
本文翻译自:How to measure execution time of javascript code with callbacks

I have a piece of javascript code that I am executing using the node.js interpreter. 我有一段javascript代码,我正在使用node.js解释器执行。

for(var i = 1; i < LIMIT; i++){
    db.users.save({id : i, name : "MongoUser [" + i + "]"}, function(err, saved) {
          if( err || !saved ) console.log("Error");
          else console.log("Saved");

I want to know how to measure the time taken by these db insert operations. 我想知道如何测量这些数据库插入操作所花费的时间。 I could compute the difference of Date values after and before this piece of code but that would be incorrect because of the asynchronous nature of the code. 我可以计算这段代码之前和之前的Date值的差异,但由于代码的异步性质,这将是不正确的。




You could give Benchmark.js a try. 您可以试试Benchmark.js 。 It supports many platforms among them also node.js. 它支持其中的许多平台node.js.


var start = +new Date();
var counter = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < LIMIT; i++){
    db.users.save({id : i, name : "MongoUser [" + i + "]"}, function(err, saved) {
          if( err || !saved ) console.log("Error");
          else console.log("Saved");
          if (--counter === 0) 
              var end = +new Date();
              console.log("all users saved in " + (end-start) + " milliseconds");


There is a method that is designed for this. 有一种专门为此而设计的方法。 Check out process.hrtime(); 查看process.hrtime(); .

So, I basically put this at the top of my app. 所以,我基本上把它放在我的应用程序的顶部。

var start = process.hrtime();

var elapsed_time = function(note){
    var precision = 3; // 3 decimal places
    var elapsed = process.hrtime(start)[1] / 1000000; // divide by a million to get nano to milli
    console.log(process.hrtime(start)[0] + " s, " + elapsed.toFixed(precision) + " ms - " + note); // print message + time
    start = process.hrtime(); // reset the timer

Then I use it to see how long functions take. 然后我用它来看看函数需要多长时间。 Here's a basic example that prints the contents of a text file called "output.txt": 这是打印名为“output.txt”的文本文件内容的基本示例:

var debug = true;
http.createServer(function(request, response) {

    if(debug) console.log("----------------------------------");
    if(debug) elapsed_time("recieved request");

    var send_html = function(err, contents) {
        if(debug) elapsed_time("start send_html()");
        response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html' } );
        if(debug) elapsed_time("end send_html()");

    if(debug) elapsed_time("start readFile()");
    fs.readFile('output.txt', send_html);
    if(debug) elapsed_time("end readFile()");


Here's a quick test you can run in a terminal (BASH shell): 这是一个可以在终端(BASH shell)中运行的快速测试:

for i in {1..100}; do echo $i; curl http://localhost:8080/; done


Use the Node.js console.time() and console.timeEnd() : 使用Node.js console.time()console.timeEnd()

var i;

for(i = 1; i < LIMIT; i++){
    db.users.save({id : i, name : "MongoUser [" + i + "]"}, end);

end = function(err, saved) {
    console.log(( err || !saved )?"Error":"Saved");
    if(--i === 1){console.timeEnd("dbsave");}


Invoking console.time('label') will record the current time in milliseconds, then later calling console.timeEnd('label') will display the duration from that point. 调用console.time('label')将以毫秒为单位记录当前时间,然后调用console.timeEnd('label')将显示该点的持续时间。

The time in milliseconds will be automatically printed alongside the label, so you don't have to make a separate call to console.log to print a label: 以毫秒为单位的时间将自动与标签一起打印,因此您无需单独调用console.log来打印标签:

//some code
console.timeEnd('test'); //Prints something like that-> test: 11374.004ms

For more information, see Mozilla's developer docs on console.time . 有关更多信息,请参阅有关console.time Mozilla开发人员文档 。
