一、MutexLock 类
下面写两个程序测试一下CountDownLatch 的作用:
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#include <muduo/base/CountDownLatch.h>
#include <muduo/base/Thread.h> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> using namespace muduo; class Test { public: Test( int numThreads) : latch_( 1), threads_(numThreads) { for ( int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) { char name[ 32]; snprintf(name, sizeof name, "work thread %d", i); threads_.push_back( new muduo::Thread( boost::bind(&Test::threadFunc, this), muduo::string(name))); } for_each(threads_.begin(), threads_.end(), boost::bind(&Thread::start, _1)); } void run() { latch_.countDown(); } void joinAll() { for_each(threads_.begin(), threads_.end(), boost::bind(&Thread::join, _1)); } private: void threadFunc() { latch_.wait(); printf( "tid=%d, %s started\n", CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); printf( "tid=%d, %s stopped\n", CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); } CountDownLatch latch_; boost::ptr_vector<Thread> threads_; }; int main() { printf( "pid=%d, tid=%d\n", ::getpid(), CurrentThread::tid()); Test t( 3); sleep( 3); printf( "pid=%d, tid=%d %s running ...\n", ::getpid(), CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); t.run(); t.joinAll(); printf( "number of created threads %d\n", Thread::numCreated()); } |
simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/build/debug/bin$ ./countdownlatch_test1
pid=2994, tid=2994
pid=2994, tid=2994 main running ...
tid=2997, work thread 2 started
tid=2997, work thread 2 stopped
tid=2996, work thread 1 started
tid=2996, work thread 1 stopped
tid=2995, work thread 0 started
tid=2995, work thread 0 stopped
number of created threads 3
可以看到其他三个线程一直等到主线程睡眠完执行run(),在里面执行latch_.countDown() 将计数减为0,进而执行notifyall 唤醒后,才开始执行下来。
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#include <muduo/base/CountDownLatch.h>
#include <muduo/base/Thread.h> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> using namespace muduo; class Test { public: Test( int numThreads) : latch_(numThreads), threads_(numThreads) { for ( int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) { char name[ 32]; snprintf(name, sizeof name, "work thread %d", i); threads_.push_back( new muduo::Thread( boost::bind(&Test::threadFunc, this), muduo::string(name))); } for_each(threads_.begin(), threads_.end(), boost::bind(&muduo::Thread::start, _1)); } void wait() { latch_.wait(); } void joinAll() { for_each(threads_.begin(), threads_.end(), boost::bind(&Thread::join, _1)); } private: void threadFunc() { sleep( 3);
"tid=%d, %s started\n"
CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); latch_.countDown(); printf( "tid=%d, %s stopped\n", CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); } CountDownLatch latch_; boost::ptr_vector<Thread> threads_; }; int main() { printf( "pid=%d, tid=%d\n", ::getpid(), CurrentThread::tid()); Test t( 3); t.wait(); printf( "pid=%d, tid=%d %s running ...\n", ::getpid(), CurrentThread::tid(), CurrentThread::name()); t.joinAll(); printf( "number of created threads %d\n", Thread::numCreated()); } |
simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/build/debug/bin$ ./countdownlatch_test2
pid=4488, tid=4488
tid=4491, work thread 2 started
tid=4491, work thread 2 stopped
tid=4490, work thread 1 started
tid=4490, work thread 1 stopped
tid=4489, work thread 0 started
pid=4488, tid=4488 main running ...
tid=4489, work thread 0 stopped
number of created threads 3
可以看出当其他三个线程都启动后,各自执行一次 latch_.countDown(),主线程wait() 返回继续执行下去。