(function(window,undefined){ var _toString = {}.toString, _is, _writeScript, _listUrl, _scriptMap = { method_url : {},// method --> url < method : url > < 1 : 1 > url_method : {},// url --> method < url : [method,method] > < 1 : n > visited : {}, writted : {}, wait_write:[] }, _isReady = false, alfred = { author : "alfred", version : 1.01, global : this, doc : this.document, reset : function(it){alfred.global[it]=alfred;}, log : function() { if(window.console && console.log){ return console.log(arguments) } }, isNumber : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object number\]$/)}, isString : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object string\]$/)}, isFunction : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object function\]$/)}, isObject : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object object\]$/)}, isArray : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object array\]$/)}, isBoolean : function(it){return typeof it ==='boolean'}, isDom : function(it){return _is(it,/^\[object html\w+\]$/)}, require : function(method){ var m2u = _scriptMap.method_url, u2m = _scriptMap.url_method, r; if(!(m2u[method])){throw "Error : you need setMethod first"} if (!_scriptMap.visited[m2u[method][0]] && !_scriptMap.writted[m2u[method][0]]) { //haven't be visited or write _scriptMap.visited[m2u[method][0]] = true; //use an beautiful code in here for(; m2u[method][1].length &&(r=m2u[method][1].shift());) { require(r); } _listUrl(); } }, setMethod : function(url,method,rely){ var i, method = alfred.isArray(method)? method:[method], rely = alfred.isArray(rely)?rely:[rely]; if (url && !_scriptMap.url_method[url]){ _scriptMap.url_method[url] = method; for (;method.length&&(i=method.shift());) { _scriptMap.method_url[i] = {"0" : url, "1" : rely}; } return this; } throw "Error : you are setMethod in an old method"; }, extend : function(){ var deep = false, len, options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1; len = arguments.length; if (!len) { return this; } if(alfred.isBoolean(target)) { deep = arguments[0]; to = arguments[1]; i = 2; } if (!(alfred.isObject(target) || alfred.isFunction(target))) { target = {}; } if (len = i) { target = this; --i; } for (;iif ((options=arguments[i])!==null) { for (name in options) { copy = options[name]; src = target[name]; if(src){throw "Becareful : you are rewrite the "+_handle+"."+name+"!"} if (copy===target) {continue} if (deep && copy && (alfred.isObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = alfred.isArray(copy)))) { if (copyIsArray) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && alfred.isArray(src) ? src : []; } else { clone = src && alfred.isObject(src) ? src : []; } target[ name ] = alfred.extend( deep, clone, copy ); } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[name] = copy; } }; }; }; }, ready : function(callback){ _checkReady(callback); }, each : function(arg,callback){ for(var i in arg){ if(arg[i]) { callback.call(arg[i],i); } } return arg; } }; //私有函数开始 _is = function(it,type){ return type.test(_toString.call(it).toLowerCase()); }; _waitReady = function(){ if(document.readyState != "loaded" && document.readyState != "complete") { var time = setTimeout(arguments.callee,0); return; } clearTimeout(time); } _checkReady = function(callback){ if(document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){ _waitReady(); callback(); }); } if(document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", function(){ _waitReady(); callback(); } ); } }; _listUrl = function(){ var l = _scriptMap.visited,i; for(i in l){ _scriptMap.wait_write.push(i); } _scriptMap.wait_write.reverse(); _writeScript(); }; _writeScript = function(){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0),len = _scriptMap.wait_write.length; for (var i;_scriptMap.wait_write.length&&(i=_scriptMap.wait_write.shift());) { var script = document.createElement("script"), url = i || ""; script.setAttribute("async",true); script.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("src",url); head.appendChild(script); _scriptMap.writted[url] = true; }; }; window.alfred = alfred; })(window)
alfred.setMethod("basic.js",["alfred","alfred.global","alfred.doc","alfred.reset","alfred.log","alfred.isNumber","alfred.isFunction","alfred.isArray","alfred.isObject","alfred.isString","alfred.isBoolean","alfred.require","alfred.setMethod","alfred.extend"],[]); alfred.setMethod("query/query.js",["alfred.dom","alfred.dom.fn","alfred.dom.fn.init","alfred.dom.fn.extend","alfred.dom.fn.item","alfred.dom.fn.eq","alfred.dom.fn.append","alfred.dom.fn.prepend","alfred.dom.fn.find","alfred.dom.fn.attr","alfred.dom.fn.html","alfred.dom.fn.each","alfred.dom.fn.size","alfred.dom.fn.sort","alfred.dom.fn.push","alfred.dom.fn.splice","alfred.dom.fn.length","alfred.dom.fn.context","alfred.dom.fn.size"],[]);
(function(window,alfred,undefined){ var slice = Array.prototype.slice, indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf, trim = String.prototype.trim, _creat = /^\<(\w+)(\s.*)+\>(.*)\<\/\1\>$/, trim = trim ? function(text) { return text == null ? "" : trim.call( text ); } : // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality function(text) { return text == null ? "" : text.toString().replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,""); }; alfred.dom = function(){ return new alfred.dom.fn.init(arguments); }; alfred.dom.fn = alfred.dom.prototype = { constructor : alfred.dom, init : function(){ var arg = arguments[0], select = arg[0], doc = arg[1] || alfred.doc,//选择区域控制 dom; //没有输入 或输入为 “” if(!select) { return this; } if ( select === "body" && document.body ) { this.context = document.body; this[0] = document.body; this.select = select; this.length = 1; return this; } //输入就是DOM 直接封装到选择器方便增加函数。 if (select.nodeType) { this.context = this[0] = select; this.length = 1; return this; } if(select.context) { for(var i =0;ithis[i] = select[i]; } this.context = select.context; this.length = select.length; return this; } // 如果是为HTML5 选择ID 为了安全 强制限制输入ID 类型 #ID if (alfred.isBoolean(arg[1])) { this.context = this[0] = document.getElementById(select.replace("#","")); this.length = 1; return this; } // 不是绘图模式。是个字符 if (alfred.isString(select)) { // 如果是创建个属性。千万不要在里面乱搞空格。'style="width: 12px; "' if (_creat.test(select)) { dom = _creat.exec(select.replace(/\s+/g," ").replace(/\'|\"/g,"").replace(/\;\s/g,";").replace(/\:\s/g,":")); this.context = this[0] = document.createElement(dom[1]); this.length = 1; var i = dom[2].replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"").split(" "),j; for(; i.length && (j = i.shift().split("="));) { this.attr(j[0],j[1]); } this.html(dom[3]); return this; } else//亲,你要选择DOM 了。。 { dom = alfred.dom.fn.find(select,doc); for(i in dom){i==='item' ? "" : this[i] = dom[i];} this.context = dom; return this; } } }, context : "", length : 0, push : Array.prototype.push, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice, extend : alfred.extend }; //回归绑定和继承到init上。这样就可以实现扩展了。 jquery 就是这样做的。 alfred.dom.fn.init.prototype = alfred.dom.fn; alfred.dom.fn.extend({ size : function(){return this.length}, item : function(){ var _doms = { length : 0, context :[], sort : [].sort, splice : [].splice }; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length;i++) { _doms[i] = this[i]; _doms.context.push(this[i]); } _doms.length = i; return _doms; }, eq:function(){ return alfred.dom(this.item.apply(this,arguments)); }, find : function(select,context){ //如果你的浏览器给力的话。 if(document.querySelectorAll) { return context.querySelectorAll(select); } throw "Error please use the webkit or mozilla browser or IE8+"// 以后完善 暂时不支持 }, attr : function(){ var args =arguments; if(args.length===1) { this.each(function(){ this.getAttribute(args[0]) }); } if(args.length===2) { this.each(function(){ this.setAttribute(args[0],args[1]); }); } return this; }, html:function(it){ if(it){ var it = alfred.isObject(it)&& it.context ? it[0] : it; this.each(function(){this.innerHTML = it;}); return this; } return this.innerHTML; }, each : function(callback){ for(var i in this){ if(this[i].nodeType) { callback.call(this[i],i); } } return this; }, append:function(it){ this.each(function(){ if(alfred.isString(it)) { this.innerHTML += it; } if(it.nodeType) { this.appendChild(it); } if(it.context) { for(var i =0;i this.appendChild(it[i]); } } return this; }); return this; }, prepend : function(it){ this.each(function(){ if(alfred.isString(it)) { this.innerHTML = it+this.innerHTML; } if(it.nodeType) { this.insertBefore(it,this.firstChild); } if(it.context) { for(var i =0;i this.insertBefore(it[i],this.firstChild); } } }); return this; }, bind : function(type,callback){ if(alfred.isDom(this)) { if(document.attachEvent) { this.attachEvent("on"+type,callback); } if (document.addEventListener) { this.attachEvent(type,callback,false); } } if(!alfred.isString(this)&&!alfred.isNumber(this)) { this[type] = this[type] || []; this[type].push(callback); } return this; }, trigger : function(type,data){ if(alfred.isDom(this)) { if(document) { } if(document) { } } if(!alfred.isString(this)&&!alfred.isNumber(this)) { for(var i=0;i<this[type].length;i++) { this[type][i](); } } return this; }, unbind : function(type){ if(alfred.isDom(this)) { if(document.removeEventListener) { this.removeEventListener(type) } if(document.detachEvent) { this.detachEvent("on"+type); } } if(!alfred.isString(this)&&!alfred.isNumber(this)) { this[type]=[]; } }, }); })(window,alfred)
文件的路径要在数据库文件对应就可以进行require 或者自己手动setMethod
不喜欢我的全局变量 可以象上面那样