How to make Office VBA code interact with a VSTO application-level add-in

How to make Office VBA code interact with a VSTO application-level add-in 代码
public   partial   class  ThisAddIn
protected   override   object  RequestComAddInAutomationService()
return   new  AutomationServiceFactory();
true ), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]
public   class  AutomationServiceFactory:IAutomationServiceFactory
        Sub RaiseAddinEvent()
            Dim service
            Dim vbaEvent
            Set service = Application.COMAddIns.Item("ExcelAddInStudy").Object
            Set vbaEvent = service.Create("")
            vbaEvent.Raise ("Thanks")
        End Sub
public   object  Create( string  objectId)
return   new  VbaEvents();
true ), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)]
public   interface  IVbaEvents
void  Raise( string  @event);
void  UpdateVertical( string  @event);
void  ApproveVertical( string  @event);
void  SaveQuota( int  @event);
true ), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]
public   class  VbaEvents : IVbaEvents
public   void  Raise( string  @event)

public   void  UpdateVertical( string  @event)
            VerticalMappingToolView vt 
=   new  VerticalMappingToolView();
public   void  ApproveVertical( string  @event)
             VerticalMappingToolView vt 
=   new  VerticalMappingToolView();

public   void  SaveQuota( int  @event)
