
迷迷糊糊的使用了nordic 蓝牙,对基本的芯片知识一点都没了解,拿到sdk就用,但在OTA的时候,各种问题就出现了。现在重新认识这个芯片。

Common IRAM and IROM settings


Here is an example of how to calculate the IRAM and IROM settings for a QFAA-chip(256kB Flash and 16kB RAM) with the S130 SoftDevice:

According to section 13 of the SoftDevice Specification for S130 the IRAM base should be a minimum of 0x200022D8, and might be larger depending on the requirements of your application. Use the default 0x20002800.

The IRAM size consumption is dependent on the attribute table size(see section 13.1 of the SDS) with the default value of 0x600 bytes you would end up having an IRAM size of 0x4000 - 0x2800 = 0x1800.

The IROM base should be 0x0001C000 which is the same as 0x1C000. The size should be 0x40000 - 0x1C000 = 0x24000.

Finally here are some common values for different combinations of SoftDevices and chips.


1. 使用的是S130.2 softwareDevice , 查了下文档,原来都有固定的内存分配



有bootloader :


