




对于给定的有各自权值的 n 个结点;

  1. 在 n 个权值中选出两个最小的权值,对应的两个结点组成一个新的二叉树,且新二叉树的根结点的权值为左右孩子权值的和;
  2. 在原有的 n 个权值中删除那两个最小的权值,同时将新的权值加入到 n–2 个权值的行列中,以此类推;
  3. 重复 1 和 2 ,直到所以的结点构建成了一棵二叉树为止,这棵树就是哈夫曼树。


  1. 从叶子结点一直找到根结点,逆向记录途中经过的标记。例如,图 1 中字符 c 的哈夫曼编码从结点 c 开始一直找到根结点,结果为:0 1 1 ,所以字符 c 的哈夫曼编码为:1 1 0(逆序输出)。
  2. 从根结点出发,一直到叶子结点,记录途中经过的标记。例如,求图 1 中字符 c 的哈夫曼编码,就从根结点开始,依次为:1 1 0。

The Chinese official said he viewed the Trump Presidency not as an aberration but as the product of a failing political system. This jibes with other accounts. The Chinese leadership believes that the United States, and Western democracies in general, haven’t risen to the challenge of a globalized economy, which necessitates big changes in production patterns, as well as major upgrades in education and public infrastructure. In Trump and Trumpism, the Chinese see an inevitable backlash to this failure.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Huffmantree {
	int weight;
	int parent;
	int lchild;
	int rchild;
void select(Huffmantree*& ht, int i, int& s1, int& s2)//找出哈夫曼树表最小的两个数
	int j = 1;
	int k = 1;
	while (ht[k].parent != 0) k++;//找出双亲为0的标号
	s1 = k;
	for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
		if (ht[j].parent == 0 && ht[j].weight <= ht[s1].weight)
			s1 = j;
	k = 1;
	while (ht[k].parent != 0 || k == s1) k++;
	s2 = k;
	for (j = 1; j <= i; ++j)
		if (ht[j].parent == 0 && ht[j].weight <= ht[s2].weight && j != s1)
			s2 = j;
void CreatHuffmantree(Huffmantree*& ht, int n, map<char, int>tmp)
	if (n <= 1) {
		cout << "树为空树!" << endl; return;
	int m = 2 * n - 1;
	int s1;
	int s2;
	ht = new Huffmantree[m + 1];//创建哈夫曼表
	for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
		ht[i].parent = 0;
		ht[i].lchild = 0;
		ht[i].rchild = 0;
	int i = 1;
	for (auto e : tmp)
		ht[i].weight = e.second;
	for (i = n + 1; i <= m; i++)
		select(ht, i - 1, s1, s2);
		ht[s1].parent = i;//置双亲
		ht[s2].parent = i;
		ht[i].lchild = s1;//输入i的左右子树
		ht[i].rchild = s2;
		ht[i].weight = ht[s1].weight + ht[s2].weight;//值i的权重

void CreateHuffmanCode(Huffmantree* ht, vector<string>& hc, int index, int position)//创建哈夫曼树编码
	while (ht[position].parent != 0)
		int temp = ht[position].parent;//记录结点双亲位置
		if (ht[temp].lchild == position)//判断结点是属于双亲的左节点还是右结点,若左,则编码置0,若右,编码置1
			hc[index].insert(hc[index].begin(), '0');
		else if (ht[temp].rchild == position)
			hc[index].insert(hc[index].begin(), '1');
		position = ht[position].parent;//将结点位置置为双亲位置
int main()
	map<char, int>tmp;//map映射字符与出现频率
	string data = "The Chinese official said he viewed the Trump Presidency not as an aberration but as the product of a failing political system. This jibes with other accounts. The Chinese leadership believes that the United States, and Western democracies in general, haven't risen to the challenge of a globalized economy, which necessitates big changes in production patterns, as well as major upgrades in education and public infrastructure. In Trump and Trumpism, the Chinese see an inevitable backlash to this failure.";
	for (auto e : data)//对文段进行统计
	cout << "字符统计结果:" << endl;
	cout << "字符" << setw(6) << "数量" << endl;
	vector<char> letter;
	letter.push_back(' ');
	for (auto e : tmp)
		cout << e.first << '\t' << e.second << endl;
	cout << "不同字符个数为" << tmp.size() << endl;
	Huffmantree* tree;
	CreatHuffmantree(tree, tmp.size(), tmp);//建立哈夫曼树
	vector<string> hc(tmp.size() + 1, "");//建立vector存放哈夫曼编码,将string全初始化为空串
	cout << endl << "各个字符的哈夫曼编码如下:" << endl;
	for (int i = 1; i <= tmp.size(); i++)
		CreateHuffmanCode(tree, hc, i, i);
		cout << letter[i] << ":" << hc[i] << endl;

