[轉] ATF -- eclipse的AJAX插件安装指南

[醒目] ATF -- eclipse的AJAX插件安装指南

本帖被 yipsilon 设置为精华(2007-03-12)
我使用的是eclipse 3.2.1 release版本。
1、 首先当然是安装wtp插件了 毕竟是web开发咯!
准备工作先下载eclipse3.2.1   可以去 eclipse.org 下载
然后下载安装 wtp 1.5.3 版本
The EMF driver used in this build is emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.2.2.zip
The GEF driver used in this build is GEF-SDK-3.2.2.zip
Java EMF Model Runtime driver used in this build is JEM-SDK-1.2.3_jem.zip
这样 wtp 就安装完了 可以启动一下eclipse看看是否工作正常,如果插件出不来可以使用 -clean 参数

2、 主角登场
执行:  xulrunner --register-global

Uninstall any previous version of Mozilla xulrunner.

If registered for all users:
xulrunner --unregister-global

If registered only for current user:
xulrunner --unregister-user
Register XULRunner by executing either of the following at the command line:

Register for all users:
xulrunner --register-global

Register only for current user:
xulrunner --register-user

选择 Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install...
Search for new features to install
New Archived Site...
finish 就开始安装ATF插件了
安装好后会提示你重新启动eclipse 我们重新启动,如果出不来请使用 -clean 插件


Configuring Dojo
This step is only required if you plan to use the Dojo Toolkit
More detail instructions on how to configure Dojo is available in the AJAX Toolkit Framework User Guide in the Eclipse Help
1. Download Dojo and extract into a directory from http://dojotoolkit.org/download/
2. Define the location of Dojo using the preference pages.
From the Window menu item open the ATF preference page for defining Ajax runtimes
Window>>Preferences>>ATF>>Installed Ajax Runtimes
Select the "Add.." button and define the runtime. The location specified is the directory containing the dojo.js file.
Use the "Set as default" button to make location the default to use.
Note: The ATF javascript validator will flag a few of the base Dojo javascript source files as having errors. These "errors" can be ignored and should not cause any break in Dojo functionality.

Configuring Script.aculo.us
This step is only required if you plan to use the Script.aculo.us Toolkit
More detail instructions on how to configure Script.aculo.us is available in the AJAX Toolkit Framework User Guide in the Eclipse Help
1. Download Script.aculo.us and extract into a directory from http://script.aculo.us
2. Define the location of Script.aculo.us using the preference pages.
From the Window menu item open the ATF preference page for defining Ajax runtimes
Window>>Preferences>>ATF>>Installed Ajax Runtimes
Select the "Add.." button and define the runtime. The location specified is the directory containing the runtime files.
Use the "Set as default" button to make location the default to use.

Configuring Rico
This step is only required if you plan to use the Rico Toolkit
More detail instructions on how to configure Rico is available in the AJAX Toolkit Framework User Guide in the Eclipse Help
Download rico.js and prototype.js into a directory from [url=http://openrico.org/rico/downloads.page ]http://openrico.org/rico/downloads.page [/url]
Define the location of rico.js and prototype,js using the preference pages.
From the Window menu item open the ATF preference page for defining Ajax runtimes
Window>>Preferences>>ATF>>Installed Ajax Runtimes
Select the "Add.." button and define the runtime
Use the "Set as default" button to make location the default to use.
Note: this has only been tested with prototype 1.4.0 and rico 1.1.2

一篇是用该插件创建AJAX应用的step by step详细指导,相信看了之后大家会豁然开朗的

flash: http://www.eclipse.org/atf/flash/flashFiles/firstdojoproject.swf flash: http://www.eclipse.org/atf/flash/flashFiles/firstdojoproject.swf
