
For a typical web application you need the following module jars:

  • org.springframework.web.servlet

  • org.springframework.web

  • org.springframework.asm

  • org.springframework.beans

  • org.springframework.core

  • org.springframework.context

  • org.springframework.expression

Since most web applications use logging and basic AOP features, you need the following required third-party offerings:

  • commons-logging-1.1.1

  • aopalliance-1.0 (only if you use org.springframework.aop)

If you need database access using your preferred ORM tool, you also need these module jars:

  • org.springframework.orm

  • org.springframework.jdbc

  • org.springframework.tx

  • org.springframework.aop

You also need any dependencies used by your ORM tool of choice and by your JDBC driver.

Adjust any servlet/web dependencies to the versions needed for your servlet container:

  • servlet-api-2.4

  • jsp-api-2.1

  • jstl-1.2
