纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)

作者:Vamei 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/vamei 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明。谢谢! 


我们讨论过,树的搜索效率与树的深度有关。二叉搜索树的深度可能为n,这种情况下,每次搜索的复杂度为n的量级。AVL树通过动态平衡树的深度,单次搜索的复杂度为log(n) (以上参考纸上谈兵 AVL树)。我们下面看伸展树(splay tree),它对于m次连续搜索操作有很好的效率。




体来说,在查询到目标节点后,伸展树会不断进行下面三种操作中的一个,直到目标节点成为根节点 (注意,祖父节点是指父节点的父节点)

1. zig: 当目标节点是根节点的左子节点或右子节点时,进行一次单旋转,将目标节点调整到根节点的位置。

纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)


2. zig-zag: 当目标节点、父节点和祖父节点成"zig-zag"构型时,进行一次双旋转,将目标节点调整到祖父节点的位置。


3. zig-zig:当目标节点、父节点和祖父节点成"zig-zig"构型时,进行一次zig-zig操作,将目标节点调整到祖父节点的位置。

纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)



纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)

zig-zig operation




纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)


纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)

zig-zag (double rotation)

纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)


纸上谈兵: 伸展树 (splay tree)

zig (single rotation at root)





/* By Vamei */

/* Splay Tree */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node *position; typedef int ElementTP; struct node { position parent; ElementTP element; position lchild; position rchild; }; /* pointer => root node of the tree */ typedef struct node *TREE; TREE find_value(TREE, ElementTP); position insert_value(TREE, ElementTP); static void splay_tree(TREE, position); static position search_value(TREE, ElementTP); static void with_grandpa(TREE, position); static void insert_node_to_nonempty_tree(TREE, position); static TREE left_single_rotate(TREE); static TREE left_double_rotate(TREE); static TREE right_single_rotate(TREE); static TREE right_double_rotate(TREE); static TREE left_zig_zig(TREE); static TREE right_zig_zig(TREE); void main(void) { TREE tr; tr = NULL; tr = insert_value(tr, 6); tr = insert_value(tr, 5); tr = insert_value(tr, 4); tr = insert_value(tr, 3); tr = insert_value(tr, 1); tr = insert_value(tr, 2); tr = find_value(tr, 2); printf("%d\n", tr->rchild->lchild->element); } /* * insert a value into the tree * return root address of the tree */ position insert_value(TREE tr, ElementTP value) { position np; /* prepare the node */ np = (position) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); np->element = value; np->parent  = NULL; np->lchild  = NULL; np->rchild  = NULL; if (tr == NULL) tr = np; else { insert_node_to_nonempty_tree(tr, np); } return tr; } /* * * return NUll if not found */ TREE find_value(TREE tr, ElementTP value) { position np; np = search_value(tr, value); if (np != NULL && np != tr) { splay_tree(tr, np); } return np; } /* * splaying the tree after search */

static void splay_tree(TREE tr, position np) { while (tr->lchild != np && tr->rchild != np) { with_grandpa(tr, np); } if (tr->lchild == np) { right_single_rotate(tr); } else if (tr->rchild == np) { left_single_rotate(tr); } } /* * dealing cases with grandparent node */

static void with_grandpa(TREE tr, position np) { position parent, grandPa; int i,j; parent = np->parent; grandPa = parent->parent; i = (grandPa->lchild == parent) ? -1 : 1; j = (parent->lchild == np) ? -1 : 1; if (i == -1 && j == 1) { right_double_rotate(grandPa); } else if (i == 1 && j == -1) { left_double_rotate(grandPa); } else if (i == -1 && j == -1) { right_zig_zig(grandPa); } else { left_zig_zig(grandPa); } } /* * search for value */

static position search_value(TREE tr, ElementTP value) { if (tr == NULL) return NULL; if (tr->element == value) { return tr; } else if (value < tr->element) { return search_value(tr->lchild, value); } else { return search_value(tr->rchild, value); } } /* * left single rotation * return the new root */

static TREE left_single_rotate(TREE tr) { TREE newRoot, parent; parent = tr->parent; newRoot = tr->rchild; /* detach & attach */ 

    if (newRoot->lchild != NULL) newRoot->lchild->parent = tr; tr->rchild = newRoot->lchild; /* raise new root node */ newRoot->lchild = tr; newRoot->parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) { if (parent->lchild == tr) { parent->lchild = newRoot; } else { parent->rchild = newRoot; } } tr->parent = newRoot; return newRoot; } /* * right single rotation * return the new root */

static TREE right_single_rotate(TREE tr) { TREE newRoot, parent; parent = tr->parent; newRoot = tr->lchild; /* detach & attach */

    if (newRoot->rchild != NULL) newRoot->rchild->parent = tr; tr->lchild = newRoot->rchild; /* raise new root node */ newRoot->rchild = tr; newRoot->parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) { if (parent->lchild == tr) { parent->lchild = newRoot; } else { parent->rchild = newRoot; } } tr->parent = newRoot; return newRoot; } /* * left double rotation * return */

static TREE left_double_rotate(TREE tr) { right_single_rotate(tr->rchild); return left_single_rotate(tr); } /* * right double rotation * return */

static TREE right_double_rotate(TREE tr) { left_single_rotate(tr->lchild); return right_single_rotate(tr); } /* * insert a node to a non-empty tree * called by insert_value() */

static void insert_node_to_nonempty_tree(TREE tr, position np) { /* insert the node */

    if(np->element <= tr->element) { if (tr->lchild == NULL) { /* then tr->lchild is the proper place */ tr->lchild = np; np->parent = tr; return; } else { insert_node_to_nonempty_tree(tr->lchild, np); } } else if(np->element > tr->element) { if (tr->rchild == NULL) { tr->rchild = np; np->parent = tr; return; } else { insert_node_to_nonempty_tree(tr->rchild, np); } } } 
* right zig-zig operation
static TREE right_zig_zig(TREE tr) { position parent,middle,newRoot; parent = tr->parent; middle = tr->lchild; newRoot = tr->lchild->lchild; tr->lchild = middle->rchild; if (middle->rchild != NULL) middle->rchild->parent = tr; middle->rchild = tr; tr->parent = middle; middle->lchild = newRoot->rchild; if (newRoot->rchild != NULL) newRoot->rchild->parent = middle; newRoot->rchild = middle; middle->parent = newRoot; newRoot->parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) { if (parent->lchild == tr) { parent->lchild = newRoot; } else { parent->rchild = newRoot; } } return newRoot; }
* left zig-zig operation
static TREE left_zig_zig(TREE tr) { position parent,middle,newRoot; parent = tr->parent; middle = tr->rchild; newRoot = tr->rchild->rchild; tr->rchild = middle->lchild; if (middle->lchild != NULL) middle->lchild->parent = tr; middle->lchild = tr; tr->parent = middle; middle->rchild = newRoot->lchild; if (newRoot->lchild != NULL) newRoot->lchild->parent = middle; newRoot->lchild = middle; middle->parent = newRoot; newRoot->parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) { if (parent->rchild == tr) { parent->rchild = newRoot; } else { parent->lchild = newRoot; } } return newRoot; }





splay tree, m operations: mlog(n)



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