2013-05-01 Created By BaoXinjian
Part 1: Creating a Fusion Web Application and Building the Business Services
Step 1: Create a Fusion Web Application
Step 2: Build the Business Services
Part 2: Developing the User Interface
Step 2: Bind Data Controls to the Page
Step 4: Enhance the JSF Page
Step 5: Add More Complexity to the Business Services
Part 3: Enhancing the User Interface
Step 1: Create a Page Flow
Step 2: Use Partial Page Refresh
Step 3: Use the ADF AutoSuggest Behavior
Step 4: Use Drop Down Menus and Operation Components
Step 5: Add CRUD Operation Components to your Page
Step 6: Create a Query-only Business Service Based on Parameters
Step 7: Create a Reusable Page Fragment
二、案例实现 - Create a New Fusion Application and Building the Business Services
1. 创建新的应用, 类型为Fusion Web Application
2.1. 定义Application Name
2.2 定义Model Project
2.3 定义Model Project的Java配置
2.4 定义View Controller Project
2.5 定义View Controller Project的Java配置