显示表中数据源的值,该表中的每一列代表一个字段,每一行代表一条记录。利用 GridView 控件可以选择、排序和编辑这些项。
< asp:GridView
AccessKey = " string "
AllowPaging = " True|False "
AllowSorting = " True|False "
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CellSpacing = " integer "
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DataMember = " string "
DataSource = " string "
DataSourceID = " string "
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Height = " size "
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ID = " string "
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OnDataBound = " DataBound event handler "
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OnLoad = " Load event handler "
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OnRowDataBound = " RowDataBound event handler "
OnRowDeleted = " RowDeleted event handler "
OnRowDeleting = " RowDeleting event handler "
OnRowEditing = " RowEditing event handler "
OnRowUpdated = " RowUpdated event handler "
OnRowUpdating = " RowUpdating event handler "
OnSelectedIndexChanged = " SelectedIndexChanged event handler "
OnSelectedIndexChanging = " SelectedIndexChanging event handler "
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OnSorting = " Sorting event handler "
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Style = " string "
TabIndex = " integer "
ToolTip = " string "
UseAccessibleHeader = " True|False "
Visible = " True|False "
Width = " size "
< AlternatingRowStyle />
< Columns >
< asp:BoundField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
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HeaderText = " string "
HtmlEncode = " True|False "
InsertVisible = " True|False "
NullDisplayText = " string "
ReadOnly = " True|False "
ShowHeader = " True|False "
SortExpression = " string "
Visible = " True|False "
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< asp:ButtonField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
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HeaderImageUrl = " uri "
HeaderText = " string "
ImageUrl = " uri "
InsertVisible = " True|False "
ShowHeader = " True|False "
SortExpression = " string "
Text = " string "
ValidationGroup = " string "
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SortExpression = " string "
Text = " string "
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< asp:CommandField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
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HeaderText = " string "
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ShowSelectButton = " True|False "
SortExpression = " string "
UpdateImageUrl = " uri "
UpdateText = " string "
ValidationGroup = " string "
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< asp:DynamicField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
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DataFormatString = " string "
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HeaderImageUrl = " uri "
HeaderText = " string "
HtmlEncode = " True|False "
InsertVisible = " True|False "
NullDisplayText = " string "
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UIHint = " string "
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< asp:HyperLinkField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
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HeaderText = " string "
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Text = " string "
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HeaderImageUrl = " uri "
HeaderText = " string "
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NullDisplayText = " string "
NullImageUrl = " uri "
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ShowHeader = " True|False "
SortExpression = " string "
Visible = " True|False "
< ControlStyle />
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< asp:TemplateField
AccessibleHeaderText = " string "
ConvertEmptyStringToNull = " True|False "
FooterText = " string "
HeaderImageUrl = " uri "
HeaderText = " string "
InsertVisible = " True|False "
ShowHeader = " True|False "
SortExpression = " string "
Visible = " True|False "
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< FooterStyle />
< HeaderStyle />
< ItemStyle />
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<!-- child controls -->
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< EditItemTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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< FooterTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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< HeaderTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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< InsertItemTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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< ItemTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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</ asp:TemplateField >
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< EditRowStyle />
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< EmptyDataTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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FirstPageImageUrl = " uri "
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PreviousPageText = " string "
Visible = " True|False "
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< PagerTemplate >
<!-- child controls -->
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< RowStyle />
< SelectedRowStyle />
</ asp:GridView >
GridView 控件用于显示表中数据源的值。每一列代表一个字段,每一行代表一条记录。有关使用 GridView 控件的更多信息,请参见 GridView Web 服务器控件概述。
DynamicField 对象是 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 中引入的新字段。它可由 ASP.NET 动态数据应用程序中的 GridView 控件使用。有关动态数据的更多信息,请参见 ASP.NET 动态数据概述。
下面的代码示例演示如何使用 GridView 控件显示 Microsoft SQL Server 中 Pubs 示例数据库的 Authors 表中的值。检索值时使用的是 SqlDataSource 控件。
<% @ Page language = " C# " %>
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" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd " >
< html >
< head runat = " server " >
< title > GridView Example </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< form id = " form1 " runat = " server " >
< h3 > GridView Example </ h3 >
< asp:gridview id = " CustomersGridView "
datasourceid = " CustomersSource "
autogeneratecolumns = " true "
emptydatatext = " No data available. "
allowpaging = " true "
runat = " server " >
</ asp:gridview >
<!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects -->
<!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET -->
<!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value -->
<!-- from the Web.config file. -->
< asp:sqldatasource id = " CustomersSource "
selectcommand = " Select [CustomerID], [CompanyName], [Address], [City], [PostalCode], [Country] From [Customers] "
connectionstring = " <%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%> "
runat = " server " />
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >