This is my first CodeProject article. I would like to show you the most important changes in the System.Configuration namespace with .NET 2.0. I have looked at my blog referrer statistics and saw about 20 hits/day by Google. Most of them were searching information on how to configure the new Enterprise Library but there are also a significant number of people that seem to seek answers to the following questions:
mechanism? Reason enough for me to shed more light on the System.Configuration
namespace. The main changes from .NET 1.0/1.1 in the System.Configuration
namespace are:
File SqlConfiguration
exercises this by implementing a SqlConfigurationSource
which can store and retrieve a ConfigurationSection So where to start? I think first I will show you the config file and explain how you can create it programmatically in your application.
If you want to store only key/value pairs in your App.config file there is a special section in reserved which allows you to do exactly that. Simply add an <appsettings>
section and add your data as key/value pairs of the form <add key="xxx" value="xxxx" />
. That's all to create a new app.config file with settings in it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Setting1" value="Very" />
<add key="Setting2" value="Easy" />
The data access API has been changed for this type of setting with .NET 2.0. The "old" one liner ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
has been deprecated in favor of ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
. Apart from the naming change you can now also write your application settings. For read only access you can look at the ShowConfig
function defined below. Writing the last modification time is demonstrated in the Main
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
namespace AppSettings
class Program
static void ShowConfig()
// For read access you do not need to call OpenExeConfiguraton
foreach(string key in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings)
string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", key, value);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Open App.Config of executable
System.Configuration.Configuration config =
// Add an Application Setting.
DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " ");
// Save the changes in App.config file.
// Force a reload of a changed section.
Expected Output:
Key: Settings1, Value: Very
Key: Setting2, Value: Easy
Key: Settings1, Value: Very
Key: Setting2, Value: Easy
Key: Modification Date, Value: 01:21:03
With this mechanism you can read and update simple key/value pairs within your application without digging any deeper in the System.Configuration
namespace. The following examples show the other features like the new Windows forms configuration mechanism, create your own configuration section and how you can easily store lists of objects in the App.config file with the new Enterprise Library helper classes.
When developing Windows Forms with VS2005 you get for free a new configuration mechanism. The Windows Forms designers were so nice to create an access class automatically from your config values and came up with a consistent model to store application global config files in the app.config.exe file and user specific settings within the user profile in user.config. Please note that the Forms configuration model is not available in class library projects since you have no App.config file for your DLL. When you add a settings file to your class library project you can merge the settings with the App.config file of your hosting executable. This can be useful if you want to enforce that every application that uses your library can have its own settings inside the App.config file of the executable. You have the freedom to store your settings wherever you would like to. Any provider can be plugged into your config data access class by decorating your configuration class with the SettingsProviderAttribute. If none is specified, the LocalFileSettingsProvider is used which relies on System.Configuration
. This is the reason why you do not need to reference the System.Configuration
assembly in a Windows form, but you see the System.Configuration
assembly loaded in your Windows forms application. You can check it with the debugger in the loaded modules list.
Below is a new Windows Forms project shown which was generated via New->Project->Windows Application. The new configuration features are visible in the Properties folder of your project. There go your resources and the automatically generated strongly typed resource access class with static properties to allow easy and type safe access to your resources. This is similar to the old C programming model with Windows resources. You had an header file with resource ids generated by the resource compiler which spits out a header file which is compiled (compile time checking of the existence of resources) and an object file which is linked into your target. Now you have also compile time checking in .NET if you access your resources via the static properties.
The configuration features surface in the auto generated Settings.settings file and Settings.Designer.cs. To create new configuration values you have full Designer integration within Visual Studio (see picture below). In your code you can read/modify these settings via the generated access class. Inside the visual editor you can choose between two scopes for each of your configuration settings: Application and User. The Application scope defines configuration values which cannot be changed by the user and are the same for all users of this application. User scoped settings on the other hand can be changed/created by, well the users and are stored within their local profile. Application scoped settings cannot be altered when you save your settings. Only the user settings are written to disk during a save operation!
VS 2005 generated Windows Forms application skeleton.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Profiles />
<Setting Name="testSetting" Type="System.String" Scope="User">
<Value Profile="(Default)">Form1</Value>
namespace WindowsApplication1.Properties
internal sealed partial class Settings :
private static Settings defaultInstance = ((Settings)
new Settings())));
public static Settings Default
get { return defaultInstance; }
public string testSetting
get { return ((string)(this["testSetting"])); }
set { this["testSetting"] = value; }
To load your settings programmatically, you only need to do a:
Settings set = Settings.Default;
and access your settings via the property of the returned instance.
string str = set.testSetting;
Wow that was easy. Wasn´t it? Now let's save our changed test setting:
set.testSetting = "test value";
That's pretty much it. To display some of your settings in your form you can use data binding and let your users configure the application font, color, .... User specific settings are stored in %APPDATA%\<AppName>\<AppName><AppConfigName_GUID>\<AssemblyVersion>\user.config. The path to the user config on my machine is e.g. %APPDATA%\WindowsApplication1\WindowsApplication1.exe_Url_x00ebzylso3e0rtwd1pnxkhduwr34pgb\ This enables you to install a Windows Forms App as Administrator for all users with some global settings in the executable App.config and user specific settings which are stored in the user profile. If your users are in a domain with a roaming profile they will get the same profile and thus the same user settings on every computer they work.
Yes it is. Even more: these nice classes do rely heavily on the System.Configuration
features. Each user/application section is put into its own ConfigurationSectionGroupCollection
which can be accessed programmatically. Every group does contain one or more configuration section/s of the type ClientSettingsSection
which serves as a container for your strongly typed key/value pairs. The following code enumerates all your auto generated settings and prints them out to the Console.
// Get the application configuration file.
System.Configuration.Configuration config =
// Get the collection of the section groups.
ConfigurationSectionGroupCollection sectionGroups = config.SectionGroups;
// Show the configuration values
static void ShowSectionGroupCollectionInfo(
ConfigurationSectionGroupCollection sectionGroups)
ClientSettingsSection clientSection;
SettingValueElement value;
foreach(ConfigurationSectionGroup group in sectionGroups)
// Loop over all groups
// Only the ones which are actually defined in app.config
Console.WriteLine("Group {0}", group.Name);
// get all sections inside group
foreach(ConfigurationSection section in group.Sections)
clientSection = section as ClientSettingsSection;
Console.WriteLine("\tSection: {0}", section);
if(clientSection == null)
foreach(SettingElement set in clientSection.Settings)
value = set.Value as SettingValueElement;
// print out value of each section
Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}: {1}",
To open another App.Config file, you need to create an instance of "">ExeConfigurationFileMap
. The purpose of this class is not that obvious but we can use it to open another file. Once you have learnt this little trick the rest is easy. Here is a little example that opens a file by specifying it's name, makes some changes to it and writes the changes to disk.
ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
fileMap.ExeConfigFilename = @"ConfigTest.exe.config";
// relative path names possible
// Open another config file
Configuration config =
//read/write from it as usual
ConfigurationSection mySection = config.GetSection("mySection");
config.SectionGroups.Clear(); // make changes to it
config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Full); // Save changes
The Microsoft Enterprise Library way has a shorthand utility class for this. It is the FileConfigurationSource
which hides those strange things. Tom Hollander has a nice post explaining this already so I will not repeat the same here.
A more advanced way to store our settings is to create our own ConfigurationSection
. This makes our configuration values distinguishable from other configuration values inside the App.config file. It is a little more complicated since you have to write your own class whose content is de/serialized to the App.config file. I am going to show you at first the config file and then explain what code you need to write to read/save these settings to your application configuration file.
<section name="EditorSettings"
ConfigurationMigrationQuickStart, Version=,
<EditorSettings name="Verdana" size="24" style="2" />
Most App.config files which contain config data have a <configSections>
element where many <section>
are defined. The name attribute of a section (in this example "EditorSettings
") tells the config system that the class ConfigurationMigrationQuickStart.EditorFontData
is responsible for the ser/deserialization of the node <EditorSettings>
. The EditorFontData
class derives from the ",VS.80).aspx">ConfigurationSection
class and uses the ",VS.80).aspx">ConfigurationProperty
attribute to create a mapping between the properties to de/serialize and the attribute names in names in the App.Config file.
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
public class EditorFontData : ConfigurationSection
public EditorFontData()
public string Name
get { return (string)this["name"]; }
set { this["name"] = value; }
public float Size
get { return (float)this["size"]; }
set { this["size"] = value; }
public int Style
get { return (int)this["style"]; }
set { this["style"]= value; }
To access an EditorFontData
instance with values from your config file you only need to call: EditorFontData configData = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("EditorSettings")
as EditorFontData;
Please note that the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
returns only objects with read only properties. Subsequent calls to GetSection
use the cached instance inside the ConfigurationManager
. This constraint requires you to create every time a new instance for you e.g. EditorFontData
object if you want to write to the App.config file. You even cannot add an object with the same name twice to the System.Configuration.Configuration
object. Now comes the fun part: To edit an existing App.config file you have to remove your config
object and then add a new object instance to the Configuration
object. Only then the Save will succeed.
EditorFontData configData = new EditorFontData();
configData.Name = "Arial";
configData.Size = 20;
configData.Style = 2;
Configuration config =
// You need to remove the old settings object before you can replace it
// with an updated one
config.Sections.Add("EditorSettings", configData);
// Write the new configuration data to the XML file
To get your hands on the System.Configuration.Configuration
object you have to open your App.Config file. The .NET config mechanism supports setting inheritance from the Machine.config
from which all settings are inherited. Next comes the App.Config file which is selected by the ConfigurationUserLevel.None file.
settings inside SQL server with the help of the (patched) Microsoft Enterprise Library. Appdomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve
event handler the request for a not existing "System.XmlSerializers
" assembly. This has something to do with the on the fly generated assemblies by XmlSerializer
but I do not understand why I should know about this. In the handler I had to alter my application logic to skip this not existing assembly. If you consider this a bug you can vote here.
Released v1.0 on CodeProject which is based on my article at my blog which also dives into more details regarding the Enterprise Library Configuration system.