Note: The 2nd one compiles fail on VC2005.??
Note: The 2nd one compiles fail on VC2005.??
By SmartPtr(
说起C++的模板及模板特化, 相信很多人都很熟悉 ,但是说到模板特化的几种类型,相信了解的人就不是很多。我这里归纳了针对一个模板参数的类模板特化的几种类型, 一是特化为绝对类型; 二是特化为引用,指针类型;三是特化为另外一个类模板。
general version
template < class T >
class Compare
public :
static bool IsEqual( const T & lh, const T & rh)
return lh == rh;
template < class T >
class Compare
public :
static bool IsEqual( const T & lh, const T & rh)
return lh == rh;
这是一个用于比较的类模板,里面可以有多种用于比较的函数, 以IsEqual为例。
也就是说直接为某个特定类型做特化,这是我们最常见的一种特化方式, 如特化为float, double等
specialize for float
template <>
class Compare < float >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const float & lh, const float & rh)
return abs(lh - rh) < 10e - 3 ;
// specialize for double
template <>
class Compare < double >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const double & lh, const double & rh)
return abs(lh - rh) < 10e - 6 ;
template <>
class Compare < float >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const float & lh, const float & rh)
return abs(lh - rh) < 10e - 3 ;
// specialize for double
template <>
class Compare < double >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const double & lh, const double & rh)
return abs(lh - rh) < 10e - 6 ;
这种特化我最初是在stl源码的的iterator_traits特化中发现的, 如下:
struct iterator_traits {
typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename _Iterator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Iterator::reference reference;
// specialize for _Tp*
template < class _Tp >
struct iterator_traits < _Tp *> {
typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Tp * pointer;
typedef _Tp & reference;
// specialize for const _Tp*
template < class _Tp >
struct iterator_traits < const _Tp *> {
typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const _Tp * pointer;
typedef const _Tp & reference;
struct iterator_traits {
typedef typename _Iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename _Iterator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Iterator::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Iterator::reference reference;
// specialize for _Tp*
template < class _Tp >
struct iterator_traits < _Tp *> {
typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef _Tp * pointer;
typedef _Tp & reference;
// specialize for const _Tp*
template < class _Tp >
struct iterator_traits < const _Tp *> {
typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const _Tp * pointer;
typedef const _Tp & reference;
当然,除了T*, 我们也可以将T特化为 const T*, T&, const T&等,以下还是以T*为例:
specialize for T*
template < class T >
class Compare < T *>
public :
static bool IsEqual( const T * lh, const T * rh)
return Compare < T > ::IsEqual( * lh, * rh);
template < class T >
class Compare < T *>
public :
static bool IsEqual( const T * lh, const T * rh)
return Compare < T > ::IsEqual( * lh, * rh);
这种特化其实是就不是一种绝对的特化, 它只是对类型做了某些限定,但仍然保留了其一定的模板性,这种特化给我们提供了极大的方便, 如这里, 我们就不需要对int*, float*, double*等等类型分别做特化了。
specialize for vector<T>
template < class T >
class Compare < vector < T > >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const vector < T >& lh, const vector < T >& rh)
if (lh.size() != rh.size()) return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lh.size(); ++ i)
if (lh[i] != rh[i]) return false ;
return true ;
template < class T >
class Compare < vector < T > >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const vector < T >& lh, const vector < T >& rh)
if (lh.size() != rh.size()) return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lh.size(); ++ i)
if (lh[i] != rh[i]) return false ;
return true ;
这就把IsEqual的参数限定为一种vector类型, 但具体是vector<int>还是vector<float>, 我们可以不关心, 因为对于这两种类型,我们的处理方式是一样的,我们可以把这种方式称为“半特化”。
当然, 我们可以将其“半特化”为任何我们自定义的模板类类型:
specialize for any template class type
template < class T1 >
struct SpecializedType
T1 x1;
T1 x2;
template < class T >
class Compare < SpecializedType < T > >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const SpecializedType < T >& lh, const SpecializedType < T >& rh)
return Compare < T > ::IsEqual(lh.x1 + lh.x2, rh.x1 + rh.x2);
template < class T1 >
struct SpecializedType
T1 x1;
T1 x2;
template < class T >
class Compare < SpecializedType < T > >
public :
static bool IsEqual( const SpecializedType < T >& lh, const SpecializedType < T >& rh)
return Compare < T > ::IsEqual(lh.x1 + lh.x2, rh.x1 + rh.x2);
这就是三种类型的模板特化, 我们可以这么使用这个Compare类:
int i1 = 10 ;
int i2 = 10 ;
bool r1 = Compare < int > ::IsEqual(i1, i2);
// float
float f1 = 10 ;
float f2 = 10 ;
bool r2 = Compare < float > ::IsEqual(f1, f2);
// double
double d1 = 10 ;
double d2 = 10 ;
bool r3 = Compare < double > ::IsEqual(d1, d2);
// pointer
int * p1 = & i1;
int * p2 = & i2;
bool r4 = Compare < int *> ::IsEqual(p1, p2);
// vector<T>
vector < int > v1;
v1.push_back( 1 );
v1.push_back( 2 );
vector < int > v2;
v2.push_back( 1 );
v2.push_back( 2 );
bool r5 = Compare < vector < int > > ::IsEqual(v1, v2);
// custom template class
SpecializedType < float > s1 = { 10.1f , 10.2f };
SpecializedType < float > s2 = { 10.3f , 10.0f };
bool r6 = Compare < SpecializedType < float > > ::IsEqual(s1, s2);
int i1 = 10 ;
int i2 = 10 ;
bool r1 = Compare < int > ::IsEqual(i1, i2);
// float
float f1 = 10 ;
float f2 = 10 ;
bool r2 = Compare < float > ::IsEqual(f1, f2);
// double
double d1 = 10 ;
double d2 = 10 ;
bool r3 = Compare < double > ::IsEqual(d1, d2);
// pointer
int * p1 = & i1;
int * p2 = & i2;
bool r4 = Compare < int *> ::IsEqual(p1, p2);
// vector<T>
vector < int > v1;
v1.push_back( 1 );
v1.push_back( 2 );
vector < int > v2;
v2.push_back( 1 );
v2.push_back( 2 );
bool r5 = Compare < vector < int > > ::IsEqual(v1, v2);
// custom template class
SpecializedType < float > s1 = { 10.1f , 10.2f };
SpecializedType < float > s2 = { 10.3f , 10.0f };
bool r6 = Compare < SpecializedType < float > > ::IsEqual(s1, s2);
注:感谢longshanks对于本文中"类模板"与"模板类"概念的澄清,已更正 (2007-7-16)