
关键字: 数据库设计

1、table user(用户表)

ID username password name ...
1 admin admin 测试1
2 lx lx 测试2

2、table group(用户组)

ID name description ...
1 js 技术人员
2 yw 业务人员

3、table permission(权限及菜单表)

ID name depth parentid link description showmenu ...
1 系统管理 1 0 1
2 用户管理 2 1 1
3 用户组管理 2 1 1
4 添加用户 3 2 /user/adduser.do 1
5 查询用户 3 2 /user/listuser.do 1

说明:depth 为菜单级次,1为1级主菜单...

4、table user_permission(用户权限对照表)

userId permissionid

5、table group_permission(用户组权限对照表)

groupId permissionid
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5

6、table user_group(用户用户组对照表)

userId groupId
1 2
2 2

7、Start with...Connect By子句递归查询

select p.id, p.name, p.link , p.depth , p.parentId, p.description , p.showAsMenu
from permission p join (select gp.permissionid from user_group ug
join group_permission gp on ug.userid=1 and ug.groupid=gp.groupid union select up.permissionid
from user_permission up where up.userid=1) t on p.id=t.permissionid and p.showasmenu=1 and p.depth<=3
start with p.parentid=1 connect by prior p.id=p.parentid order siblings by p.id

select p.id, p.name, p.link , p.depth , p.parentId, p.description , p.showAsMenu
from permission p join (select gp.permissionid from user_group ug
join group_permission gp on ug.userid=1 and ug.groupid=gp.groupid union select up.permissionid
from user_permission up where up.userid=1) t on p.id=t.permissionid and p.showasmenu=1 and p.depth<=3
start with p.parentid=1 connect by prior p.id=p.parentid order siblings by p.id

O了, 显示效果就不写了!
