1 ultraledit的dos文件格式
2 常用快捷键和操作
3 ultraedit查找和替换的正则表达式语法
用UltraEdit打开文件时有时会提示“提示希望转换xxx 到DOS格式吗?”原因如下:
很久以前,人们用老式的电传打字机作为输入设备,它使用两个字符来另起新行。一个字符把滑动架移回首位 (称为回车,DE><CR>DE>),另一个字符把纸上移一行(称为换行,DE><LF>DE>)。
当计算机问世后,由于存储器曾经非常昂贵。有些人就认定没必要用两个字符来表示行尾。 于是UNIX 开发者决定他们可以用 DE><Line Feed>DE> 一个字符来表示行尾。Apple开发者规定了用 DE><CR>DE>。开发 MS-DOS (以及微软视窗) 的那些家伙则决定沿用老式的 DE><CR>DE>DE><LF>DE>。
unix DE><LF>DE>
dos DE><CR>DE>DE><LF>DE>
mac DE><CR>DE>
如果你的程序将来需要在UNIX/linux,最好是保持 unix的格式。
点选 高级 菜单—>文件处理 —> 选择 DOS/UNIX/MAC 处理 ,在右侧的unix/mac 文件检测/转换下面,勾上 禁用。确定,以后就不会提示了。
英文:Advanced->Configuration->File Handing->DOS/UNIX/MAC Handling->UNIX/MAC file detection/conversion.selected the "Disable"!
1:ctrl+b 括号匹配
写代码的时候,括号一般要一一对应的,但是如果嵌套太多,看花眼了,怎么办?你把光标放在括号开始的地方,按ctrl+b,UE 会帮你找到相对应的括号结尾的地方。你还可以试试连着多按几次ctrl+b。
这则技巧是在UltraEdit的帮助文件里提到.CTRL+R 调出来替换(Replace)窗口,选中"使用正则表达式";然后用查找 %*你的字符串*^p 替换成空内容即可.如,我当前有个文本文件,需要去掉所有包含 DBA Blog 这个字符串的行,查找 %*DBA Blog*^p 替换成空即可.注意 ,^p 是 DOS 文件类型的换行符.如果是 Unix 类型文件,则用 ^n.
CTRL+R 调出来替换(Replace)窗口,选中"使用正则表达式".然后可以查找 ^p(或者^n,如果是Unix 文件),用 ,^p(或者,^n)进行"全部替换".
查找 ^p$ 然后替换为空即可。
代码会有很多行你当然可以记得你要到的行数,然后用ctrl+g,然后输入行号,到所在的行。但是用ctrl+f2我觉得更方便。比如说你要频繁在多个 function中切换。可以在function开始的地方,按一下ctrl+f2,给这一行加一个书签。然后再另外的function开始的地方,也来 一下ctrl+f2,有书签的地方,字的背景色会不同。当你想换到下一个书签的时候,就按f2,但是想到上一个标签怎么办?ctrl+f2?不对,再按就 是加书签或者取消当前行的书签了。应该是alt +f2.
UltraEdit有10个剪切板(clipboard),分别用Ctrl+0 - Ctrl+9 切换. Ctrl+0 是 Windows 的,其他则为用户自定义的.如果在使用的过程中错调用了 CTRL+n, 这就会使拷贝(Copy)和粘贴(Paste)的内容不匹配.
在使用查找 和 替换 功能时,ultraedit可以使用正则表达式。
ultraedit 支持的正则表达式语法:
Symbol |
Function |
% |
Matches the start of line - Indicates the search string must be at the beginning of a line but does not include any line terminator characters in the resulting string selected. |
$ |
Matches the end of line - Indicates the search string must be at the end of line but does not include any line terminator characters in the resulting string selected. |
? |
Matches any single character except newline. |
* |
Matches any number of occurrences of any character except newline. |
+ |
Matches one or more of the preceding character/expression. At least one occurrence of the character must be found. Does not match repeated newlines. |
++ |
Matches the preceding character/expression zero or more times. Does not match repeated newlines. |
^b |
Matches a page break. |
^p |
Matches a newline (CR/LF) (paragraph) (DOS Files) |
^r |
Matches a newline (CR Only) (paragraph) (MAC Files) |
^n |
Matches a newline (LF Only) (paragraph) (UNIX Files) |
^t |
Matches a tab character |
[xyz] |
A character set. Matches any characters between brackets. |
[~xyz] |
A negative character set. Matches any characters NOT between brackets including newline characters. |
^{A^}^{B^} |
Matches expression A OR B |
^ |
Overrides the following regular expression character |
^(…^) |
Brackets or tags an expression to use in the replace command. A regular expression may have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the regular expression. |
Symbol |
Function |
\ |
Indicates the next character has a special meaning. "n" on it’s own matches the character "n". "\n" matches a linefeed or newline character. See examples below (\d, \f, \n etc). |
^ |
Matches/anchors the beginning of line. |
$ |
Matches/anchors the end of line. |
* |
Matches the preceding character zero or more times. |
+ |
Matches the preceding character one or more times. Does not match repeated newlines. |
. |
Matches any single character except a newline character. Does not match repeated newlines. |
(expression) |
Brackets or tags an expression to use in the replace command. A regular expression may have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the regular expression. |
[xyz] |
A character set. Matches any characters between brackets. |
[^xyz] |
A negative character set. Matches any characters NOT between brackets including newline characters. |
\d |
Matches a digit character. Equivalent to [0-9]. |
\D |
Matches a nondigit character. Equivalent to [^0-9]. |
\f |
Matches a form-feed character. |
\n |
Matches a linefeed character. |
\r |
Matches a carriage return character. |
\s |
Matches any whitespace including space, tab, form-feed, etc but not newline. |
\S |
Matches any non-whitespace character but not newline. |
\t |
Matches a tab character. |
\v |
Matches a vertical tab character. |
\w |
Matches any word character including underscore. |
\W |
Matches any nonword character. |
\p |
Matches CR/LF (same as \r\n) to match a DOS line terminator. |