

from scapy.all import *
IpAddress = ''
port = 5900


iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp –tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP

第一步是执行与端口5900的TCP握手。我已将TCP SYN数据包的超时值设置为2秒。如果VNC服务器未使用SYNACK进行响应,则可以防止代码无限循环地运行。


syn = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='S') 
synack = sr1(syn, timeout=2)


ack = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='A', seq=1, ack=synack.seq + 1)


filter = 'host ' + IpAddress
vnc = sniff(filter=filter, count=1,timeout=2, prn=vncCheck)

所有协议版本数据包的格式均为“ RFB xxx.yyy \ n”。xxx和yyy是协议版本号。因此,确定数据包是否为协议版本消息的最佳方法是简单地检查数据包有效载荷是否包含字符串“ RFB”。

if 'RFB' in packet.load:

收到协议版本消息时。然后,客户端发送客户端协议版本。这将通知服务器客户端支持的协议版本并将用于通信。在我的情况下,我创建了客户端协议版本数据包,其版本有效载荷为“ RFB 003.003 \ n”。

clientVersion = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='AP', seq=1, ack=packet.seq + 1)/'RFB 003.003\n'

然后将客户端协议版本发送到VNC服务器。从VNC服务器返回的响应将保存到supportedtypesPacket变量中。此响应以十六进制值的形式包含服务器使用的身份验证类型。例如,从以下屏幕截图中,您可以看到此屏幕截图底部突出显示的安全类型响应00 00 00 02

authenticationType = str(ord(supportedtypesPacket.load[2])) + str(ord(supportedtypesPacket.load[3]))
authenticationType = int(authenticationType)


if authenticationType == 00:
    print IpAddress + ' uses an Invalid Authentication type of ' + str(authenticationType)
elif authenticationType == 01:
    print IpAddress + ' uses No Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 02:
    print IpAddress + ' uses VNC Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 05:
    print IpAddress + ' uses RA2 Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 06:
    print IpAddress + ' uses RA2ne Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 16:
    print IpAddress + ' uses Tight Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 17:
    print IpAddress + ' uses Ultra Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 18:
    print IpAddress + ' uses TLS Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 19:
    print IpAddress + ' uses VeNCrypt Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 20:
    print IpAddress + ' uses GTK-VNC SASL Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 21:
    print IpAddress + ' uses MD5 Hash Authentication'
elif authenticationType == 22:
    print IpAddress + ' uses Colin Dean XVP Authentication'
    print IpAddress + ' uses an Unknown Authentication type of: ' + str(authenticationType)


from scapy.all import *

#Must run the following command before executing this script. Allows for the TCP handshake to take place.
#iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP

#IP and Port of the VNC server
IpAddress = ''
port = 5900

#Function which is executed on each packet.
def vncCheck(packet):
    #Checks that the packet is a server protocol version response. (Should contain 'RFB' if it is.
    if packet.haslayer('Raw'):
        if 'RFB' in packet.load:
            #Creates and sends a clientVersion response. The security type response from the VNC server is saved in the
            #Variable supportedtypesPacket
            clientVersion = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='AP', seq=1, ack=packet.seq + 1)/'RFB 003.003\n'
            supportedtypesPacket = sr1(clientVersion)
            #Extract the HEX value from the security type response.
            authenticationType = str(ord(supportedtypesPacket.load[2])) + str(ord(supportedtypesPacket.load[3]))
            authenticationType = int(authenticationType)
            #Match the value with the correct authentication type.
            print IpAddress + ' Uses an Authentication type of : ' + str(authenticationType)
            if authenticationType == 00:
                print IpAddress + ' uses an Invalid Authentication type of ' + str(authenticationType)
            elif authenticationType == 01:
                print IpAddress + ' uses No Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 02:
                print IpAddress + ' uses VNC Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 05:
                print IpAddress + ' uses RA2 Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 06:
                print IpAddress + ' uses RA2ne Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 16:
                print IpAddress + ' uses Tight Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 17:
                print IpAddress + ' uses Ultra Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 18:
                print IpAddress + ' uses TLS Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 19:
                print IpAddress + ' uses VeNCrypt Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 20:
                print IpAddress + ' uses GTK-VNC SASL Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 21:
                print IpAddress + ' uses MD5 Hash Authentication'
            elif authenticationType == 22:
                print IpAddress + ' uses Colin Dean XVP Authentication'
                print IpAddress + ' uses an Unknown Authentication type of: ' + str(authenticationType)

#Creates and sends a TCP SYN packet to the VNC server. (Step 1 of the TCP handshake)
syn = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='S')
synack = sr1(syn, timeout=2)

#Creates and sends an ACK packet is response to the servers SYNACK. (Step 3 of the TCP handshake)
ack = IP(dst=IpAddress)/TCP(dport=port, flags='A', seq=1, ack=synack.seq + 1)

#Sniffs incoming network data after the initial TCP handshake. Sends the packets to the vncCheck function.
filter = 'host ' + IpAddress
vnc = sniff(filter=filter, count=1,timeout=2, prn=vncCheck)

关注:Hunter网络安全 获取更多资讯
