
在网页制作中经常会碰到数据的新增、修改、删除和查询等基本的功能,如果新增和修改功能是用  IE中的  showModalDialog 弹出对话框来实现新增数据和修改数据功能,新增或修改数据成功返回后则刷新其父页面。但showModalDialog有时候可能会带来一些你不想发生的结果,比如有关一些缓存、刷新,可能也会导致排版的一些问题(说错莫怪,或指正);前些日子,项目中碰到的就是刷新的问题:

1、在<head></head>中加入<base target="_self" />,测试一样的效果。苦闷ing.....
2、通过javascript动态更改网页的地址,什么window.location.href = "url";或window.navigate("url")都不行。
4、看看链接可不可以解决此问题,加入<a href="url" >url</a> 测试一下,咦行得通,哈,那以上的问题也就解决了一大半了。

文件:071214Test ShowModalDialg Step One.htm
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 5           < meta  name ="keywords"  content ="showModalDialog,弹出对话框,Dialog" >         
 6           < meta  name ="Author"  Content ="Sam Lin,林森桐,[email protected]" >
 7           < meta  name ="Contact"  content ="[email protected]"   />
 8           < META  content ="showModalDialog -- Sam Lin,弹出对话框解决方法,三层showModalDialog解决方法"  name ="description" >
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12           < title > Test ShowModalDialg Step One </ title >
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14           < script  type ="text/javascript"  src =DialogUtil.js ></ script >
15           < style  type ="text/css" >
16              html,body
17               {
18                  background : #DCDCDC ;                 
19               }
20              .Description,input
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42                  padding : 2px ;
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50       < body >
51       < div  class ="Description" >
52       < div  class ="title" >
53          说明
54       </ div >
55          Author:Sam Lin < br  />
56          Contact: < href ="mailto:[email protected]" > [email protected] </ a >< br  />
57          Memo:解决多层弹出对话框出现的问题,合适IE浏览器。 < br  />
58          Date:Dec.14,2007
59           < br  />
60           < br  />
61          第一层
62       </ div >
63       < br  />
64       < input  type ="button"  value ="弹出第二层对话框"  onclick ="ShowNewOrEditDialog({
65                                                                          Url:'071214Test ShowModalDialg Step Two.htm',
66                                                                          Width:500,Height:400})" >
67       </ body >
68  </ html >

文件二:071214Test ShowModalDialg Step Two.htm
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 4           < meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=gb2312"   />
 5           < meta  name ="keywords"  content ="showModalDialog,弹出对话框,Dialog" >
 6           < meta  name ="Author"  Content ="Sam Lin,林森桐,[email protected]" >
 7           < meta  name ="Contact"  content ="[email protected]"   />
 8           < META  content ="showModalDialog -- Sam Lin,弹出对话框解决方法,三层showModalDialog解决方法"  name ="description" >
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10           < META  content =TRUE  name =MSSmartTagsPreventParsing >
11           < META  http-equiv =MSThemeCompatible  content =Yes >
12           < title > Test ShowModalDialg Step Two </ title >         
13           < script  type ="text/javascript"  src =DialogUtil.js ></ script >
14           < style  type ="text/css" >
15              html,body
16               {
17                  background : #DCDCDC ;                 
18               }
19              .Description,input
20               {
21                  border : 1px #6595d6 dashed ;
22                  padding : 5px ;
23                  margin : 0 auto ;
24                  color : #000 ;
25                  font-size : 12px ;                         
26               }
27              a
28               {
29                  text-decoration : none ;     
30               }
31              a:link { color : #4682B4 }
32              a:visited { color : #4682B4 }
33              a:hover { color : #F4A460 }
34              a:active { color : #F4A460 }
35              .title
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37                  background : #BDB76B ;
38                  line-height : 24px ;
39                  text-align : left ;
40                  font-size : 16px ;
41                  padding : 2px ;
42                  font-weight : bold ;
43                  text-indent : 12px ;
44                  color : #4682B4 ;
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49           < base  target ="_self"   />
50       </ head >
51       < body  >
52       < div  class ="Description" >
53       < div  class ="title" >
54          说明
55       </ div >
56          Author:Sam Lin < br  />
57          Contact: < href ="mailto:[email protected]" > [email protected] </ a >< br  />
58          Memo:解决多层弹出对话框出现的问题,合适IE浏览器。 < br  />
59          Date:Dec.14,2007
60           < br  />
61           < br  />
62          第二层
63       </ div >
65       < br  />
66       < input  type ="button"  value ="弹出第三层对话框"  onclick ="ShowNewOrEditDialog({
67                                                                          Url:'071214Test ShowModalDialg Step Three.htm',
68                                                                          Width:500,Height:400})" >
69       < href ="http://www.cnblogs.com/samlin"  id ="test"  title ="林森桐的blog" > My Blog </ a >     
70       < br  />
71       < input  type ="button"  value ="将页面地址设为:http://www.baidu.com"  onclick ="javascript:window.location.href = 'http://www.baidu.com';" >
72       < input  type ="button"  value ="关闭(没有返回值)"  onclick ="javascript:window.close();"   />
73       < input  type ="button"  value ="关闭(有返回值)"  onclick ="javascript:window.returnValue = true;window.close();"   />
74       < br  />                                                 
75       </ body >
76  </ html >

 1  <! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd" >
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 4           < meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=gb2312"   />
 5           < meta  name ="keywords"  content ="showModalDialog,弹出对话框,Dialog" >
 6           < meta  name ="Author"  Content ="Sam Lin,林森桐,[email protected]" >
 7           < meta  name ="Contact"  content ="[email protected]"   />
 8           < META  content ="showModalDialog -- Sam Lin,弹出对话框解决方法,三层showModalDialog解决方法"  name ="description" >
 9           < META  content ="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3199"  name =GENERATOR >
10           < META  content =TRUE  name =MSSmartTagsPreventParsing >
11           < META  http-equiv =MSThemeCompatible  content =Yes >
12           < title > 071214Test ShowModalDialg Step Three </ title >
13           < script  type ="text/javascript"  src =DialogUtil.js ></ script >
14           < style  type ="text/css" >
15              html,body
16               {
17                  background : #DCDCDC ;                 
18               }
19              .Description,input
20               {
21                  border : 1px #6595d6 dashed ;
22                  padding : 5px ;
23                  margin : 0 auto ;
24                  color : #000 ;
25                  font-size : 12px ;                         
26               }
27              a
28               {
29                  text-decoration : none ;     
30               }
31              a:link { color : #4682B4 }
32              a:visited { color : #4682B4 }
33              a:hover { color : #F4A460 }
34              a:active { color : #F4A460 }
35              .title
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37                  background : #BDB76B ;
38                  line-height : 24px ;
39                  text-align : left ;
40                  font-size : 16px ;
41                  padding : 2px ;
42                  font-weight : bold ;
43                  text-indent : 12px ;
44                  color : #4682B4 ;
45               }
47           </ style >
48           < base  target ="_self"   />
49       </ head >
50       < body  onbeforeunload ="javascript:window.returnValue=true;" >
51       < div  class ="Description" >
52       < div  class ="title" >
53          说明
54       </ div >
55          Author:Sam Lin < br  />
56          Contact: < href ="mailto:[email protected]" > [email protected] </ a >< br  />
57          Memo:解决多层弹出对话框出现的问题,合适IE浏览器。 < br  />
58          Date:Dec.14,2007
59           < br  />
60           < br  />
61          第三层
62       </ div >
63       </ body >
64  </ html >

 * @author Sam Lin
 * @email: [email protected]
 * Date:Dec.16,2007
 * Memo:This function only for IE browser

function  ShowNewOrEditDialog( /*object hash*/ info)
var strOriginalUrl = document.location.href;
var strHrefID = "ReloadUrlHref";
//strHrefID = "test";
    var objHref = null;
var strTargetUrl = info.Url;
var iWidth = info.Width;        /*the web page arguments e.g width,height,left etc.*/
var iHeight = info.Height;
var iLeft = screen.availWidth;
var iTop = screen.availHeight;
= (iLeft - iWidth) / 2;
= (iTop - iHeight) / 2;
var strArgs = "left:" + iLeft + ";top:" + iTop + ";width:" + iWidth + ";height:" + iHeight;
var strResult = window.showModalDialog(strTargetUrl,'',strArgs);
    if (typeof window.location == "undefined" || typeof window.location == null)
        alert(window.location.href + " Not Null");
        window.location.href = "http://www.google.cn";

//window.location.href = "http://www.google.cn";
//create the href element for reload function
// if true load the page
    if (strResult != "" && strResult != false && strResult != "undefined" && strResult !=undefined)
if ($(strHrefID))
= $(strHrefID);    

= document.createElement("A");
//objHref.innerText = "Link Me";
            //objHref.onclick = function(){alert("OnClick")};
//objHref.href = strOriginalUrl;
        objHref.href = "http://www.cnblogs.com/samlin";
= function()
var oDiv = document.createElement("div");
= "300px";
= "50px";
= "50px";
= "absolute";
= "0 auto";
= "2px";
= "block";
= "center";
= "#FFEBCD";
= "1px dashed #6595d6";
= "Loading another page 两层或以上的showModalDialog解决方法两层或以上的showModalDialog解决方法";
//oDiv.style.left = (document.body.availWidth - 300) + "px";

 * @return the object belongs to the specified id
 * @param {Object} id

function  $(id)
return document.getElementById(id);

function  fireClickEvent(id)
var obj = $(id);
if (obj)
if (document.all)

var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");

示例代码: refresh_showModalDialog.rar
