IDC簡介 |
Internet數據庫連接器(IDC,Internet Database Connector)技術最早出現於Microsoft Internet Information Server 2.0版本中,Web客戶通過IDC訪問Web服務器上的數據。IDC使用戶通過瀏覽器可以瀏覽服務器上的信息和訪問後臺數據庫。IDC是ISAPI的一個具體實現,利用IDC生成一個從客戶端HTML頁面到服務器端IIS的數據庫操作。它是一個HTTPODBC.DLL(動態連接庫)。
1 建立後臺數據庫
2.出現內容為“The database device was successfully created.”的提示框。單擊確定。在Database Devices下多了一個新建的設備stu95。
3.出現Manage Tables框。輸入所需的字段。如:
4.單擊保存圖標,出現Specify Table Name框,在New Table Name欄中輸入表名,如people。單擊OK。
3 編寫HTML文件
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Theme" content ="none" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > < title > 同學通訊錄 </ title > </ head > < body bgcolor ="#FFFFFF" > < p >< big > 同學通訊錄: </ big ></ p > < p > </ p > < p >< big >< big > < a href ="search.htm" > 查詢 </ a ></ big ></ big ></ p > < p >< big >< big > < a href ="http://misserver/add.htm" > 添加 </ a ></ big ></ big ></ p > </ body > </ html > add.htm源文件 < html > < head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > < title > 添加記錄 </ title > </ head > < body > < p > </ p > < p > 請在下表中填寫相關的信息: </ p > < form method ="POST" action ="scripts/class/add.idc" > < table border ="1" cellpadding ="0" width ="100%" > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 姓名: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtname" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 年齡: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtage" size ="2" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 性別: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="radio" value ="男" checked name ="gender" > 男 < input type ="radio" name ="gender" value ="女" > 女 </ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 電話: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtphone" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > Email: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtemail" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p >< input type ="submit" value ="添加" name ="cmdadd" ></ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="reset" value ="清除" name ="cmdclear" ></ td > </ tr > </ table > </ form > < p >< a href ="class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
< head > < title > 同學通訊錄 </ title > </ head > < body bgcolor ="#FFFFFF" > < form method ="POST" action ="/scripts/class/search.idc" > < p > 輸入您想查詢的同學姓名: </ p > < p >< input type ="text" name ="txtname" size ="20" >< input type ="submit" value ="開始" name ="B1" >< input type ="reset" value ="清除" name ="B2" ></ p > </ form > < p >< a href ="class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
4 編寫IDC文件
Datasource:class Username:sa Password: Template:add.htx SQLStatement: + INSERT INTO people(NAME,AGE, SEX, PHONE, email) + VALUES( ' %txtname%',convert(int,'%txtage%'),'%gender%', + ' %txtphone%','%txtemail%')
Datasource:class Username:sa Password: Template:edit.htx SQLStatement: + UPDATE people + SET NAME = ' %txtname%',AGE=convert(int,'%txtage%'), + SEX = ' %gender%', + PHONE = ' %txtphone%', email='%txtemail%' + WHERE (name = ' %hidname%') + AND (age = convert( int , ' %hidage%')) + AND (sex = ' %hidgender%') + AND (phone = ' %hidphone%') + AND (email = ' %hidemail%')
Datasource:class Username:sa Password: Template:delete.htx SQLStatement: + DELETE FROM people + WHERE (name = ' %hidname%') + AND (age = convert( int , ' %hidage%')) + AND (sex = ' %hidgender%') + AND (phone = ' %hidphone%') + AND (email = ' %hidemail%')
Datasource:class Username:sa Password: Template:search.htx SQLStatement: + SELECT NAME,AGE, SEX, PHONE, email + from stu.DBO.people + where name = ' %txtname%'
5 編寫HTX文件
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > < title > 添加結果 </ title > </ head > < body > < p > </ p > < p > 下面的信息是您剛添加到庫中的: </ p > < p > </ p > < form method ="POST" action ="edit.idc" > < input type ="hidden" name ="hidage" value ="<%idc.txtage%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidemail" value ="<%idc.txtemail%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidgender" value ="<%idc.gender%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidname" value ="<%idc.txtname%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidphone" value ="<%idc.txtphone%>" >< table border ="1" cellpadding ="0" width ="100%" > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 姓名: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtname" size ="20" value ="<%idc.txtname%>" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 年齡: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtage" size ="20" value ="<%idc.txtage%>" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 性別: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="gender" size ="20" value ="<%idc.gender%>" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 電話: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtphone" size ="20" value ="<%idc.txtphone%>" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > Email: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtemail" size ="20" value ="<%idc.txtemail%>" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="100%" colspan ="2" > nbsp; < input type ="submit" value ="修改" name ="cmdedit" ></ td > </ tr > </ table > </ form > < form action ="delete.idc" method ="POST" > < input type ="hidden" name ="hidage" value ="<%idc.txtage%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidemail" value ="<%idc.txtemail%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidgender" value ="<%idc.gender%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidname" value ="<%idc.txtname%>" >< input type ="hidden" name ="hidphone" value ="<%idc.txtphone%>" >< table width ="528" > < tr > < td width ="528" >< div align ="left" >< p > < input type ="submit" value ="刪除" name ="cmddelete" ></ td > </ tr > </ table > </ form > </ body > </ html >
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < title > 記錄已修改成功 </ title > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Theme" content ="none" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > </ head > < body > < p > 記錄已修改成功! < a href ="http://misserver/class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < title > 記錄已刪除成功 </ title > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Theme" content ="none" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > </ head > < body > < p > 記錄已刪除成功! < a href ="http://misserver/class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > < p > </ p > </ body > </ html >
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="tl, default" > < title > 查詢結果 </ title > < meta name ="Microsoft Theme" content ="none" > </ head > < body bgcolor ="#FFFFFF" > <% if idc.txtname eq "" %> < h2 > 通訊錄中 </ h2 > <% else %> < h2 > 通訊錄中含 < i > <% idc.txtname %> </ i > 字樣的查詢結果為 </ h2 > <% endif %> < table border ="1" cellpaddint ="10" > <% begindetail %><% if CurrentRecord eq 0 %> < caption > 查詢結果: </ caption > < tr > < td >< b > 姓名 </ b > </ td > < td >< b > 年齡 </ b ></ td > < td >< b > 性別 </ b ></ td > < td >< b > 電話 </ b ></ td > < td >< b > Email </ b ></ td > </ tr > <% endif %> < tr > < td > <% name %> </ td > < td align ="right" > <% age %> </ td > < td > <% sex %> </ td > < td > <% phone %> </ td > < td > <% email %> </ td > </ tr > <% enddetail %> </ table > <% if CurrentRecord eq 0 %> < i >< b > < p ></ b ></ i >< em >< font color ="#0000FF" >< strong >< big > 沒有含 <% idc.txtname %> 的記錄,請重新檢索 </ big ></ strong >< b > ! </ b ></ font > </ em ></ p > <% endif %> < p >< a href ="http://misserver/search.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
6 調試 class.htm文件:
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Theme" content ="none" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > < title > 同學通訊錄 </ title > </ head > < body bgcolor ="#FFFFFF" > < p >< big > 同學通訊錄: </ big ></ p > < p > </ p > < p >< big >< big > < a href ="search.htm" > 查詢 </ a ></ big ></ big ></ p > < p >< big >< big > < a href ="http://misserver/add.htm" > 添加 </ a ></ big ></ big ></ p > </ body > </ html >
< head > < meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=gb2312" > < meta name ="GENERATOR" content ="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0" > < meta name ="Microsoft Border" content ="none" > < title > 添加記錄 </ title > </ head > < body > < p > </ p > < p > 請在下表中填寫相關的信息: </ p > < form method ="POST" action ="scripts/class/add.idc" > < table border ="1" cellpadding ="0" width ="100%" > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 姓名: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtname" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 年齡: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtage" size ="2" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 性別: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="radio" value ="男" checked name ="gender" > 男 < input type ="radio" name ="gender" value ="女" > 女 </ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > 電話: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtphone" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p > Email: </ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="text" name ="txtemail" size ="20" ></ td > </ tr > < tr > < td width ="50%" >< div align ="right" >< p >< input type ="submit" value ="添加" name ="cmdadd" ></ td > < td width ="50%" >< input type ="reset" value ="清除" name ="cmdclear" ></ td > </ tr > </ table > </ form > < p >< a href ="class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
< head > < title > 同學通訊錄 </ title > </ head > < body bgcolor ="#FFFFFF" > < form method ="POST" action ="/scripts/class/search.idc" > < p > 輸入您想查詢的同學姓名: </ p > < p >< input type ="text" name ="txtname" size ="20" >< input type ="submit" value ="開始" name ="B1" >< input type ="reset" value ="清除" name ="B2" ></ p > </ form > < p >< a href ="class.htm" > 返回 </ a ></ p > </ body > </ html >
4 編寫IDC文件
示例.idc文件中數據源的名稱(Datasource)為“CLASS”。用戶名(Username)為sa、密碼(Password)未設,來保證到ODBC數據源的有效登錄,通常sa權限最高,它為係統默認的管理員。TEMPLATE模板指定用於輸出結果的相應HTX文件。SQL Statement是要執行的SQL語句。本例中四個SQL語句是從stu數據庫people表中選取NAME、AGE、SEX、PHONE、EMAIL字段,IDC對數據庫中的數據進行增加、修改、刪除和檢索等操作,並將結果通過相應的HTML擴展文件(.htx)輸出。
5 編寫HTX文件
<form method="POST" action="edit.idc"> |