
Hi, I'm Thomas Hunter, creator of Cobalt Calibur, an HTML5 multiplayer game. I'm here to tell you about how I used the new HTML5 canvas API to provide visuals using sprite-based graphics. This is similar to how old game consoles such as the NES drew graphics. You are likely familiar with using Sprite Sheets with CSS for reducing bandwidth, and the same magic can be used when drawing canvas graphics and animations.

嗨,我是HTML5多人游戏Cobalt Calibur的创建者Thomas Hunter 。 我在这里告诉您有关如何使用新HTML5 canvas API通过基于Sprite的图形提供视觉效果的信息。 这类似于NES等旧游戏机绘制图形的方式。 您可能熟悉将Sprite Sheets与CSS结合使用以减少带宽,并且在绘制画布图形和动画时可以使用相同的魔术。

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I'll be embedding code in this document, but if you'd like to see all of the code, check out the Cobalt Calibur engine.js file.

我将在此文档中嵌入代码,但是如果您想查看所有代码,请查看Cobalt Calibur engine.js文件。

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总览 (Overview)

When building animations and game engines, you'll usually find that there is a single primary loop which draws the screen every cycle. Each one of these cycles represents a frame of the animation. Sometimes there are hard limits to the framerate, such as 60 frames per second. Other times, the limit is uncapped and it runs as fast as possible. With Cobalt Calibur, we redraw frames every 150ms, or approx 6.66 frames per second. Here's the relevant code:

在制作动画和游戏引擎时,通常会发现有一个主循环,每个循环绘制屏幕。 这些循环中的每个循环代表动画的一帧。 有时帧速率有严格的限制,例如每秒60帧。 在其他时候,该限制是无上限的,并且它会尽快运行。 使用Cobalt Calibur,我们每150毫秒重新绘制一帧,或每秒重绘6.66帧。 以下是相关代码:

var currentFrame = 0;
setInterval(function() {
    if (currentFrame % 3 == 0) {
        currentFrame = 0;
        // redraw every 150 ms, but change animation every 450 ms
        app.graphics.globalAnimationFrame = !app.graphics.globalAnimationFrame;
    app.environment.map.render(currentFrame === 0);
}, 150);

The way the looping is done in Cobalt Calibur is actually incorrect. That loop will run even when the current tab isn't focused, causing the screen to be needlessly redrawn. Modern browsers have something called requestAnimationFrame(), which works better. Due to some issues with keybindings and player movements right now, using that function results in glitchy redraws. Once the player movement is fixed, using requestAnimationFrame() will be the perfect solution, as it was designed to be used for this very purpose.

在Cobalt Calibur中完成循环的方式实际上是不正确的。 即使当前选项卡未聚焦,该循环也将运行,从而导致不必要地重绘屏幕。 现代的浏览器有一个叫做requestAnimationFrame()的东西,效果更好。 由于目前键绑定和玩家移动存在一些问题,因此使用该功能会导致重画错误。 一旦固定了玩家的动作,使用requestAnimationFrame()将是完美的解决方案,因为它被设计用于此目的。

视口与世界概述 (Viewport vs World Overview)

The way Cobalt Calibur (and most RPG's) work is that there is a giant playing field, but you are only seeing a small part of it at a time. We call the part of the playing field that you can see the viewport, similar to how the visible portion of a webpage is called a viewport. The viewport for Cobalt Calibur is dynamically resized when the game first loads. We take the width and height of the browser viewport, divide it by the width and height of tiles (to figure out how many we can fit), and round down. Ideally, we could keep track of each time the browser is resized, recalculate the number, and rebuild the canvas object (it would make a great pull-request ;). Heres the code used by the viewport:

Cobalt Calibur(以及大多数RPG)的工作方式是拥有一个巨大的运动场,但是您一次只能看到其中的一小部分。 我们称您可以看到视口的运动场部分,类似于将网页的可见部分称为视口。 首次加载游戏时,将动态调整Cobalt Calibur的视口大小。 我们采用浏览器视口的宽度和高度,将其除以图块的宽度和高度(以确定我们可以容纳多少个),然后向下取整。 理想情况下,我们可以跟踪每次调整浏览器的大小,重新计算数量并重新生成canvas对象(这会带来很大的pull-request;)。 此处是视口使用的代码:

initialize: function() {
    var view = app.graphics.viewport;
    view.WIDTH_TILE = Math.floor($(window).width() / app.graphics.TILE_WIDTH_PIXEL);
    view.HEIGHT_TILE = Math.floor($(window).height() / app.graphics.TILE_HEIGHT_PIXEL);
    view.WIDTH_PIXEL = app.graphics.viewport.WIDTH_TILE * app.graphics.TILE_WIDTH_PIXEL;
    view.HEIGHT_PIXEL = app.graphics.viewport.HEIGHT_TILE * app.graphics.TILE_HEIGHT_PIXEL;
    view.PLAYER_OFFSET_TOP_TILE = Math.floor(view.HEIGHT_TILE / 2);
    view.PLAYER_OFFSET_LEFT_TILE = Math.floor(view.WIDTH_TILE / 2) + 1;
    $('#page, #nametags').width(view.WIDTH_PIXEL).height(view.HEIGHT_PIXEL);

    app.graphics.$canvas = $('#map');
    app.graphics.handle = document.getElementById('map').getContext('2d');

Each time we draw the screen, we calculate which tiles of the overall map will be visible, so that if the player has moved around, their new location is drawn. We also loop through all of the players and NPCs and draw them as well.

每次绘制屏幕时,我们都会计算出整个地图的哪些图块可见,这样,如果玩家四处移动,就会绘制出新位置。 我们还将循环遍历所有播放器和NPC并绘制它们。

基本画布图 (Basic Canvas Drawing)

The way canvas drawing works is that once a graphic is drawn to the canvas, it is there forever. Luckily, you can draw graphics over top and the old ones go away. We start by drawing the terrain, then we draw the 'corruption' blocks (which are alpha-transparent solid colors), then we draw the NPCs and players (which are transparent PNGs) above the terrain. Most graphics are all the same size, 32x32 pixels. However, characters are 32x48 pixels (just to make things interesting). By drawing characters from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen, we ensure that 'foreground' characters properly overlap 'background' characters.

画布绘制的工作方式是,一旦将图形绘制到画布上,它将永远存在。 幸运的是,您可以在顶部绘制图形,而旧图形消失了。 我们首先绘制地形,然后绘制“腐败”块(它们是alpha透明的纯色),然后绘制NPC和播放器(它们是透明的PNG)。 大多数图形都是相同的大小,即32x32像素。 但是,字符为32x48像素(只是为了使事情变得有趣)。 通过从屏幕顶部到屏幕底部绘制字符,我们确保“前景”字符与“背景”字符正确重叠。

The drawing functions are quite simple. Here's an example of the tile drawing code. The API for this really reminds me of PHP's GD library. Some notes, the app.graphics.tilesets.terrain object contains a bunch of information about different terrain types. The azithromycin online without prescription if (1==1) {document.getElementById("link13").style.display="none";} drawImage() function is the meat and potatoes of this code. It takes the source terrain image, drawing it to the canvas. Its arguments relate to source width, height, X, Y positions, as well as canvas width, height, X, Y positions. You can draw images bigger or smaller than they are in your source document doing this.

绘图功能非常简单。 这是图块绘制代码的示例。 该API确实使我想起了PHP的GD库 。 一些注意事项,app.graphics.tilesets.terrain对象包含许多有关不同地形类型的信息。 如果没有处方,则在线使用阿奇霉素,如果(1 == 1){document.getElementById(“ link13”)。style.display =“ none”;} drawImage()函数是此代码的实质。 它获取源地形图像,并将其绘制到画布上。 其参数与源宽度,高度,X,Y位置以及画布宽度,高度,X,Y位置有关。 为此,您可以绘制比原始文档更大或更小的图像。

drawTile: function(x, y, tile) {
    var x_pixel = x * app.graphics.TILE_WIDTH_PIXEL;
    var y_pixel = y * app.graphics.TILE_HEIGHT_PIXEL;

    if (tile == null || isNaN(tile[0])) {

        tile[0] * app.graphics.TILE_HEIGHT_PIXEL,

大量的阵列操作 (Lots of Array Operations)

Like the old game consoles the canvas tag emulates, Cobalt Calibur makes use of a lot of array operations. We are constantly looping through the big map array to find tiles to be drawn, along with an array of characters and NPCs and corruption data to be displayed. One example of interesting array stuff includes NPC direction drawing. The tileset (below), devotes each row to a single character. There are four sets of images, South, East, North, West. Each set contains three frames of animation, an at-rest state (unused), an odd movement frame, and an even movement frame.

就像canvas标签模拟的旧游戏机一样,Cobalt Calibur也利用了许多数组操作。 我们一直在不断循环浏览大地图数组,以查找要绘制的图块,以及要显示的字符和NPC和损坏数据的数组。 有趣的数组素材的一个示例包括NPC方向图。 图块集(如下)将每一行专用于一个字符。 有四组图像,南,东,北,西。 每一组包含三个动画帧,一个静止状态(未使用),一个奇数运动帧和一个偶数运动帧。

If you remember from the master redraw loop above, we do some frame checking every few cycles. We do this so that we can flip the animation state of characters. By having this even/odd state global between all players/NCPs, we save on some CPU cycles. If you check out a game like Final Fantasy Legend for the Gameboy, you'll see that characters were drawn this way. It's also silly looking, as all players and NPCs are constantly 'wiggling', even when in a state of rest. Ideally, Cobalt Calibur would draw animations when players and NPCs move, so that they could be in between tiles for a moment. During this animation state they could be animated, then using the at-rest frame when just standing (another great pull request hint).

如果您还记得上面的主重绘循环,则每隔几个周期进行一次帧检查。 我们这样做是为了翻转角色的动画状态。 通过在所有播放器/ NCP之间全局设置这种偶/奇状态,可以节省一些CPU周期。 如果您查看Gameboy的游戏,如Final Fantasy Legend,您会发现角色是以此方式绘制的。 这看起来也很愚蠢,因为即使在休息状态下,所有玩家和NPC也在不断“摇摆”。 理想情况下,当玩家和NPC移动时,Cobalt Calibur会绘制动画,这样它们就可以在瓷砖之间停留片刻。 在此动画状态下,可以对它们进行动画处理,然后在站立时使用静止帧(另一个很棒的请求请求提示)。

Here's the code we use for drawing avatars. Notice how the function needs to know if this is a character (because they are slightly taller and need to be drawn upwards). Also notice the code we use for mapping their position. In the case of the NPC image above, if we want to draw a skeleton, he's in the second row, which begins 32px down from the top. If he's facing north, we know his image is in the third group. We then check the global animation frame and know which frame of animation to use from which group.

这是我们用于绘制头像的代码。 注意函数如何知道这是否是一个字符(因为它们略高,需要向上绘制)。 还要注意我们用于映射其位置的代码。 对于上面的NPC图像,如果我们要绘制骨骼,则他在第二行,该行从顶部开始向下32像素。 如果他面对北方,我们知道他的形象在第三组。 然后,我们检查全局动画帧,并从哪个组中知道要使用哪个动画帧。

var len = app.players.data.length;
for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) {
    var player = app.players.data[k];
    if (player.x == mapX && player.y == mapY) {
        var index = app.graphics.getAvatarFrame(player.direction, app.graphics.globalAnimationFrame);

        var player_name = player.name || '???';
        var picture_id = player.picture;
        if (isNaN(picture_id)) {
            picture_id = 0;
        if (redrawNametags) app.graphics.nametags.add(player.name, i, j, false);
        app.graphics.drawAvatar(i, j, index, picture_id, 'characters');

// app.graphics.drawAvatar:
function drawAvatar(x, y, tile_x, tile_y, tileset) {
    var x_pixel = x * app.graphics.TILE_WIDTH_PIXEL;
    var y_pixel = y * app.graphics.TILE_HEIGHT_PIXEL;
    var tile_height = 32;

    if (tileset == 'monsters') {
        tileset = app.graphics.tilesets.monsters;
        tile_height = 32;
    } else if (tileset == 'characters') {
        tileset = app.graphics.tilesets.characters;
        y_pixel -= 16;
        tile_height = 48;
        tile_x * app.graphics.TILE_WIDTH_PIXEL,
        tile_y * tile_height,

绘制简单矩形 (Drawing Simple Rectangles)

With each new frame being drawn, we first turn everything black. This operation is slightly expensive (isn't everything?) A lot of games don't do this though. Think back to when you used to play Doom, and you would cheat and disable clipping, and you could walk through walls. Then everything beyond the edges of the map would start to show artifacts of the last thing that was rendered. We get the exact same thing in Cobalt Calibur when the player approaches the edge of the map. The player would see the tile adjacent to the edge of the world outside of the world. By drawing this black rectangle each render, this doesn't happen.

绘制每个新框架后,我们首先将所有内容变黑。 此操作有点昂贵(不是所有内容吗?)但是很多游戏却不这样做。 回想一下您过去玩《毁灭战士》时,您会作弊并禁用剪辑,并且可能会穿墙而过。 然后,超出地图边缘的所有内容都将开始显示最后渲染的工件的伪像。 当玩家接近地图边缘时,我们会在Cobalt Calibur中获得完全相同的东西。 玩家会看到世界之外与世界边缘相邻的图块。 通过在每个渲染器上绘制此黑色矩形,不会发生这种情况。

function render(redrawNametags) {
    // immediately draw canvas as black
    app.graphics.handle.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
    app.graphics.handle.fillRect(0, 0, app.graphics.viewport.WIDTH_PIXEL, app.graphics.viewport.HEIGHT_PIXEL);

    var i, j;
    var mapX = 0;
    var mapY = 0;
    var tile;
    if (redrawNametags) app.graphics.nametags.hide();
    // ...

Also, above, you can see the simple syntax for drawing rectangles. You first set the color you want to draw, and second you actually draw the rectangle by providing the origin and the width and height (in this case, we start at 0,0 and draw the entire size of the viewport). Note that swapping colors takes CPU, so if you are going to do a lot of work with similar colors, try to draw everything with one color, then switch colors and do it again. The syntax for the color should look familiar; it is the CSS rgb() code. Note that you can also use the rgba() syntax as well (which is what we do for daylight and corruptions). Daylight is also a giant rectangle taking up the entire screen, and it is either dark orange or dark blue or just dark.

另外,在上面,您可以看到绘制矩形的简单语法。 首先,设置要绘制的颜色,然后通过提供原点以及宽度和高度来实际绘制矩形(在这种情况下,我们从0,0开始并绘制视口的整个大小)。 请注意,交换颜色会占用CPU,因此如果您要使用相似的颜色进行大量工作,请尝试使用一种颜色绘制所有内容,然后切换颜色并再次进行。 颜色的语法应该看起来很熟悉。 这是CSS rgb()代码。 请注意,您还可以使用rgba()语法(这是我们针对日光和损坏情况所做的工作)。 日光还是一个占据整个屏幕的巨大矩形,它是深橙色或深蓝色或仅是深黑色。

层数 (Layers)

As for drawing the nametags above players and NPCs, I took the easy way out and rendered them in the DOM instead of on the canvas. I figured it would be easier to control them this way, and possibly faster to render. The nametag element floats above the canvas, and the nametag offsets are set so they go below the character. The chat box, inventory, and item controls are all also a normal part of the DOM.

至于在玩家和NPC上方绘制名称标签,我采取了简单的方法,将其呈现在DOM中而不是在画布上。 我认为以这种方式控制它们会更容易,并且渲染速度可能会更快。 nametag元素浮在画布上方,并且设置了nametag偏移量,使其位于字符下方。 聊天框,库存和项目控件也是DOM的正常部分。

There's nothing wrong with taking a layered approach to your game. It sometimes makes sense to use a canvas for the background, a canvas for players and NPCs, a canvas for foreground environment items, and even a layer for a HUD. Imagine if a character moves around a lot, and their health never changes. You don't want to redraw their health graph every single time your environment updates, that would be a lot of wasted rendering.

对游戏采取分层方法没有错。 有时将画布用作背景,将画布用于播放器和NPC,将画布用于前景环境项目,甚至将HUD图层用作图层是有意义的。 想象一下,如果角色移动很多,并且他们的健康永远不会改变。 您不想每次环境更新时都重新绘制其运行状况图,那样会浪费很多渲染时间。

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结论 (Conclusion)

This was a high level overview of how Cobalt Calibur draws its canvas graphics. If you want to get into the nitty gritty, please check out the engine.js file. Feel free to use as many of these principles in your next game development project as you can. The project is released under a dual GPL/BSD license, so you can even take some of the code and reuse it.

这是Cobalt Calibur如何绘制其画布图形的高级概述。 如果您想了解细节,请查看engine.js文件。 随意在下一个游戏开发项目中尽可能多地使用这些原则。 该项目是在GPL / BSD双重许可下发布的,因此您甚至可以提取一些代码并重复使用。

There's a lot more to the game than just the canvas drawing, it also uses the new HTML5 audio tag, some jQuery promise/defer functions, and everybody's favorite, websockets. And, if you're a JavaScript programmer looking for an easy (and powerful) way to begin server-side programming, the backend is written in Node.js.

游戏中不仅有画布绘图,还有很多其他功能,它还使用了新HTML5音频标签,一些jQuery promise / defer函数以及每个人都喜欢的websocket。 而且,如果您是JavaScript程序员,正在寻找一种简单(且功能强大)的方式开始服务器端编程,则后端是用Node.js编写的 。

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/canvas-sprites
