using namespace std;
freopen(“data.in”, “r”, stdin);
freopen(“a.out”, “w”, stdout);
还有板子上不在身边的部分:快读挂、带temeplate的自定义,写好的 快速幂 逆元 函数等。
Ctrl + A:全选
Ctrl + C:复制
Ctrl + X: 剪切
Ctrl + V:粘贴
Ctrl + Z:撤销
Ctrl + S:保存
Ctrl + Y / Ctrl + Shift + Z:重做
Ctrl + F9:编译
Ctrl + F10:运行上次成功编译后的程序
Ctrl + Shift + F9:编译当前文件(而不是当前打开的工程项目)
Ctrl + C:终止正在运行的程序
Ctrl + Z:终止输入
Shift + F2:左侧导航栏
以下全部快捷键说明来自: 维基百科.
Function | Shortcut Key |
Undo last action | Ctrl + Z |
Redo last action | Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Cut selected text | Ctrl + X |
Copy selected text | Ctrl + C |
Paste text from clipboard | Ctrl + V |
Select all text | Ctrl + A |
Swap header / source | F11 |
Comment highlighted code | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Uncomment highlighted code | Ctrl + Shift + X |
Duplicate line caret is on | Ctrl + D |
Auto-complete / Abbreviations | Ctrl + Space / Ctrl + J |
Show call tip | Ctrl + Shift + Space |
Swap line caret is on with line above it | Ctrl + T |
Toggle bookmark | Ctrl + B |
Goto previous bookmark | Alt + PgUp |
Goto next bookmark | Alt + PgDown |
Toggle current block folding | F12 |
Toggle all folds | Shift + F12 |
This is a list of shortcuts provided by the Code::Blocks’ editor component. These shortcuts cannot be rebound.
Function | Shortcut Key |
Magnify text size. | Ctrl + Keypad “+” |
Reduce text size. | Ctrl + Keypad “-” |
Restore text size to normal. | Ctrl + Keypad “/” |
Cycle through recent files. | Ctrl + Tab |
Indent block. | Tab |
Dedent block. | Shift + Tab |
Delete to start of word. | Ctrl + BackSpace |
Delete to end of word. | Ctrl + Delete |
Delete to start of line. | Ctrl + Shift + BackSpace |
Delete to end of line. | Ctrl + Shift + Delete |
Go to start of document. | Ctrl + Home |
Extend selection to start of document. | Ctrl + Shift + Home |
Go to start of display line. | Alt + Home |
Extend selection to start of display line. | Alt + Shift + Home |
Go to end of document. | Ctrl + End |
Extend selection to end of document. | Ctrl + Shift + End |
Go to end of display line. | Alt + End |
Extend selection to end of display line. | Alt + Shift + End |
Expand or contract a fold point. | Ctrl + Keypad “*” |
Create or delete a bookmark. | Ctrl + F2 |
Go to next bookmark. | F2 |
Select to next bookmark. | Alt + F2 |
Find selection. | Ctrl + F3 |
Find selection backwards. | Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
Scroll up. | Ctrl + Up |
Scroll down. | Ctrl + Down |
Line cut. | Ctrl + L |
Line copy. | Ctrl + Shift + T |
Line delete. | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Line transpose with previous. | Ctrl + T |
Line duplicate. | Ctrl + D |
Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones. | Ctrl + K |
Select to matching preprocessor conditional. | Ctrl + Shift + K |
Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones. | Ctrl + J |
Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards. | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Previous paragraph. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + [ |
Next paragraph. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + ] |
Previous word. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + Left |
Next word. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + Right |
Previous word part. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + / |
Next word part. Shift extends selection. | Ctrl + \ |
Function | Shortcut Key |
New file or project | Ctrl + N |
Open existing file or project | Ctrl + O |
Save current file | Ctrl + S |
Save all files | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Close current file | Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W |
Close all files | Ctrl + Shift + F4 / Ctrl + Shift + W |
Function | Shortcut Key |
Activate next open file | Ctrl + Tab |
Activate previous open file | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
Function | Shortcut Key |
Show / hide Messages pane | F2 |
Show / hide Management pane | Shift + F2 |
Move project up (in Project tree) | Ctrl + Shift + Up |
Move project down (in Project tree) | Ctrl + Shift + Down |
Activate prior (in Project tree) | Alt + F5 |
Activate next (in Project tree) | Alt + F6 |
Zoom in / out | Ctrl + Roll Mouse Wheel |
Focus editor | CTRL + Alt + E |
Function | Shortcut Key |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Find | next F3 |
Find previous | Shift + F3 |
Find in files | Crtl + Shift + F |
Replace | Ctrl + R |
Replace in files | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Goto line | Ctrl + G |
Goto next changed line | Ctrl + F3 |
Goto previous changed line | Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
Goto file | Alt + G |
Goto function | Ctrl + Alt + G |
Goto previous function | Ctrl + PgUp |
Goto next function | Ctrl + PgDn |
Goto declaration | Ctrl + Shift + . |
Goto implementation | Ctrl + . |
Open include file | Ctrl + Alt + . |
Function | Shortcut Key |
Build | Ctrl + F9 |
Compile current file | Ctrl + Shift + F9 |
Run | Ctrl + F10 |
Build and Run | F9 |
Rebuild | Ctrl + F11 |
Function | Shortcut Key |
Debug | F8 |
Continue debugging | Ctrl + F7 |
Step over a code block | F7 |
Step into a code block | Shift + F7 |
Step out of a code block | Ctrl + Shift + F7 |
Toggle breakpoint | F5 |
Run to cursor | F4 |
Previous error | Alt + F1 |
Next error | Alt + F2 |
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