighbour(int [][] input, int [][] kernel,
			  int w, int h, int x, int y) {

    ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
    for(int j=0;j<3;++j){
      for(int i=0;i<3;++i){
	if((kernel[i][j]==1) && 
	   ((x-1+i)>=0) && ((y-1+j)>=0) && ((x-1+i)

   * Takes an image and a kernel and smoothes the image the specified number of
   * iterations.
   * @param input the input image array
   * @param kernel the kernel array
   * @param width of the image
   * @param height of the image
   * @param iterations to be carried out
   * @return the new smoothed image array
  public int [][] smooth(int [][] input, int [][] kernel,
			 int width, int height,
			 int iterations){
    int [][] outputArrays = new int [width][height];
    for (int its=0;its

Input Image:

Output Image:

总结:中值滤波器对于在减少噪声的应用一般要优于均值滤波器,特别是对于"salt and pepper noise"有更好的效果。
