ADF_Starting系列3_使用ADF开发富Web应用程序之开发User Interface

2014-05-03 Created By BaoXinjian






Part 1: Creating a Fusion Web Application and Building the Business Services

Step 1: Create a Fusion Web Application

Step 2: Build the Business Services

Part 2: Developing the User Interface

Step 1: Create a JSF Page

Step 2: Bind Data Controls to the Page

Step 3: Refine the Business Services

Step 4: Enhance the JSF Page

Step 5: Add More Complexity to the Business Services

Part 3: Enhancing the User Interface

Step 1: Create a Page Flow

Step 2: Use Partial Page Refresh

Step 3: Use the ADF AutoSuggest Behavior

Step 4: Use Drop Down Menus and Operation Components

Step 5: Add CRUD Operation Components to your Page

Step 6: Create a Query-only Business Service Based on Parameters

Step 7: Create a Reusable Page Fragment


 二、案例实现 - Create JSF Web Pages

Step1. 建立测试JSF页面

Step2.  创建JSF Page,定义属性参数

Step3. 查看无数据绑定的页面布局


 三、案例实现 - Bind Data Controls to the Page

Step1. 从 Datacontrol中绑定Departement信息到页面上

Step2. 选择绑定数据时的栏位

Step3. 从Data Control绑定Employee Header信息到页面上
