【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用

Oracle GoldenGate veridata 安装配置与应用

Primary system安装veridata server 和 client,Secondary system安装veridata client.



Primary System

Secondary System










Character Set






Listener Name/Port



Goldengate User



【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第1张图片


1       Config oracle database for veridata


1.1     Create veridata user and role

For veridata server :Primary system

SYS@ prod>create tablespace tbs_veridata datafile                                                                   

  2  '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/veridata.dbf' size 50m autoextend on;

Tablespace created.

SYS@ prod>create user veridata identified by veridata default tablespace

  2  tbs_veridata temporary tablespace TEMP quota unlimited on tbs_gguser;

User created.

SYS@ prod>create role veridata_role;

Role created.

SYS@ prod>grant dba to veridata_role;

Grant succeeded.

SYS@ prod>grant dba to veridata;

Grant succeeded.

For veridata agent: Secondary system

SYS@ test1>create tablespace tbs_veridata datafile

  2  '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/test1/veridata.dbf' size 50m autoextend on;

Tablespace created.

SYS@ test1>create user veridata identified by veridata default tablespace

  2  tbs_veridata temporary tablespace TEMP1 quota unlimited on tbs_gguser;

User created.

SYS@ test1>create role veridata_role;

Role created.

SYS@ test1>grant dba to veridata_role;

Grant succeeded.

SYS@ test1>grant dba to veridata;

Grant succeeded.


1.2     Config listener and tnsnames

[oracle@lvxinghao1 admin]$ more listener.ora

# listener.ora Network Configuration File:


# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.




      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = lvxinghao1)(PORT = 1521))




[oracle@lvxinghao1 admin]$ more tnsnames.ora

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:


# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.





      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = lvxinghao1)(PORT = 1521))



      (SERVICE_NAME = prod)






      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = lvxinghao2)(PORT = 1521))



      (SERVICE_NAME = test1)




[oracle@lvxinghao2 admin]$ more listener.ora

# listener.ora Network Configuration File:


# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.






      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = lvxinghao2)(PORT = 1521))





[oracle@lvxinghao2 admin]$ more tnsnames.ora

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:


# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.





      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = lvxinghao1)(PORT = 1521))



      (SERVICE_NAME = prod)




1.3     Start listener and register the database

[oracle@lvxinghao1 admin]$ lsnrctl start

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-SEP-2014 01:21:56

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=lvxinghao1)(PORT=1521)))


Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lvxinghao1)(PORT=1521)))



Alias                     LISTENER

Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

Start Date                17-SEP-2014 01:21:56

Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec

Trace Level               off

Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening Endpoints Summary...



The listener supports no services

The command completed successfully


SYS@ prod>alter system register;

System altered.


[oracle@lvxinghao1 admin]$ lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-SEP-2014 01:31:10


Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lvxinghao1)(PORT=1521)))



Alias                     LISTENER

Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

Start Date                17-SEP-2014 01:21:56

Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 9 min. 13 sec

Trace Level               off

Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening Endpoints Summary...



Services Summary...

Service "prod" has 1 instance(s).

  Instance "prod", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "prodXDB" has 1 instance(s).

  Instance "prod", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "prod_XPT" has 1 instance(s).

  Instance "prod", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

The command completed successfully

[oracle@lvxinghao1 admin]$


[oracle@lvxinghao2 admin]$ lsnrctl start

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-SEP-2014 01:27:29

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=lvxinghao2)(PORT=1521)))


Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lvxinghao2)(PORT=1521)))



Alias                     LISTENER

Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

Start Date                17-SEP-2014 01:27:30

Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec

Trace Level               off

Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening Endpoints Summary...



The listener supports no services

The command completed successfully


SYS@ test1>alter system register;

System altered.


[oracle@lvxinghao2 admin]$ lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 17-SEP-2014 01:32:27

Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=lvxinghao2)(PORT=1521)))



Alias                     LISTENER

Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

Start Date                17-SEP-2014 01:27:30

Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 4 min. 57 sec

Trace Level               off

Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log

Listening Endpoints Summary...



Services Summary...

Service "test1" has 1 instance(s).

  Instance "test1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "test1_XPT" has 1 instance(s).

  Instance "test1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

The command completed successfully

[oracle@lvxinghao2 admin]$


2       Install veridata agent on two systems

2.1     Install veridata agent

For primary system

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ pwd


[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ unzip veridata-cagent.zip

Archive:  veridata-cagent.zip

  inflating: ggs_veridataAgent_redhatAS40_x86_ora10g_32bit_v3.0.0.2_001.tar 


[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ tar -xvf ggs_veridataAgent_redhatAS40_x86_ora10g_32bit_v3.0.0.2_001.tar
















[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$

[oracle@lvxinghao1 agent]$ pwd



For secondary system

[oracle@lvxinghao2 ogg]$ unzip veridata-cagent.zip

Archive:  veridata-cagent.zip

  inflating: ggs_veridataAgent_redhatAS40_x86_ora10g_32bit_v3.0.0.2_001.tar 

[oracle@lvxinghao2 ogg]$

[oracle@lvxinghao2 ogg]$ tar -xvf ggs_veridataAgent_redhatAS40_x86_ora10g_32bit_v3.0.0.2_001.tar
















[oracle@lvxinghao2 ogg]$

[oracle@lvxinghao2 ogg]$ cd veridata/agent/

[oracle@lvxinghao2 agent]$ ls

bcrypt.txt ggMessage.dat  help.txt libicui18n.so.38 libxml2.txt notices.txt zlib.txt freeBSD.txt  ggsci libicudata.so.38 libicuuc.so.38 mgr veriagt

[oracle@lvxinghao2 agent]$

2.2     Create sub working directories for veridata

For primary system

[oracle@lvxinghao1 agent]$ pwd


[oracle@lvxinghao1 agent]$ ./ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle

Version Build 003

Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 10 on Sep 20 2009 20:57:49

Copyright (C) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 1> create subdirs

Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent


Parameter files                /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirprm: created

Report files                   /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirrpt: created

Checkpoint files               /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirchk: created

Process status files           /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirpcs: created

SQL script files               /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirsql: created

Database definitions files     /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirdef: created

Extract data files             /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirdat: created

Temporary files                /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirtmp: created

Veridata files                 /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver: created

Veridata Lock files            /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/lock: created

Veridata Out-Of-Sync files     /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/oos: created

Veridata Out-Of-Sync XML files /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/oosxml: created

Veridata Parameter files       /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/params: created

Veridata Report files          /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report: created

Veridata Status files          /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/status: created

Veridata Trace files           /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace: created

Stdout files                   /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirout: created

For secondary system

[oracle@lvxinghao2 ~]$ cd /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/

[oracle@lvxinghao2 agent]$ ./ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle

Version Build 003

Linux, x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 10 on Sep 20 2009 20:57:49

Copyright (C) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 1> create subdirs


Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent


Parameter files                /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirprm: created

Report files                   /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirrpt: created

Checkpoint files               /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirchk: created

Process status files           /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirpcs: created

SQL script files               /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirsql: created

Database definitions files     /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirdef: created

Extract data files             /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirdat: created

Temporary files                /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirtmp: created

Veridata files                 /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver: created

Veridata Lock files            /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/lock: created

Veridata Out-Of-Sync files     /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/oos: created

Veridata Out-Of-Sync XML files /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/oosxml: created

Veridata Parameter files       /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/params: created

Veridata Report files          /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report: created

Veridata Status files          /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/status: created

Veridata Trace files           /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace: created

Stdout files                   /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirout: created


3       Configure Veridata Manager Process

3.1     Configure MGR in primary system

Create the Manager parameter file.

GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 2> edit params mgr

Use the editor to assign a port.

PORT 7788

Start the Manager and Verify that the Manager has started.

GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 3> start mgr

Manager started.


GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 4> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          


GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 5> info mgr

Manager is running (IP port lvxinghao1.7788).


3.2     Configure MGR in secondary system

Create the Manager parameter file.

GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 2> edit params mgr

Use the editor to assign a port.

PORT 7788

Start the Manager and Verify that the Manager has started.

GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 3> start mgr

Manager started.


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 4> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 5> info mgr

Manager is running (IP port lvxinghao2.7788).


4       Install veridata server on primary system

4.1     Unzip veridata server software package

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ unzip veridata-server.zip

Archive:  veridata-server.zip

  inflating: GoldenGate_Veridata_redhatAS40_x86_v3006_002.sh 

  inflating: OGG_Veridata_Rel_Notes_3_0_0_6_002.pdf 

  inflating: README.txt             

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$


4.2     Start Xmanager


4.3     Install veridata server

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ export DISPLAY=

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ xhost +

access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ogg]$ ./GoldenGate_Veridata_redhatAS40_x86_v3006_002.sh

Unpacking JRE ...

Preparing JRE ...

Starting Installer ...


【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第2张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第3张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第4张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第5张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第6张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第7张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第8张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第9张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第10张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第11张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第12张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第13张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第14张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第15张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第16张图片



4.4     Add the PATH to .bash_profile of ORACLE_HOME

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ vi .bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:/home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/server/bin:/home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/web/bin


[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ which veridata_server.sh


[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ which veridata_web.sh



5       Start veridata

5.1     Start veridata server

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ veridata_server.sh

Usage: veridata_server.sh start|run|stop|cli [options]

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ veridata_server.sh start


[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ ps -ef | grep veridata| grep -v grep

oracle    4222  4177  0 00:15 ?        00:00:00 ./mgr PARAMFILE /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirprm/mgr.prm REPORTFILE /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirrpt/MGR.rpt PROCESSID MGR PORT 7809

oracle    9242     1  0 01:52 pts/5    00:00:00 /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/server/bin/veridata


5.2     Start veridata web

[oracle@lvxinghao1 ~]$ veridata_web.sh start

CATALINA_HOME: /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/web

JRE_HOME: /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/jre

JAVA_OPTS: -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dveridata.log.dir=/home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/shared/logs

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/web

Using CATALINA_HOME:   /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/web

Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/web/temp

Using JRE_HOME:       /home/oracle/Oracle_GoldenGate_Veridata/jre


6       Config veridata server use web

6.1     Use Internet Explore and login Veridata Web

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第17张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第18张图片



6.2     Create new connection for prod


click 'Connection Confilguration' and then click 'New...'button

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第19张图片


【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第20张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第21张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第22张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第23张图片

6.3     Create new connection for test1

 【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第24张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第25张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第26张图片


【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第27张图片


【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第28张图片



6.4     Create new group for prod and test1



【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第29张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第30张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第31张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第32张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第33张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第34张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第35张图片



6.5     Create new job for group01


 【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第36张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第37张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第38张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第39张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第40张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第41张图片



6.6     Run the job

click Run button to run the job created just now

 【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第42张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第43张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第44张图片

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第45张图片



6.7     View the Report

click Reports and View the reports

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第46张图片


Click 'View By Compare Pair'

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第47张图片

 【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第48张图片

7       Use veridata find different rows in two systems

7.1     Stop datapump process and delivery process

For source system

GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 7> stop pora_1

Sending STOP request to EXTRACT PORA_1 ...

Request processed.


GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 8> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:08   

EXTRACT     STOPPED     PORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:01   

REPLICAT    RUNNING     RORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:02

For target system

GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 9> stop rora_1

Sending STOP request to REPLICAT RORA_1 ...

Request processed.


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 10> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:05    

EXTRACT     RUNNING     PORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:01   

REPLICAT    STOPPED     RORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:03   


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 11>


7.2     DML operations on prod

Data in test table lvxinghao are same in prod and test1 before DML operations;

SCOTT@ prod>select * from lvxinghao;

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB          MGR HIREDATE               SAL   COMM  DEPTNO

------ ---------- --------- ------ ------------------- ------ ------ -------

  7788 lxh        ANALYST     7566 1987-04-19 00:00:00   3000             20

  7839 KING       PRESIDENT        1981-11-17 00:00:00   5000             10

  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN    7698 1981-09-08 00:00:00   1500      0      30

  7876 ADAMS      CLERK       7788 1987-05-23 00:00:00   1100             20

  7900 JAMES      CLERK       7698 1981-12-03 00:00:00    950             30

  7902 FORD       ANALYST     7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00   3000             20

  7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782 1982-01-23 00:00:00   1300             10

  8002 Damon2     CLERK       7902 2014-09-14 03:33:03    800    100      20

  8003 Elena2     CLERK       7698 2014-09-14 03:33:13    600    200      30

  8000 Damon      CLERK       7902 2014-09-13 21:15:41    800    100      20

  8001 Elena      CLERK       7698 2014-09-13 21:17:22    600    200      30

  7782 lvxh       MANAGER     7839 1981-06-09 00:00:00   2450             10

12 rows selected.


SCOTT@ test1>select * from lvxinghao;


------ ---------- --------- ------ --------- ------ ------ -------

  7788 lxh        ANALYST     7566 19-APR-87   3000             20

  7839 KING       PRESIDENT        17-NOV-81   5000             10

  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN    7698 08-SEP-81   1500      0      30

  7876 ADAMS      CLERK       7788 23-MAY-87   1100             20

  7900 JAMES      CLERK       7698 03-DEC-81    950             30

  7902 FORD       ANALYST     7566 03-DEC-81   3000             20

  7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782 23-JAN-82   1300             10

  8000 Damon      CLERK       7902 13-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8001 Elena      CLERK       7698 13-SEP-14    600    200      30

  8002 Damon2     CLERK       7902 14-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8003 Elena2     CLERK       7698 14-SEP-14    600    200      30

  7782 lvxh       MANAGER     7839 09-JUN-81   2450             10

12 rows selected.


SCOTT@ prod>update lvxinghao set ename='beyond' where empno=7788;

1 row updated.

SCOTT@ prod>delete from lvxinghao where empno=7782;

1 row deleted.

SCOTT@ prod>insert into lvxinghao values(8008,'HTML','CLERK',7839,sysdate,2000,200,20);

1 row created.

SCOTT@ prod>commit;

Commit complete.

SCOTT@ prod>select * from lvxinghao;

 EMPNO ENAME      JOB          MGR HIREDATE               SAL   COMM  DEPTNO

------ ---------- --------- ------ ------------------- ------ ------ -------

  7788 beyond     ANALYST     7566 1987-04-19 00:00:00   3000             20

  7839 KING       PRESIDENT        1981-11-17 00:00:00   5000             10

  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN    7698 1981-09-08 00:00:00   1500      0      30

  7876 ADAMS      CLERK       7788 1987-05-23 00:00:00   1100             20

  7900 JAMES      CLERK       7698 1981-12-03 00:00:00    950             30

  7902 FORD       ANALYST     7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00   3000             20

  7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782 1982-01-23 00:00:00   1300             10

  8002 Damon2     CLERK       7902 2014-09-14 03:33:03    800    100      20

  8003 Elena2     CLERK       7698 2014-09-14 03:33:13    600    200      30

  8000 Damon      CLERK       7902 2014-09-13 21:15:41    800    100      20

  8001 Elena      CLERK       7698 2014-09-13 21:17:22    600    200      30

  8008 HTML       CLERK       7839 2014-09-17 03:10:24   2000    200      20

12 rows selected.

SCOTT@ test1>select * from lvxinghao;


------ ---------- --------- ------ --------- ------ ------ -------

  7788 lxh        ANALYST     7566 19-APR-87   3000             20

  7839 KING       PRESIDENT        17-NOV-81   5000             10

  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN    7698 08-SEP-81   1500      0      30

  7876 ADAMS      CLERK       7788 23-MAY-87   1100             20

  7900 JAMES      CLERK       7698 03-DEC-81    950             30

  7902 FORD       ANALYST     7566 03-DEC-81   3000             20

  7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782 23-JAN-82   1300             10

  8000 Damon      CLERK       7902 13-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8001 Elena      CLERK       7698 13-SEP-14    600    200      30

  8002 Damon2     CLERK       7902 14-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8003 Elena2     CLERK       7698 14-SEP-14    600    200      30

  7782 lvxh       MANAGER     7839 09-JUN-81   2450             10

12 rows selected.


7.3     Run the job again

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第49张图片

7.4     View by compare pair 

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第50张图片


【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第51张图片


 【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第52张图片


7.5     View the report


                  Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server


                              Build 002


Copyright (C) 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


                   Starting at 2014-09-17 03:13:43


Cannot determine the OS version.

Process id: 9242, Thread id : 3025480592

Run ID: (runid=(1006, 1, 3))


Compare Parameters:


   Source connection: Primary_system_prod

         Source host: lvxinghao1  (oracle)

   Target connection: Secondary_system_test1

         Target host: lvxinghao2  (oracle)

        Source table: SCOTT.LVXINGHAO

        Target table: SCOTT.LVXINGHAO

Profile: $default




     Out-Of-Sync Output Format: binary

          Maximum Size of Each

  Out-Of-Sync XML Chunk (Rows): 500

    Output in-sync rows to OOS

                          file: false

Output in-sync after in-flight

              rows to OOS file: true

 Report in-sync rows to report

                          file: false

Report in-sync after in-flight

           rows to report file: false

          Sorting Method:

               Sort Data Using: database

     Maximum Memory Usage (MB): 50

  Number Of Concurrent Threads: 4

   Temporary Storage Directory

               for Source Data:

   Temporary Storage Directory

               for Target Data:

      NSort Memory Retry Limit: 0

NSort Memory Retry Wait Interval: 0


Initial Compare (General):


     Max Concurrent Comparison

                       Threads: 4

Terminate when Maximum Records

                   Out-Of-Sync: 100000

     Output Out-Of-Sync Record

        Details to Report File: false

      Update Report file Every

                     (seconds): 0

      Update Report file Every

                       Threads: 0

Terminate when Maximum Records

                   Out-Of-Sync: 100000

     Output Out-Of-Sync Record

        Details to Report File: false

      Update Report file Every

                     (seconds): 0

      Update Report file Every

                     (records): 0

    Limit Number of Input Rows: 0

     Delta processsing enabled: false

Initial Compare (Event Reporting):


             Generate Messages: none

 Generate Warning Messages For

        Out-Of-Sync Rows After

                 (differences): 50

Initial Compare (Agent):


 Use Static Listening Port For

     For Agent During Row Hash

                     On Source: 0

 Use Static Listening Port For

     For Agent During Row Hash

                     On Target: 0


Initial Compare (NonStop Process):


  Source Process Name Starting


     Source Process CPU Number: -1

       Source Process Priority: 0

  Target Process Name Starting


     Target Process CPU Number: -1

       Target Process Priority: 0


Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (General):


   Perform Confirm Out-Of-Sync

                          Step: true

         Run Concurrently With

               Initial Compare: true

     Delay Confirm-Out-Of-Sync

                  By (seconds): 0

Terminate when Maximum Records

                   Out-Of-Sync: 100000

     Output Out-Of-Sync Record

        Details to Report File: false

            Update Report file

               Every (seconds): 0

            Update Report file

               Every (records): 0


Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (Event Reporting):


             Generate Messages: none

 Generate Warning Messages For

          For Out-Of-Sync Rows

           After (differences): 50


Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (Agent):


 Use Static Listening Port For

         Agent During Row Hash

                     On Source: 0

 Use Static Listening Port For

         Agent During Row Hash

                     On Target: 0


Confirm-Out-Of-Sync (NonStop Process):


  Source Process Name Starting


     Source Process CPU Number: -1

       Source Process Priority: 0

  Target Process Name Starting


     Target Process CPU Number: -1

       Target Process Priority: 0

Starting  Veriagt session for source rowhash at 2014-09-17 03:13:43.


Initial Compare Source Agent Information:

                       ORACLE_HOME : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

       NLS_LANG (from environment) :

                          ORA_SDTZ :



                   SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00

                        Process ID : 10067

                  Operating System : Linux

                      Architecture : i686

                       Report File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___source_rh.rpt

                        Trace File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___source_rh.trc

Starting  Veriagt session for target rowhash at 2014-09-17 03:13:47.

Initial Compare Target Agent Information:

                       ORACLE_HOME : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

       NLS_LANG (from environment) :

                          ORA_SDTZ :



                   SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00

                        Process ID : 4642

                  Operating System : Linux

                      Architecture : i686

                       Report File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___target_rh.rpt

                        Trace File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___target_rh.trc

Processing first rowhash block from source at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

Performance Statistics for source Rowhash at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

                     rows: 12

          duration (secs): 00:00:05

                 rows/sec: 2.40

                row bytes: 944

            row bytes/sec: 188

                bytes/row: 78

             rh bytes/row: 22

             rows skipped: 0

           blocks skipped: 0

           hash comp rate: 0.28

          total comp rate: 0.10

        pct time fetching: 0.00

         pct time waiting: 0.00

     time until first row: 00:00:00

                 ipc msgs: 7

                ipc bytes: 3583

                bytes/msg: 511

     compressed bytes/msg: 191

                bytes/sec: 716

     compressed bytes/sec: 268

    msg compression ratio: 0.37

Processing first rowhash block from target at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

Comparing first row at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

Starting  Veriagt session for source COOS at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

*** Summarizing Initial Row Comparison Step ***

                          Time: 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

                  Elapsed Time: 00:00:00

         Comparisons performed: 13

               Rows per second: 13

              Rows out-of-sync: 3

                       inserts: 1

                       updates: 1

                       deletes: 1

Performance Statistics for target Rowhash at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

                     rows: 12

          duration (secs): 00:00:02

                 rows/sec: 6.00

                row bytes: 940

            row bytes/sec: 470

                bytes/row: 78

             rh bytes/row: 22

             rows skipped: 0

           blocks skipped: 0

           hash comp rate: 0.28

          total comp rate: 0.11

        pct time fetching: 0.00

         pct time waiting: 0.03

     time until first row: 00:00:00

                 ipc msgs: 7

                ipc bytes: 3582

                bytes/msg: 511

     compressed bytes/msg: 191

                bytes/sec: 1791

     compressed bytes/sec: 670

    msg compression ratio: 0.37

COOS source Agent Information:

                       ORACLE_HOME : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

       NLS_LANG (from environment) :

                          ORA_SDTZ :



                   SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00

                        Process ID : 10077

                  Operating System : Linux

                      Architecture : i686

                       Report File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___source_coos.rpt

                        Trace File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___source_coos.trc

Starting  Veriagt session for target COOS at 2014-09-17 03:13:50.

COOS target Agent Information:

                       ORACLE_HOME : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

       NLS_LANG (from environment) :

                          ORA_SDTZ :



                   SESSIONTIMEZONE : +08:00

                        Process ID : 4645

                  Operating System : Linux

                      Architecture : i686

                       Report File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/report/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___target_coos.rpt

                        Trace File : /u01/app/ogg/veridata/agent/dirver/trace/lvxinghao1_4150_000010060000000100000003___target_coos.trc

*** Summarizing Confirm Out-of-Sync Step ***

                          Time: 2014-09-17 03:13:53.

                  Elapsed Time: 00:00:03

                Rows confirmed: 3

               Rows per second: 1

*** Summarizing Persistently Out-of-Sync Rows ***

              Rows out-of-sync: 3

                       inserts: 1

                       updates: 1

                       deletes: 1

*** Summarizing In-Sync-after-In-Flight Rows ***

  Rows in-sync-after-in-flight: 0

                       inserts: 0

                       updates: 0

                       deletes: 0

*** Summarizing Still-Changing Rows ***

                Rows in-flight: 0

                       inserts: 0

                       updates: 0

                       deletes: 0

Comparison terminated normally.


7.6     Start goldengate process again

GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 9> start pora_1

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

EXTRACT PORA_1 starting


GGSCI (lvxinghao1) 10> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:02   

EXTRACT     RUNNING     PORA_1      00:00:00      00:31:13   

REPLICAT    RUNNING     RORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:04


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 11> start rora_1

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

REPLICAT RORA_1 starting


GGSCI (lvxinghao2) 12> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt

MANAGER     RUNNING                                          

EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:08   

EXTRACT     RUNNING     PORA_2      00:00:00      00:00:02   

REPLICAT    RUNNING     RORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:00

Verify test table lvxinghao on target system

SCOTT@ test1>select * from lvxinghao;


------ ---------- --------- ------ --------- ------ ------ -------

  8008 HTML       CLERK       7839 17-SEP-14   2000    200      20

  7788 beyond     ANALYST     7566 19-APR-87   3000             20

  7839 KING       PRESIDENT        17-NOV-81   5000             10

  7844 TURNER     SALESMAN    7698 08-SEP-81   1500      0      30

  7876 ADAMS      CLERK       7788 23-MAY-87   1100             20

  7900 JAMES      CLERK       7698 03-DEC-81    950             30

  7902 FORD       ANALYST     7566 03-DEC-81   3000             20

  7934 MILLER     CLERK       7782 23-JAN-82   1300             10

  8000 Damon      CLERK       7902 13-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8001 Elena      CLERK       7698 13-SEP-14    600    200      30

  8002 Damon2     CLERK       7902 14-SEP-14    800    100      20

  8003 Elena2     CLERK       7698 14-SEP-14    600    200      30

12 rows selected.


7.7     Run job again and view the report

【GoldenGate】Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 安装配置与应用_第53张图片


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