# 2021年01-04月雅思口语题库
## 2021年01-04月雅思口语题库Part1(33个话题)
### Part1话题卡 Work ⼯作 or study 学习
Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)? 你为什么要选择这个学习项⽬/⼯作?
Do you miss being a student? 你怀念做学⽣的时期吗?
Is it very interesting? 有趣吗?
Do you like your job? 你喜欢现在的⼯作吗?
Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those
subjects? 你为啥要选择这个科⽬? 为啥要学这些科⽬?
Is it very interesting? 有不有意思?
What subject(s) are you studying? 你⽬前在学习哪些科⽬?
Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons? 你喜欢在早上还是下午学习?
Are you looking forward to working? 你期待⼯作吗?
Do you like your subject? (why/why not?) 你喜欢你的科⽬吗? 为什么?
### Part1话题卡 Home (your accommodation) 家或宿舍
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 你居住的什么样的房⼦?
Do you live in a house or a flat? 你住在单元楼还是独栋房⼦内?
What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 你过去居住的地⽅和现在的地⽅有什么不同?
Can you describe the place where you live? 你能描述⼀下你居住的地⽅吗?
Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 那间房⼦你和你家⼈呆的时间最多?
How long have you lived there? 你在那⾥居住多久了?
What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 你平时在你的房⼦/公寓/房⼦⾥做什么?
Do you plan to live there for a long time? 你有没有计划在那⾥居住很久?
Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 你家的交通设施完善吗?
Please describe the room you live in? 请描述⼀下你住的房间。
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 你喜欢住在公寓还是独⽴屋?
What part of your home do you like the most? 你喜欢你家的哪点?
### Part1话题卡 Hometown 家乡
What’s the name of your hometown (again)? 你家乡的名字叫什么来着?
Is that a big city or a small place? 家乡地⽅⼤还是⼩?
How long have you been living there? 你在你的家乡住了多久了?
Do you like your hometown? 你喜欢你的家乡吗?
Is there anything you dislike about it? 有没有不喜欢家乡的地⽅?
What do you like (most) about your hometown? 你最喜欢你家乡的什么?
Do you like living there? 你喜欢居住在哪⼉吗?
Please describe your hometown a little. 请稍微描述⼀下你的家乡?
Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 你觉得你会⼀直住在你的家乡吗?
### Part1话题卡 The area you live in 居住的区域
Do you like the area that you live in? 你喜欢你居住的地⽅吗?
What are some changes in the area recently? 最近附近有没有发⽣什么⼤的改变?
Do you know any famous people in your area? 你认识附近的名⼈吗?
Where do you like to go to that area? 在你住的地⽅区域,你喜欢去哪⾥?
### Part1话题卡 List 清单
Do you make a list when you shop? 你购物的时候会列清单吗?
Do you make a list for your work? Does it work? 你会在⼯作中列清单吗?它好⽤吗?
Why do not some people like making lists? 为什么有些⼈不喜欢列清单?
Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone? 你更喜欢在纸上还是⼿机上列清单?
### Part1话题卡 Furniture 家具
Do you have a lot of furniture in your home? 你家⾥有很多家具吗?
Is there anyone who bought furniture for you? 有⼈为你买过家具吗?
What kind of furniture would you like to buy? 你喜欢买哪种类型的家具?
Which furniture do you like best in your home? 在你家⾥,你最喜欢哪个家具?
### Part1话题卡 Handwriting 书法
What is the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer? ⽤笔书写和⽤电脑打字的区别在哪⾥?
Can you tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting? 你能够从⼀个⼈的笔记中看出他的性格吗?
Do you often write with a pen? 你经常⽤笔写字吗?
Is your handwriting easy to read for other people? 你写的字能够让其他⼈轻易看懂吗?
### Part1话题卡 Clothes ⾐服
What is your favourite colour for clothes? 你最喜欢的⾐服颜⾊是什么? What kind of clothes do you never wear? 你从来都不穿哪种⾐服? What kind of clothes do you usually wear? 你经常穿哪种⾐服?
Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends? 你在⼯作⽇和周末会穿相同⻛格的⾐服吗?
### Part1话题卡 Change 改变
What do you plan to change next year? 你明年打算做出什么改变?
Do you like changes? Why? 你喜欢改变吗?为什么?
Are there any changes in your hometown? 你的家乡有任何改变吗?
Have you changed a lot since your childhood? 与孩提时代相⽐,你的变化⼤吗?
### Part1话题卡 Concentration 集中注意⼒
Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? 对你来说集中注意⼒到某件事情上很难吗?
What do you do to help you concentrate? 你需要什么东西来帮助你集中注意⼒?
What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused? 当你尝试集中注意⼒的时候, 什么可能会打断你?
When do you need to be focused? 你什么时候需要集中注意⼒?
### Part1话题卡 Picnic 野餐
Did you go on a picnic when you were a child? 你⼩时候去野餐过吗?
How often do you go on a picnic now? 你现在多久野餐⼀次?
Where do you go on a picnic? 你去那⾥野餐?
What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home? 野餐和在家⾥做饭有什么区别?
### Part1话题卡 Text message 短信
Do you like texting? 你喜欢发短信吗?
Do you prefer sending or receiving messages? 你更喜欢发短信还是收短信?
Have you ever received a confusing text message? 你曾经收到过令⼈困惑的短信吗?
In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message? 在哪种情况下,打电话⽐发短信更好?
### Part1话题卡 Recycle 回收
Do you recycle now? Why? 你现在会回收东西吗?为什么?
Did you recycle when you were a child? 你⼩时候回收东西吗?
Will you recycle in the future? 你未来会回收东西吗?
What kind of things do you recycle? 你回收什么东西?
### Part1话题卡 Sport 运动
What sports did you do when you were a kid? 你⼩的时候做过什么运动?
What is your favorite sport? Why? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?为什么?
Do you watch sports matches? Why? 你喜欢看运动⽐赛吗?为什么?
Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why? 你是任何运动队的粉丝吗?为什么?
### Part1话题卡 Weekend 周末
What do you usually do on weekends? 你在周末⼀般做什么?
Did you do anything special last weekend? 你在周末会做⼀些特殊的事情吗?
What will you do next weekend? 你下周末打算⼲吗?
What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends? 你家乡的⼈周末⼀般做什么?
### Part1话题卡 In a hurry 着急
What do you always do in a hurry? Why? 你做什么事情的时候会很着急?为什么?
What kind of things would you never do in a hurry? 哪些事情你永远都不会在着急的状态下去做?
Do you usually go out in a hurry? 你经常匆忙出⻔吗? Do you like to be in a hurry? 你喜欢匆忙的状态吗?
### Part1话题卡 Stages of life ⼈⽣阶段
Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
In which stage of your life were you the happiest?
Which stage of your life do you think is the most important? What is your plan for your next stage of life?
### Part1话题卡 New Activities 新活动
Do you like to try new activities? Why? What activities would you like to try?
What activities did you do when you were a child?
Do you like to try new activities alone or with friends?
### Part1话题卡 Decoration 装饰
What is the decoration like in your home? What kind of decoration do you prefer?
Do Chinese people like redecorating their homes?
What is your favorite color when decorating your home?
### Part1话题卡 Maths 数学
Do you think maths is difficult?
What can people do with maths in their daily life? Do you learn maths now? Why/why not?
Do students learn maths in secondary schools in China?
### Part1话题卡 TV program 电视节⽬
What kind of TV programs do you like?
Do you often watch programs on TV or on your cellphone? Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?
### Part1话题卡 Trees 树⽊
Do you like planting tree? Why?
What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your home town?
Have you ever planted trees?
What kinds of trees do you plant?
### Part1话题卡 Farming 农耕
Have you visited a farm?
What kind of farm do you like?
Do you think farming is important?
Did you do farm work when you were young?
### Part1话题卡 New year 新年
How do you celebrate New year?
Do you still remember a new year that you celebrated?
Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country? Why do people think New Year is a beginning?
### Part1话题卡 Being happy ⾼兴
Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately? What do you do to stay happy?
Can you stay happy all the time?
Is it important to be happy?
### Part1话题卡 Taking a rest 休息
How often do you take a rest?
What do you usually do when you are resting?
Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest? How do you feel after taking a nap?
### Part1话题卡 Reading 阅读
Do you like reading?
Do you like to read at home or in other places? In what places do you think it is difficult to read?
Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?
### Part1话题卡 Getting up early 早起
Do you often get up early in the morning? What do you usually do when you get up early? Do you get up early on weekends?
Which morning do you like best in a week?
### Part1话题卡 Singing 唱歌
Do you like singing?
When do you sing?
Will you take singing lessons in the future? Did you enjoy singing when you were young?
### Part1话题卡 Name 名字
Is it easy for you to remember people’s names? How do you remember people’s names?
How do you feel when people cannot remember your name? Do you often forget people’s names?
### Part1话题卡 Window view 窗外景⾊
What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory? Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?
Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?
How do you feel when you cannot see any beautiful view from you window?
### Part1话题卡 Museum 博物馆
Do you think museums are important?
Are there any museums in your hometown? Do you often visit a museum?
When was the last time you visited a museum?
### Part1话题卡 Home country 祖国
Which part of your country do you want to live in? What makes you feel proud of your country?
Do you know the history of your country well? Will you stay in China in the future?
## 2021年01-04月雅思口语题库Part2+Part3(50个话题附答案)
### Part2话题卡:Describe an energetic person that you know 描述一位你认识的精力充沛的人
这道雅思口语话题卡的难度系数适中,题干中并没有很多修饰性的要求。重点有两个,一是要理解energetic(精力充沛/充满活力的)一词的含义,其次是you know的含义。You know在英文中的解释为:If you know someone, you are familiar with them because you have met them and talked to them before. (你曾经见过或则交谈过而后感到熟悉的人)。所以,最好说与自己有交集的人。例如,大家可以说一说身边的亲戚朋友、公司遇到的同事、老板以及学校遇到的老师或者同学等。建议大家看到这道话题卡之后先给自己一分钟的时间思考一下然后尝试口头演练一下,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创范文进行学习。
Describe an energetic person that you know
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
Why you think this person is energetic
And explain how you feel about this person
An energetic person that I know is Tong Da, who is my fellow student in college.
一个我认识的精力充沛的人是Tong Da, 他是我大学里面的学长。
I knew Tong from an association that we’ve participated in. It’s called the Communist Youth League of XYZ, which is an organization guided by our school and operated by students. He came in this group one year earlier than I did, and became one of the leaders of the team. So, it was actually during the interview that I met him for the first time.
Well, one of the reasons why I think Tong is energetic is that he’s managed to finish loads of tasks, including those from the association and of his assignments. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, the second year is the time when students normally get busier academically. However, he still stays in high spirits, despite the fact that he’s got a lot on his hands. Another reason why he is full of enthusiasm is probably that he always keeps a healthy lifestyle no matter how busy he is, and that makes him look tireless.
For me, I feel that Tong is definitely my role model. He’s up and coming, and never gives up when things are getting in his way, which is something that I really lack and should’ve learned. I just wish I could become someone like him in the future.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of jobs need a lot of physical work?
What is the difference between payment for physical work and that for mental work?
Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
Do you think machines could replace human workers in the future?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a person who often helps others 描述一位经常乐于助人的人/经常帮助他人的人
Describe a person who often helps others
You should say:
who this person is
how often this person helps others
how this person helps others
why this person helps others
and how you feel about this person
Well, a person who often gives a hand to others that I would like to say is actually Wang Jie, who is a fellow student of mine in college.
我想讲述的一位经常帮助他人的人是Wang Jie,他是我在大学里头的一位学长。
Wang is a super kind person who often does a favor to anyone he meets on campus and even in life. This often makes me feel like he is a living Bodhisattva, making contributions to others while expecting no rewards.
Wang and I are both students majoring in Computer Sciences which is actually not that easy for me to grasp. You know he was always the first guy who helped me out in my learning curve. This article is from Laokaoya website. I clearly remember there was a time that he even burnt the midnight oil helping me to make up for the lesson that I missed after I had finished my sick leave, which made me so touched.
Well, I think the reason why Wang Jie is always ready to help others is that he has a pretty good philosophy that guides him to be kind and generous to people. He believes that to help people is to help himself, which I strongly agree with.
我认为Wang Jie乐于助人的原因是因为他有他自己的哲学,这种哲学思想指引着他让他变成一位向善、慷慨的人。他坚信帮助别人就是帮助自己,这点我也十分赞同。
I feel truly grateful for having a friend like this, and he is definitely the kindest person I have met in college.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?
Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?
In what kinds of professions do people help others more?
Why are some people willing to help others?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a person who you think is very open 描述一位你认为很直率的人
另一版本为Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly
这是一道崭新的雅思口语话题卡,在往年的雅思口语考试当中没有出现过。不过,该题的难度系数适中,需要大家重点理解open一词的含义。我们在日常的汉语交流中习惯用open来形容人很开放。但是,open这个词更为准确的含义是honest; not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden。也就是说,该词用在人身上可以表示这个人的性格很直率、坦诚,不遮遮掩掩等。老烤鸭相信,大家在深入了解到这个词的含义之后一定能在自己的生活中找到这样的人来说一说。
Describe a person who you think is very open
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
Why you think this person is very open
And explain how you feel about this person
A person who, in my opinion, looks very open is my best friend Han Lin in college.
一个在我看来很直率的人是我大学的朋友Han Lin。
He’s a student majoring in Physics, which is one of the most well-received majors in our university.
I knew Han since I moved into college while I was a freshman and became one of his dormmates. I actually did not talk to him quite often at the very beginning as our majors were quite different. You know, this article is from Laokaoya, I was studying History and he was delving into the science field. But, it was during dinner time that we gradually became familiar with each other.
Well, the reason why I thought he was very open was that he was a person who did not conceal his ideas and was always willing to do me a favor when I had some questions in my head. You know, he kept me informed of what he was thinking about and dared to give any suggestions to me, which made me think he was truly a friend.
I felt so honored to have a friend like this, and I hope I could become a person with the same merit.
#### Part3 追加问题
Is it difficult for Chinese to express their feelings?
Who do you think talks more? Children or grown-ups?
What is the difference between males and females in terms of expressing their feelings?
Why do you think people these days are not as open as those in the past?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an old friend that you got in contact again 描述一位你重新联系的老朋友
Describe an old friend that you got in contact again
You should say
Who he or she is
What he or she is like
How you got in contact
And explain how you felt about it
Well, an old friend that I got in contact again is Gao Shuang, who was my junior high school classmate.
一个我重新联系到的老朋友是Gao Shuang, 它是我上初中时期的同学。
I got in touch with him last month with the help of a mutual friend who is currently working as an intern in the same company as me. So, I was given the Wechat ID of Gao, and we got a chance to meet up one Saturday morning. You know, it’s been around 7 years since I saw him last time. I just couldn’t believe I was able to retrieve his information from others.
Well, the moment I saw him, I was kind of shocked by his appearance. He used to be a person having a funky hairstyle and some fashionable clothes. You know, he had always been trendy in our class. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, now it seems that he’s become more mature and low-key to some extent. I could see the sudden change in his dressing habit compared to the past. And, the way he talked was no longer that fast. Instead, it became slow, clear, and way more logical. I guess that’s the improvement he gained from all the past years.
I actually felt great to meet him again after so long. Life is just like a surprise, I never thought I could see him again. You know, being able to chat with an old classmate in another city is definitely a joyful thing.
#### Part3 追加问题
What is the influence of social media on friendship?
Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?
Do people in your country like to make new friends?
Do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or the young generation?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a family (not your own) which you like and happy to know 描述一个你喜欢并乐意了解的家庭/喜欢的一家子
Describe a family (not your own) which you like and happy to know
You should say
Who are they
Where they live
How you knew them
And explain why you like them
A family that I’m fond of and happy to know is the family of Fang XX, which is a famous actress known for costume drama in China.
我很喜欢的家庭是FANG XX的家庭,FANG在中国是演古装剧的一个明星演员。
They live quite near to my place, somewhere in Haidian District. You know, my father is working in Beijing. So, we rented a house and coincidentally her family and ours were in the same community. This article is from Laokaoya website. And, our houses are just five meters away from each other.
Well, I knew them since the day I moved into the house. You know, she paid a visit to our family and invited us to be her guests as well. Never had I ever been so close to a family where there’s a celebrity.
Well, I guess the main reason why I like them is that they were being extremely nice, especially Fang, whose character in the show was like a villain but was quite amiable in reality. Another reason why I enjoy knowing them is that they usually have a chat with us every once in a while, which gives me a lot of help.
#### Part3 追加问题
Who is usually the leader in a Chinese family?
How do grandparents take care of grandchildren?
What is the most important quality of parents?
How can new parents learn about parenting?
### Part2话题卡Describe an intelligent person you know
Describe an intelligent person you know
You should say:
Who this person was
How old this person is
What he does
and explain why you think he or she was intelligent
The person I am going to tell you is Stephen Hawking, a world-renowned scientist. He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. He was also the director of a research department and the professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.
When he was 21st, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, which affects and causes the deaths of neurons that control the brain and the spinal cord. At first, this article is from Laokaoya website, the doctor predicted that he could only live for another two years. But he kept fighting and did not die until 2018 when he was 76 years old.
Stephen Hawking had done profound work in physics, especially in the theories about the university and the black hole. Due to my limitation of knowledge, I could not understand his various researches and conclusions, but from the reports on the newspapers and comments of other scientists, I know he made a great contribution to the development of cutting-edge physical theories.
However, what makes me think he was intelligent is not his research, but his several works of popular science. He magically turns those boring, complex figures and equations into something the general public can understand and arouses their interest into this subject, which is amazing.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?
Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents?
Why are some children more intelligent than others?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a polite person you know 描述一位你认识的有礼貌的人
Describe a polite person you know
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she is like
And explain why you think he/she is polite
A polite person I want to talk about is Wang Xiao, who is a friend that I knew from an international contest held in Beijing. It was actually a contest in the format of a conference where attendees compete against each other by expressing their own opinions about global affairs. It’s pretty much like Model United Nations.
一个我想要讲述的人是Wang Xiao,她是我在北京的一个国际比赛上认识的朋友。这个比赛实际上是以会议的形式举办的。在会议上,出席者通过表达自己关于国际事务的观点来同场竞技。这有点像模拟联合国。
I knew him from the first day at the conference. But, it was during the final day that we had a deep communication. Xiao had a very professional skill in negotiating and broad knowledge of international affairs. This article is from Laokaoya website. I remember the first day she came to the Beijing International Conference Center, which is the place we had that contest. She wore a suit and carried a very small suitcase, from which I could see that she just came here from the airport. You know, girls sometimes have a lot of stuff in the luggage, but she wasn’t one of them. So, I thought she must have a simplistic lifestyle.
Well, one experience deeply left in my mind. You know, she was taller than me. When I asked to take a picture with her, she said sure and immediately took off her high heels to adjust her height. That was probably the biggest reason why I think she was polite. You know, never in my life had I met a person who could have such nice behavior. Another reason why I think she was polite was that no matter whom she talked to, she always wore a smile on her face. That kind of positive energy really touched me.
I wish I could someday become a person like her, who is caring and compassionate.
#### Part3 追加问题
What’s the standard of being polite?
What behavior will be regarded as impolite?
Who are more polite? People from cities or those from the countryside?
What do you think makes people polite?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a famous person you are interested in 感兴趣的名人
这道题几乎没有什么限定,可以说的内容非常非常的多。追星的同学当然可以聊聊自己的偶像(老烤鸭小编不太了解这方面,这里就不班门弄斧了)。而不追星的同学也可以说说自己感兴趣的运动明星(姚明、林书豪、李娜等),商业领袖(国内的比如马云,王健林,张伟丽;国外的比如Elon Musk, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, 或者Trump等),或者政治领袖(奥巴马、川普等)。另外,最好表达一个还在世的名人,这样也更贴近于题目的要求。
Describe a famous person you are interested in
You should say
Who he/she is
How you knew about him/her
What he/she was like before he/she became famous
And explain why you are interested in him/her
The celebrity I am interested in is Lin Junjie, who is better known by his stage name JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer, songwriter, and record producer. He has received three Golden Melody awards, including one Best New Artist and two Best Male Singer. Because of his distinguished performance on the stage, he is often referred to as the “walking CD player”.
我想见的名人是林俊杰,他的艺名JJ lin更加广为人知。他是个新加坡歌手,创作人,以及唱片制作人。他获得过三次金曲奖,一次最佳新人,两次最佳男歌手。因为他在舞台上杰出的表现,他经常被人称为移动的CD。
I first knew him from his songs. There was once a time that you could hear his songs everywhere, on the street, in the shopping malls, and various groceries. This article is from Laokaoya website. My classmates would flock into the shops once he released a new album and almost everyone was able to sing one or two lines of his lyrics.
Born into a musician family, he has shown his interest in pop music from a very early age. In 1996, he started to attend various singing competitions and gradually accumulated his fame. In 1999, Haidie music, a famous agency, found his talent and signed a contract with him. That was where he embarked on his journey of becoming a superstar.
Besides being an excellent singer and producing top-ranking songs, he also does a lot of charity work. He has donated most of his earnings to build schools, hospitals, and wells in the poor west of China. More importantly, he does not boast it around, and the public and the media only found what he had done recently. That is why I am interested in him.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of famous people are there in your country?
What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?
Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?
Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes 奇装异服的人/描述一位你认为穿着不同寻常衣服的人
Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What his/her clothes are like
And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual
A person who I think wears unusual clothes is my brother-in-law who is two years younger than me.
My brother is now a third-year senior high school student. His biggest goal is to go to the UK to further his studies in Fine Arts or Fashion Design. I knew my brother since childhood. You know, he’s been passionate about arts for many years. I grew up watching his paintings. I should say, he has indeed got a talent in this field.
But, it was during recent years that I began to realize that he picked up the habit of dressing up himself. He has a myriad of clothes which are of different kinds. Each of them has a unique design. For example, this article is from Laokaoya website, I remember there is one shirt that looks like what typical white collars wear as a whole. However, the cuffs of the shirt are garnished with ribbons and stars. When he wears it, it really looks like he was in a catwalk show.
You know, those clothes are hardly worn by average people on the street or in their workplace. They were even hardly seen in a fashion show as he often did some tailoring after he bought them home. So, that’s probably the main reason why I think they are quite unusual. But, anyway, I always gave him my encouragement by complimenting his designs even though not all of them were to my taste.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you think what people wear can influence their mood?
Do you think it is a good idea to buy clothes online?
What kind of clothes do people wear in the workplace?
What are the differences between clothes worn by old people and those by young people?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live in 拜访过但不想住的家
Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live in
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
Why you visited it
And explain why you would not like to live there
A home that I visited but did not want to live in is located in Mohe, which is my father’s hometown.
It is located in the northernmost part of China. It is an apartment that my parents bought in the early 1990s but is mostly leased out to others since my parents are now working in Shenzhen and no longer need to live there.
Well, the apartment was not so big. It is only about 70 square meters big with two bedrooms, a living room, a toilet, and a kitchen. I remember it was quite spacious while I was a kindergarten kid. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, I could even run around in it. But now, it looks pretty small as I am a grown up and used to living in a bigger room.
Well, I think the main reason why I went there and why I still do is that there are many relatives and friends in Mohe. So, we have to go back at least once a year to visit them. Normally, we would choose to fly there during the Spring Festival as that’s the time when most of us are back from work or school.
Honestly, I don’t enjoy the weather there. You know, the coldest time of the year is about minus-forties °C. When the heavy snow came, everything gets inconvenient. It’s quite common that your delivery would get delayed. So, that’s the decisive factor that makes me feel unwilling to live there.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do Chinese people like to visit others’ homes?
What do Chinese people do when they visit others?
What kind of place do people in your country like to live in?
What’s the difference between homes in cities and those in the countryside?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in 喜欢的城区/喜欢的城市的一部分
这道题只是要求描述城市的一部分,因此可以说的内容有很多,只要它在城市范围内就可以。我们可以聊聊城市中的公园,图书馆,网吧,商场,学校,体育馆等等。不过需要注意的是,题干中还有一个限定enjoy spending time in,因此我们在说的时候要解释一下自己为什么喜欢那里。整体来看,题目难度比较一般。
Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you do there
And explain why you enjoy spending time there
The place I am going to tell you is a small library that has just been constructed, funded by the government. It is located in a huge park next to my community, about 15 minutes’ walk away. But since I rarely took a walk in it, I actually knew this place from an article posted by my neighbors on social media. It not only gave an explicit introduction to the facilities the library was equipped with, but also involves a large number of pictures about what it looked like.
The library is in the center of the park. Even from the pictures, you can tell the environment around is wonderful. This article is from Laokaoya website. Various trees and flowers embrace the building and an artificial lake lies in front of it. moreover, since it is separated from the road by plants, it is also very quiet。
The library does not occupy a huge area, only 40-50 square meters. Unlike the normal buildings, which are made of concrete and steels, most of the library is made of glass. And to avoid the sunshine turning it into a warm house, it has been equipped with thick curtains. In it, five bookshelves are arranged in the center and about 12 tables are laid against the walls.
I want to go there because I feel it would be a perfect place to read and write. Although there is a study in my home, the distractions are just too many. I cannot resist the temptation of video games, TV programs, and computers. By contrast, in the library, surrounded by people craving for knowledge, I am forced to concentrate on study.
#### Part3 追加问题
How do public places change in towns or cities?
What public places do old people usually go?
Why do young people like to go to public places?
Will more people move to cities in the future?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an event you experienced in which you did not like the music played 不喜欢的音乐
Describe an event you experienced in which you did not like the music played
You should say
What the event was
Where you were
What the music was like
And explain why you did not enjoy the music
I’d like to tell you about a terrible experience I had when I was in school last year.
It’s the Summer Games held annually in our school. During this event, the selected students would present their classes to participate in different games to fight for their honors.
I was, obviously, not the chosen one. So, I was sitting in the area where our class belongs to on the stand of the stadium, writing kind of sports journals that the school required us to submit.
The background music in the stadium was so monotonous. You know, it’s the March music on repeat when no broadcasters read the scripts of the events. I just couldn’t stand the repetitive beats, which often distracted my attention to writing.
The biggest reason why I disliked the music was that it’s quite boring, which I thought would neither cheer the athletes nor excite spectators like me.
#### Part3 追加问题
Why do many young people spend a lot of money on music concerts?
Do you think older people like the same music as young people?
Do you think music concerts are suitable for old people to attend?
Why do shopping malls often have background music?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public 描述你在公众场合见到的不礼貌的小孩/熊孩子
这道雅思口语P2话题卡为本季度的新题,在最近几年未曾出现过。它要求考生描述小孩行为举止不得体的一次行为。大家在生活中一定经历过很多次这样的事情,选择一件自己印象深刻的来说即可。至于什么样的行为属于behave badly,见仁见智。总得来说,只要是与公德和礼节违背即可。除此之外,描述的事件一定要是在public place(公共场合)发生的事情,不然会有跑题的情况。
Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public
You should say
Where it was
What the children were doing
How others reacted to it
And explain how you felt about it
I'd like to tell you an ill-mannered kid that I saw in public last summer.
I saw this kid while I was walking through a corridor with my elder sister who was about to have a hot pot with me at Wanda Plaza, which is one of the biggest shopping and recreational centers in our city.
When I saw the kid, who was about 7 to 8 years old, he was squatting beside a tall Christmas tree. I thought he might be waiting for his parents at that place. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, when we walked closer to him, a pungent smell smashed at our faces. Soon I realized that he was pooing!
There weren’t many passersby but a young couple who saw this were frowning at each other. Maybe it’s also an unacceptable surprise for them?
Well, I definitely felt so bad and was even about to vomit before seeing my hot pot. I know it could be that the kid didn’t find the toilet. But, didn’t his parents taught him how to avoid embarrassing others? I feel that the best way is to think ahead to find a toilet before having no choice but poo in public.
#### Part3 追加问题
What bad behavior do children usually have?
How should parents stop their children from behaving badly in public?
Are parents these days stricter than those in the past?
Whose influence on children is more important? Friends’ or parents’?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you forgot something important 忘记重要的事
Describe an occasion when you forgot something important
You should say
When it was
What you forgot
Why you forgot it
And how you felt about it
The experience I am going to tell you is that I forgot the date with my girlfriend on the 14th of February this year. It was the first Valentine’s day since we were together, so my girlfriend attached great importance to it. She started to hint at the symbolic meaning of this festival and how much she had been looking forward to it even three months ahead.
As a model boyfriend, I surely did not want to let her down. Therefore, I reserved a table at one of the fanciest restaurants near my school, this article is from laokaoya website, and booked a bunch of rose in a flower shop the day before. I also bought a pair of silver earrings, hoping this could give her a surprise. Everything was set. I told her to meet me at the school gate at 6 o’clock sharp.
When I was waiting for the time to come in the dormitory, my roommate invited me to play “Glory of Kings”, a computer game where you picked a hero, teamed up with others and fought against the enemy. I looked at my cellphone. It was just 3 pm. So I said why not. Then the worst thing happened.
I was so immersed in the game that I totally ignored the elapse of time. When I finally remembered the date, it was already a quarter past 7. I rushed to the school gate and my girlfriend was gone. I called her but she had put me in the blacklist and it never got through. I was deeply regretful. How could I make such a thorough preparation but forgot the date eventually?
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of things do people forget easily?
What kinds of people are more forgetful?
How can people improve their memory?
What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?
### Part2话题卡:Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language 描述你第一次用外语的经历/说一门外语的经历
与foreign language(外语)相关的话题在雅思口语考试中出现的次数比较频繁,考察的细节也不同。该道话题卡难度系数适中,主要要求考生描述出自己曾经第一次说(talk)外语的经历。因此,大家在描述的使用外语的经历里面一定是在说的层面。至于说的是多个单词还是若干个句子,这里并没有做任何限定。在启蒙英语的学习阶段,有的学习方式以词为中心,有的以短句为中心,只要大家描述出自己的经历并以清晰的逻辑呈现出来即可。大家可以在看到这道P2题目之后给自己一分钟的时间来思考并口头练习一下,然后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创范文进行学习。
Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language
You should say
Where you were
Who you were with
What you talked about
And explain how you felt about it
Well, it’s been quite a while. I remember it was in the third year of my primary school that I started to talk in a language that was not my mother tongue.
I was actually in a classroom where our English teacher prepared us a group activity in which we were required to introduce ourselves in English with three simple sentences in front of the group members.
Unlike the ordinary lessons, it was a pilot one where some other teachers in our school also participated in. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, they just sat at the back of the classroom, observing our teacher’s teaching and the students’ learning.
Honestly, I couldn’t remember the whole three sentences, but I do remember two of them, which were My name is Jack, and I come from Harbin. You know, I had actually made two mistakes before I blurted out the correct words.
老实讲,我不太记得完整的三个句子了。但是,我记得其中的两个,一个是,我的名字叫Jack (这是我当时的英文名),还有一个就是:我来自哈尔滨。我其实在蹦出正确英语之前犯了两次错误。
Well, I was quite nervous at that time. The main reason was that there were many teacher observers in our classroom, which made me feel like we were criminals being watched. But, I also felt a great sense of achievement as that’s the first time I officially talked in English!
#### Part3 追加问题
At what age should children start learning a foreign language?
Which skill is more important, speaking or writing?
Does a person still need to learn other languages, if he or she is good at English?
Do you think minority languages will disappear?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you worked in a group 描述一次你与团队合作的经历/在团队里工作
这道雅思口语话题卡要求考生描述一次自己的曾经在group(小组/团队)work(干活儿/工作)的经历。这里的group不仅仅可以指公司里面的团队,也可以是某个大学内部的学术项目团队或者课上的小组 。常见的团队工作经历可以是暑期或者寒假实习,也可以是校内模拟联合国、辩论赛、机器人大赛等有分工合作的团队工作,也可以小到某个课程上的小组课题探讨。因此,只要大家多思考一下肯定不难找到类似的经历来进行描述。老烤鸭建议大家看到如下题目的题干和提示之后多给自己几分钟的时间进行思路的梳理,然后进行口头演练,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time when you worked in a group
You should say
When it was
What you did
Who you worked with
And explain why you worked in the group
I’d like to share with you the experience of conducting research about the living habits of people in the Tang Dynasty as a group project.
It was during the first semester of my college that I had this group work with a bunch of same novice-like students. It was actually part of the final exam of our history class. And, that was the first time I had such a unique format of testing.
We did a lot of detailed tasks around the topic. Considering the topic was kind of big in terms of living habits, we actually dissected the research into different categories so that we could distribute them in pairs to do some research.
Well, I was lucky enough to be paired with another classmate named Jiang who I knew very well, this article is from Laokaoya website, and our task was to find and read the correlated literature as much as possible, which is the first preparation for our next step of comparing and analyzing. It took us days and nights of that entire week to accomplish it.
我当时很幸运地分到了一位我比较熟悉的同学,名叫Jiang. 我们的任务就是尽可能地多寻找并阅读一些相关的文献工作,这是我们接下来要进行比较分析的前提。这花费了我们那个星期好几个日日夜夜才把它搞定。
Well, the reason why I worked in this group was that I was assigned to be a member of it. And, another reason was that this was part of our final, which was quite essential for my studies. So, I had no choice but to take it. Well, working with Jiang and other teammates, I ended up having a decent score for that course.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you think it is important for kids to join a team?
Is the role of a leader important in a group?
What personalities should a good leader have?
Can everyone become a leader?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you changed your opinion 描述一次你改变看法的经历
这道口语part two要求考生描述一次自己的opinion (观点、看法、想法、主张)发生变化的经历。可供选择的题材有很多。例如,对某一件事情产生了偏见,但是经过自己人生阅历的积累和修养的提升,不再对这个事情固守己见。具体来说,可以是对某一个人的做事风格看不惯,但之后又发现他的为人处世才是更加完善的,等等。老烤鸭相信大家多多回忆一下自己的人生经历就一定能够找到一件印象深刻的事情来陈述。最后,老烤鸭小编还是需要提醒大家,在看到这道题目之后先最好给自己一两分钟的时间打个草稿构思一下,然后进行口头演说,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time when you changed your opinion
You should say
When it was
What the original opinion was
Why you changed it
And explain how you felt about it
A time I changed my opinion happened last spring, which was during the time when the coronavirus outbreak took place.
Well, before that spring, my opinion on higher education was that it’s just a waste of time and money. You know, we could have entered society earlier and gained more experience of the valuable things that only can be available out of school if we chose not to spend another year or two or even more of being a student at university. And, I thought that at the end of the day society was the true university. You know, I had seen many of my relatives who didn’t receive much education but still lived good lives, not to mention about Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg who were the most successful examples in the world.
Well, I changed my opinion totally because of the pandemic. You know, when the lockdown started to roll out, everyone was like in the middle of nowhere, especially for those who were working their butt off as the only breadwinner in the family. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, getting laid off meant the entire family would hardly make ends meet. However, those who got higher education were way better than those who didn’t as the market always prefer applicants with strong educational backgrounds. And, it was observing this unprecedented situation that I had made a sudden change in my mind.
Well, the reason why I changed my idea was that I have experienced seeing friends and relatives struggle with the same obstacles and couldn’t make any changes at the moment. You know, I clearly remember a brother-in-law of mine said to me that how he wished he could have been a student for a longer time at college.
I definitely felt grateful that I changed my traditional idea. And, I also appreciate my parents who could support me financially and mentally to study abroad.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do children like to change opinions?
When do people change opinions?
Who do people turn to for advice?
Do people like giving opinions about politics?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time you needed to use your imagination 描述一次你需要发挥想象力的经历
Describe a time you needed to use your imagination
You should say:
When it was
Why you needed to use imagination
How difficult or easy it was
And explain how you felt about it
A time I needed to use my imagination was preparing for the final examination of my Fine Arts course. It was about ten years ago when I was in junior high school.
At the end of that semester, our teacher wanted to examine us by letting us create an oil painting based on the inspiration of the last course content which was about wildlife animals. This article is from Laokaoya website. At the same time, we were given as much freedom as possible in terms of what we were about to paint so long as it pertained to the objects that we had learned in the coursebook.
Well, we needed to use our imagination to maintain originality, which was one decisive factor to our scores. Another reason why we did it was that those animals were quite exotic, which made it nearly impossible for us to picture what their real lives were like.
我们需要运用想象力的原因就是,我们得保持作品的原创度, 这是影响我们得分的关键因素之一。另外一个原因就是,这些动物对我们来说都比较异域性,这让我们很难去了解到它们真实生活是什么样子的。
Honestly, it was the hardest painting experience that I had during my junior high school as I not only had to be imaginative but also need to make my work as artistic as possible.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you think adults can have lots of imagination?
Do you think imagination is essential for scientists?
What kinds of jobs need imagination?
What subjects are helpful for children’s imagination?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth 告诉朋友一个重要的真相/告诉朋友实情
Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth
You should say:
Who your friend is
What the truth was
What your friend’s reaction was
And explain why you think it was important to tell your friend the truth
A time when I told my friend a vital truth happened more than a decade ago while I was in primary school.
This friend, Zhang Xue, was actually my neighbor and classmate who I had many interactions with at home and school in my childhood. Well, the truth was that I had broken the harmonica that she had lent to me for my music course and that the one I gave back to her was actually a new one that I bought at the store, though they look nearly the same.
Well, initially, she was a little bit overwhelmed by the truth I told her, judging by her jaw-dropping facial expression. But, then, probably several seconds, she resisted her emotion and stayed calm. Honestly, this article is from Laokaoya website, I felt embarrassed and guilty to break her musical equipment, but I ended up mustering up my courage to tell her the truth no matter what would happen.
Well, I think I wanted to tell her the truth was out of my conscience. You know, I was told not to lie to others by my parents since I began my schooling. The feeling of hiding the truth by a lie really sucked during that period of time. Also, I thought this harmonica was quite meaningful to her, so it would hurt her even more if I didn’t tell the truth.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you think we should tell the truth at all times?
How do you know when others are telling lies?
Sometimes people should tell lies. Do you agree?
Do you think it’s more important to win a game or follow the rules in sports?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time you made a promise to someone 对别人许下的承诺
想必大家在生活中对别人许下过不少承诺/诺言。大家可以在自己的记忆中搜寻一遍,找一个自己印象最深的一个或者自己说起来较为容易的一个来表达。这里面有一个很有意思的地方:这个诺言并非一定是那种一锤子买卖的。例如,张三许诺李四,自己中了彩票分李四一半,最后李四中了彩票并兑现了诺言。还可以是长期的,比如,要做一个终身学习者,你只能keep(保持住)这个诺言。这也正是该话题中也提及到的keep promise是否比较困难这一点。这两种诺言均可在考试中表达,大家可以多花些时间去思考一下,然后给自己一点时间口头初步练习,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time you made a promise to someone
You should say:
What the promise was
To whom you made it
Whether it was easy or difficult to keep
And explain why you made it
A time I made a promise to someone happened about three years ago.
The promise was that I must study abroad to pursue my higher education degree. As you can guess, I made it to my parents. You know, they are strong advocates of international education and like to see their kid show that learning capability.
To be honest, I still think it was really a rough experience to keep this promise, since breaking the barriers, such as language, and academic performance, wasn’t easy. This article is from Laokaoya website. To make it one step closer to reality, I literally burned the midnight oil for every important exam at school. As you know, GPA counted heavily in college applications.
Well, I think one of the reasons why I made this promise was that I did not want my parents down. You know, they care about me more than they do about themselves. Another reason is that being able to study abroad is indeed a good opportunity for me to broaden my horizon, and thus become more aware of who I want to be.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of promises to people often make?
Do parents in China make promises to their children?
Do children keep their promises?
Why do some people fail to keep their promises?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you get close to wild animals 野生动物
Describe a time when you got close to wild animals
You should say
Where you were
What the animals were doing
Who you were with
And what your reaction was
I am going to tell you an experience that I saw wild foxes. It was about two years ago when my parents and I went to my grandparents’ home, a remote village located on the rim of mountains, to celebrate the Spring festival. It was an arduous trip. We took 5 hours of train, 2 hours of coach and another hour of walk before finally arriving at the destination.
On the first day of the new year, after the feast and all the cleaning up, I was assigned the task to take out the garbage and dump it at the back of the house. This article is from Laokaoya website. It was already deep into the night. I had to hold a flashlight to illuminate the winding path since unlike the city, there were no lamps standing aside.
When I was pretty near the dumpsite, I suddenly noticed a scuffling noise. There seemed to be something or someone there. I stood still, lifted the flashlight and then there they were. Two foxes were digging into the garage and rummaging for some food. They were not even close to what I had seen in cartoons or comic books, where foxes had big, fluffy tails and wore the fiery coat. But both of them were in brown and their tails were just like that of the cats, nothing special.
I was amazed by this encounter. As a boy/girl who had been brought up in the city, I had never seen any wild animal before. It was a totally different experience from reading their descriptions on the book or watching them on the TV.
#### Part3 追加问题
What are the difference between animals in zoos and those in the wild?
Why should the staff in the zoos teach the public about animals?
Why are people keen on keeping pets?
How can the increase of the human population influence wild animals?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a short trip you often take but do not like 不喜欢的短途旅行
这道题的限定条件有三个:short, often和do not like,给我们的回答增加了许多困难。对于已经工作的同学来说,上下班之旅完美符合这些条件。但还在学校的同学可能就得费点思量了。一方面我们可以模仿工作,讲讲自己实习上下班的过程;另一方面,我们也可以聊聊定期去超市购物,去探望某人,或者去辅导班。而不喜欢的原因则可以从以下两点入手:要么旅途艰辛,不太方便;要么到了之后要做的事情自己很抵触。
Describe a short trip you often take but do not like
You should say
Where you go
When you go there
Why you go there
And explain why you do not like the trip
I am going to tell you a trip that I undertook nearly every day in the last two months and will continue conducting in the next half year. It is a trip from my school to the company where I have an internship.
As a junior in the university, I have only one year left to complete my study and then I would enter the competitive labor market, trying my best to find a decent job. This article is from Laokaoya website. To polish my resume and gain some practical experience, I have got myself an intern position in Baidu, a tech-giant in China.
Although this opportunity was very precious and wining this position did earn me some admiration from my classmates, the working life is not pleasant at all. Since the company is not located in the same district as my school, I have to take nearly 40 minutes’ bus to commute to and from the workplace, which means I need to get up at 6.30 in the morning to avoid being late and would not return to my dormitory until 7 o’clock in the evening, really toilsome.
Another reason why I do not like the trip is the perpetual crowd in the bus. As you can see, my commuting time coincides with other employees in the city. Whenever I step into the bus, it is already pretty full. In fact, I have to shove through the crowd to find me a place to stand in the back and body contact with strangers is inevitable.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do Chinese people like travelling abroad?
Who prefers travelling abroad? The young or the old?
How much time do you think people should spend on a trip abroad?
Which is better for knowing more about a country? Travelling or reading books about it?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you give advice to others 描述给别人建议的一次经历
Describe a time that you give advice to others
You should say:
who you gave advice to
what the advice was
why you gave advice
how you felt about the advice
A time that I gave advice to others was helping my younger sister, Wang Jie, to choose her major in college.
一次我给别人建议的经历是帮助我的妹妹Wang Jie选择大学专业。
Wang was the daughter of my mother’s colleague and was an up-and-coming third-year senior high school student. I remember that was a day right after the Spring Festival in 2014. We were visiting our relatives and friends as usual and met with each other in a social event.
I didn’t mean to give advice to her, but it was her mother who was chatting with my mother about her daughter’s difficulties in preparing the Gaokao, which is the college entrance exam in China. Wang felt quite unsure about her future concentration in college. It was not difficult for her to get into a top 10 university in China, but the thing was that she just had no clue regarding choosing a promising major. She told me that the public administration was considered to be a top priority in her parents’ eyes as they wanted her to become a public servant. She actually had neither an interest in it nor in others, which made things even harder.
Well, I was actually not an authority in terms of choosing a major even though I was then a junior majoring in Human Resources. But, I did have some insightful understanding of this struggle. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, no matter what advice you take, you are the only person that is truly responsible for the decision you make. So, I offered her an advice, which was quite simple, ‘find your interest and go for it’. Also, I gave her detailed guidance on how to detect the inner propensity for the things we truly wanted, which I think would be of great value for her. After listening to my words, she felt she was kind of enlightened.
Well, I wouldn’t say my advice was very great, but it’s at least useful in the long run. You know, sometimes parents want us to be successful but would help us in the wrong way by giving us a suggestion that doesn’t suit our need. Soon or later we will have realized that the decision was once made inappropriately. So, instead of letting others choose, we’d better know what we want.
#### Part3 追加问题
Should people prepare before giving advice?
Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?
What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you ate something for the first time 描述你第一次吃的食物
Describe a time when you ate something for the first time
You should say:
What you ate
When you ate it
Where you were
And how you felt about it
I want to share an experience of eating an exotic fruit when I was traveling in Thailand in 2015. My parents took me there for a vacation.
I clearly remember it was in an orchard that I ate the most stinky tropical fruit in most Chinese people’s mind, which is durian. The place was somewhere between Bangkok and Pattaya. This article is from Laokaoya website. It took us around two bus hours to get there. After taking a walk around the yard to learn something about those fruit plants, we were led by the tour guide to a large round table where lots of unfamiliar fruits were placed.
Among all those exotic treats, the durian was definitely the most memorable one. You know, I had long heard about the complaint of its stink but hadn’t really taken a tiny bit of it. So, that’s the perfect timing to try it.
To be honest, it smells indeed bad, but way better than the one I experienced while passing the street market in China. When I take the first bite, I was actually mentally prepared. So, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Actually, the taste was rather good, which made me wonder why people always complain about its taste and smell? Or, could it be that those durians they ate were not authentic? I have no idea.
Well, If I had a chance to visit there again, I think I wouldn’t bother having more!
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
What are young people’s opinions on new food? How about young people’s opinions on new food? How about old people?
Should teachers and parents teach children how to cook?
Why do people like their local food?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others 描述一次与他人一起的无聊经历
Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others
You should say:
When it was
Who you were with
What you did
And explain why you were bored
I am going to talk about a gathering I participated that made me bored to death.
This gathering was right after we celebrated the 2010 Chinese lunar new year. As a custom, we were supposed to visit relatives and friends in the following days.
There’s a time that my parents and I went to my mother’s co-worker’s family to celebrate the festival. I thought that I would have much fun there, for example playing games with their kids who were at my age. This article is from Laokaoya website. However, when I got there, there were so many guests at their house, which made me feel difficult to move around.
What’s worse was that the kids were all out for fun before I came. So, I did nothing but just sit on the sofa watching the boring Spring Festival Gala replay in a noisy environment where people were playing Mahjong while chatting loudly. I had never felt that life could be this boring being a guest.
Well, the reason why I felt so bored was that there were no peers in the house to play with me. I would rather go out doing nothing instead of staying at the house alone. If I were taken to that place again, I would bring an iPad or something to kill time.
#### Part3 追加问题
When do people feel bored?
What can people do when they feel bored?
Do people get bored about daily routines?
Is it easier for the young people to feel bored than for the old?
### Part2话题卡: Describe a time when you had to wait in line (queue up) for a long time 描述一次你不得不排很长时间的队/排很久的队的经历/排久久的队
Describe a time when you had to wait in line (queue up) for a long time
You should say:
When it was
Where you were
Why you were there
And how you felt about it
I want to share a terrible waiting experience with you that happened 2 years ago.
It was at the U.S. Embassy which was located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. I should say that location was perfect as there were many embassies of other countries and SOHO buildings in that area. So, it was actually regarded as a place where many ex-pats would like to live.
I went there because I needed a U.S Visa to be an exchange-program student at Ohio State University. You know, it was the only place where I could get it in Beijing, or even in the northern part of China if my memory was correct. This article is from Laokaoya website. I knew getting an American visa was not easy as it not only required lots of materials but also a formal in-person interview! That’s kind of freaked me out, to be honest, as I hadn’t really met a foreign official in person.
Well, what bugged me first was not the interview, but long waiting for it. When I got to that place, I was taken aback by the intimidating line, which stretched to the block next to the embassy and turned around and reached again to the front door of the embassy. Never ever in my life had I met such a crazy line. It was even longer than those I saw in the train station during the Spring Festival travel.
I felt extremely exhausted after spending almost four hours standing and being exposed to the sunlight outside the building. It was way more painful than climbing the mountains because at least you are walking and appreciating the sceneries along the way while waiting in a line, you can’t do anything.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do Chinese people often wait in line?
Do you think the development of technology has reduced the time people spend on waiting?
What do you think of those who cut in line or jump the queue?
How can companies improve their customer service?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when your computer broke down 描述一次你的电脑坏掉的经历/电脑罢工
这道雅思口语非常贴近大家的生活,难度系数适中。当今,我们的高中生、大学生还有上班族们基本上家里都会有一台乃至书台笔记本电脑。用的时间长了,电脑难免会出一些故障,比如死机了、直接坏掉了等情况。这些都算broken down。有的同学可能的确没有笔记本电脑,可能用的ipad,那么怎么办呢?其实,也是一样,平板电脑也算电脑,或者你就当做电脑说即可。当然,苹果的Macbook也是电脑的一种,属于Macintosh。 万一啥都没有呢,老烤鸭建议你说说你用图书馆、网吧或者朋友的电脑经历。大家可以先思考几分钟,然后进行口头练习,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time when your computer broke down
You should say:
When it was
What you were doing
What you did about it
And how you felt about it
Let me tell you about an incident that I had just about a year ago when the outbreak of the covid hit our city.
I remember it was during the Spring Festival Eve when our government announced that we would have a complete lockdown. You know, they had to do so to control the spread of the virus.
Well, during that period, I was using my laptop to write up my paper based on a field study of Anthropology in a group. So, basically, there was no need for me to go out again, and all I needed to do was wrap up all the work of the written part. This article is from Laokaoya website. It took me about three days to sort out all the data and the analysis. You know, things went smoothly until I was writing the conclusion part. My laptop died after I had used it for around three hours unplugged. I thought it would be okay as usual when it was plugged in. However, it didn’t! It somehow never restarted again.
I searched lots of ways on the Internet using my phone and tried all of them to wake it up but to no avail. I felt quite edgy at that moment. But, thank God, a volunteer in our community helped me get a new laptop as I couldn’t step out of the door.
I felt extremely grateful for his help. You know, he was a life savior to me. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to hand in my work on time.
#### Part3 追加问题
What do people use computers for?
Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?
Do you think computers make our life simple or more complex?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you lost your way 迷路的经历
一般来说,在以下几种情况中更容易发生迷路:1. 去了一个不熟悉的地方,周围的道路、建筑物都不认识,无法作为标志物,导致迷路;2. 去了一个手机导航不怎么显示的地方,如小区内部或者某些最近一直在修路的地方,导致迷路;3. 在野外旅游时,没有按照规划路线前进,而是选择自己探索,导致迷路。大家随便算一个场景进行拓展即可。
Describe an occasion when you lost your way
You should say
Where you were
What happened
How you felt
And explain how you found your way
The experience I am going to tell you happened three months ago. Back then, I just survived the intensive revision plan and finished all my final exams, which meant I could finally take a breath and enjoy my holiday. So I decided to travel to Luoyang, a nearby city, well-known for the peony and its long history, to relax.
As it is not far away from home, I chose to drive myself to get there. And my father, who had been there several times, told me “do not follow the navigation on your cellphone. I know a shortcut this article is from Laokaoya website which would save a lot of time”. So I followed his instruction and ignored the constant hints from the electronic map.
After half an hour’s drive, I found the information he gave was wrong. There was supposed to be a small road stretching out when I turned off from the main road, however, there was nothing but a concrete wall in front of me when I did so. Now, I was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a large area of crops. Luckily, the navigation service was still online. With its help, I successfully found the way back.
I called my father to ask about the situation. He said it had been a year since he last went there. So there must have been some changes he did not know. After that, whenever people’s suggestion goes against the electronic map, I would always choose to believe the latter one.
#### Part3 追加问题
Why do some people get lost more easily?
Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?
Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?
How can people find their way when they are lost?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do 鼓励别人做不愿做的事
这道雅思口语话题卡难度系数适中,非常贴近生活。但是,大家可能不太能够轻而易举地联想到自己生活中鼓励别人做的事情。那么,我们可以先从理解encourage这一个词来入手,在英语的解释中,非常清晰明了:If you encourage someone, you give them confidence, for example by letting them know that what they are doing is good and telling them that they should continue to do it. 也就是说,只要你帮助别人提升了自信心,给予别人帮助等,让别人去做自己可能一开始没有信心、胆量去做的事情,就算encouragement。这样的事情有很多,例如,给别人打气加油,鼓励别人去尝试游一次泳(曾经可能怕水,不敢游泳),鼓励别人品尝一道很好吃的但是他/她却因为各种担心没敢吃的美食。类似的生活经历还有很多,大家可以话几分钟的时间思考一下,然后进行一次口头练习,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do
You should say:
Who he or she is
What you encouraged him/her to do
How he/she reacted
And explain why you encouraged him/her to do it
I’d like to share an experience with you that happened several years ago. This person who I encouraged to do something was Wang Xia, who was my classmate and best friend in senior high school.
我想和你分享一个多年前发生的事情。他叫Wang Xia, 是我上高中的时候的同学,也是我最好的朋友。
I remember it was after we graduated from high school in the summer that I encouraged him to travel abroad with me. And, the destination was Thailand, which was actually not that far compared to western countries such as Australia and the UK but was the first foreign country we were about to travel to in our life.
At the very beginning, he was all at sea with my invitation as he never thought of traveling abroad. He seemed kind of unwilling to go with me as a riot just happen a year ago in Bangkok, which is the country’s capital. This article is from Laokaoya webiste. To make him believe that the trip was worthwhile, I listed some good reasons such as the lowest hotel and flight price during that time, and a pretty stable political situation since the riot came to an end. Apart from that, I tried to convince him that it was indeed the best time to visit there as we wouldn’t have much time taking an international adventure in our busy college life. He ended up mustering up the courage and accepting my invitation, which made me feel quite excited.
Well, the main reason why I encouraged him to do it was that traveling to Thailand was really cost-effective, which was later approved to be true. You know, we were students and didn’t have much budget. Another reason was that going to Thailand would definitely let us learn a lot about perspectives like the local culture, language, and history, etc. So, why not?
#### Part3 追加问题
How can leaders encourage their employees?
When should parents encourage their children?
What kind of encouragement should parents give?
Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you won a prize/Describe a prize that you received 获奖的经历/获过的奖
Describe a prize that you received
You should say
What it was
When you received it
What you did for it
And explain how you felt about it
The prize I have won is the championship of the Mathematical Olympic Games of our province. It is a high-standard competition, organized by the government. Every year, thousands of students from different schools would take part in it and only the best could win the prize.
It was three years ago when I was in the final year of high school. The reason why I participated in this competition was quite practical. It could bring a big advantage to me when I apply for the university. This article is from Laokaoya website. Even if I do not want to further my study, it will also become a highlight on my resume when I look for a job on the market.
I had made a tremendous effort. I bought every relevant workbook I could find on the market and finished all of them. I also made notes of all the questions where I made mistakes and classified them according to the reasons. Apart from that, I consulted a former winner for his advice about the preparation.
When the results were revealed and I learned that I had won the prize, I was ravished with joy. The great efforts I had made was not in vain. Here I come, my dream university.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kind of prizes do students get?
Should students get the same prize in sports and academics?
Why should people be awarded?
Are awards always good for the winners?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a photograph of you that you like 描述你喜欢的一张自己的照片/一张照片
该P2话题卡的核心在于a photography of you (你自己的照片)。也就是说,照片上必须得有你自己。否则,就会出现跑题的现象。想必大家一生当中也拍过很多关于自己的照片,比如毕业照、和朋友出去玩的照片、与风景名胜一起的照片等,甚至还可以说说自拍照。老烤鸭建议建议大家看到题目先给自己一分钟的打草稿时间,然后口头说一说,最后再参考老烤鸭原创范文进行学习。
Describe a photograph of you that you like
You should say
Where it was taken
When it was taken
Who took it
And explain how you felt about it
A photograph of me that I enjoy is the one taken in Badaling Great Wall, which is located in Beijing.
I couldn’t remember the exact date when it was taken. But, I’m pretty sure it was during the summer holiday before I went to the first grade of primary school. This article is from Laokaoya website. My father was about to have a business trip to Beijing, and his company allowed him to bring family members. So, he took my mother and me there.
My father took this picture near a famous stone tablet which was inscribed with a sentence written by Mao Tsedong, who is one of the first leaders of this nation. The inscription can be translated in English as One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.
Well, I felt extremely excited to have a picture like this. One of the reasons is that it has a perfect composition. You know the nice posture, the unique tablet, and the stunning background view of the Great Wall are something worth showing off to my friends. It also made me feel grateful when I looked at the picture. You know, being able to go to Beijing and appreciate one of the great wonders of the world at that time was a luxurious thing for my peers.
#### Part3 追加问题
Why do people take photos?
What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?
Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?
How do people keep their photos?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a tradition in your country 描述在你们国家的一个传统/国家传统
该话题卡要求考生针对自己所在国家的某一个传统进行描述。题目并没有对传统做限制,所以就题材而言,大家的选择还是比较多的。但是,题目里面有一个重点需要大家理解到位,那就是tradition(传统)的含义。这一点不妨与其近义词 custom(习俗) 一起思考一下;传统的概念要大于习俗,也就是包含与被包含的关系。例如,庆祝端午节是传统,而吃端午粽子或则赛龙舟就是习俗(即题目内所要求涉及具体活动)。老烤鸭相信大家一定能够找出生活中自己印象最深刻最想描述的那个传统。
Describe a tradition in your country
You should say
What it is
Who take part in it
What activities there are
And how you feel about it
A tradition I’d like to talk about happens at the end of the Lunar year and the beginning of the coming year. It’s officially called the Spring Festival, which is regarded as the most important celebration in our nation and has been run for more than four thousand years.
Well, pretty much like Christmas, nearly all family members gather together to celebrate the time of the year. They usually take a week or two off to get back to the place where the senior members are living, which kind of shows respect to the old.
There are actually many customs during this tradition. The most common one is having a family reunion dinner. You know, it’s probably one of the most precious times throughout the year as there are just a few other events that could convene a gathering of family members in a size like this. This article is from Laokaoya website, another activity that plays an integral part in this tradition is called Sending and Receiving Red Pocket, which is also known as the Lucky Money. Traditionally, it’s the senior people who give the money to the younger generation as a symbol of best wishes. But, now, it’s been evolved as an activity that’s suitable for all ages.
Well, I feel celebrating the Spring Festive is quite meaningful. You know, it not only gives us an opportunity to take a rest from work or studies but also helps strengthen the family bond.
#### Part3 追加问题
How do people value traditional festivals?
What is the difference between festivals now and those in the past?
Do you think western festivals like Christmas are replacing traditional festivals in your country?
Do you think it is wrong for children not to celebrate traditional festivals?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time 描述一个你拥有很久的壮志雄心/抱负/长久的追求
这道题目的重点在于你所拥有的这个ambition一定得是怀揣多年的追求。至于多久算long time,题目并没有明说。因此,大家选择一个自己认为比较长的追求即可。例如,三年准备高考,四年大学准备出国或者找工作等等情况都算。老烤鸭建议大家拿到这道P2题卡之后可以多给自己一点时间仔细思考一下自己当下最想要实现的长期目标究竟是什么,然后再整理一下自己的思路并口头表达出来。最后,再参考老烤鸭给出的原创范文进行学习。
Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time
You should say
What it is
What you did for it
When you can achieve it
And explain why you have this ambition
It's a bit embarrassing to say. But, I have to admit that going abroad to further my study is an ambition that I've had for years.
My goal has always been getting matriculated by one of the top 100 universities abroad and being able to concentrate on Physics, which is my favorite.
Well, there're actually many things to prepare such as polishing my resume by gaining some working and academic research experience, improving my GPA, and getting a decent score on a language proficiency test. This article is from Laokaoya website. Honestly, I have done all of them except for the language test, which I hope I could nail it soon.
I'm not quite sure when I can make it as it depends on a wide range of factors such as the time they give me an offer as well as visa processing and so forth. Oh, and the regulations concerning the pandemic, which is also a headache.
Well, the main reason why I have this ambition is that I get motivated by others. You know, since I was in high school, I’ve heard of many pieces of exciting news that my fellow students were admitted by the top universities from the U.K or other places. You know, being able to earn a degree in another country would definitely be helpful for my future career. So, I want to give it a try.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of ambitions do people have?
Why should parents encourage children to have ambitions?
Should parents interfere with their children’s ambitions?
Is there any difference between children’s ambitions and those of grown-ups?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that interests you 描述一个感兴趣的科学领域(比如物理、生物、心理学等)
Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that interests you
You should say
What it is
When you knew it
How you learned it
And explain why you are interested?
An area of science that triggers my interest is actually Astronomy, which studies the stars and planets and so forth in the universe.
It was actually during a school event last summer that I got to know this field. You know, there’s an Astronomy Study Association in our school that focuses on promoting the understanding of outer space objects among students and conducting some important studies. This article is from Laokaoya website. I got registered in an evening event that gave us an opportunity to observe the stars using varied types of telescopes.
Well, honestly, I just learned it from scratch. You know, I hadn’t known anything about astronomy before coming to the event. But, there were some volunteers who gave me a handbook providing some basic knowledge about the subject and kindly instructed me on how to use the tools to observe. I benefited a lot from this hands-on experience.
Well, the reason why I’m keen on astronomy is that I find looking at those exotic things in the sky is quite exciting. You know, for ages, I have been interested in the beautiful and mysterious stars and planets. Being able to understand them professionally rather than in entertaining ways such as what appears in the cartoons, is quite an eye-opener.
#### Part3 追加问题
What is the best invention in the past one hundred years?
What is the influence of science on human life?
What can individuals do for scientific research?
What influence can international cooperation in science bring about?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally 描述一个你喜欢做的昂贵的活动
Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally
You should say
What it is
Who you do it with
Why it is expensive
And explain how you felt about it
An expensive activity that I love doing sometimes is actually Golf.
It is a game that allows you to use long sticks to hit a small ball into the holes in the grassy area, and it’s also considered here in China a game for the rich.
Well, I’m obviously not a rich guy. But, I’m occasionally invited by a friend of mine and thus get a discount to play some during the weekends to unwind. You know, normally it would be at least around 500 RMB for a single time or 1800 if you play in a decent field.
I feel that the main reason why it’s so costly is that the maintenance fee of a golf club is immense. You know, they have to take care of the massive grassland and pay for the rent of the field, which is actually more expensive than that abroad. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, the cost of labour is also skyrocketing as China has undergone rapid development in the past years.
Well, I felt playing golf was quite fun and enjoyable. You know, there were always some unexpected but interesting incidents that happened during the course such as missing the ball or failing to swipe it. Also, I love to hit the green and enjoy the great outdoors, which is good for my eyesight after a long week of study.
#### Part3 追加问题
What kinds of expensive things do people like to buy?
What is the difference between women and men in buying things?
What are the advantages and disadvantages about being rich?
Why are some sports expensive? Are they for everyone?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in 描述一个你不太感兴趣的话题、无聊的话题
Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in
You should say
Who you talked with
When you had the conversation
What the topic was
And explain why you were not interested
I wanna share an experience that I had online.
It’s actually a group discussion regarding the Chinese Ancient History that was assigned by our teacher. As it was during the Covid-19 pandemic, we were suggested to have a conversation with group members on Zoom, which was a popular online meeting tool.
I couldn’t remember the exact date of that conversation. But, I’m sure it was at the end of July when everyone was having a holiday and quarantine at home. This article is from Laokaoya website. There were three members in our group and we knew each other and the means of communication very well. You know, we had lots of meetings in that format during the summer. So, it wasn’t actually an exciting thing to do.
The topic was about Han Dynasty and its literature in particular. Since it’s our first time to talk about this, we were not supposed to delve deeper into the correlated studies. Instead, we spent around two hours discussing what specific angles we would like to study from.
I felt that those two hours were quite dull as I was not into those things that were far from our contemporary lives. Another reason was that there was one group member who acted like a dominator and indoctrinated lots of views to us, which was kind of tiring.
#### Part3 追加问题
What topics do young people in China talk about?
What is the difference between the topics popular now and those in the past?
How o you know if others are not interested in your conversation?
What is the influence of modern technology, such as the internet and e-mails, on our communication?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song 描述你记得的诗歌或歌词
Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song
You should say
What it is
Which song or poem it is from
How you knew it
And explain how you feel about it
A few lines that I remember from a song are sung by Jay Chou, who is one of the most well-received pop song singers in China.
It’s from a song called Snail, which was created in Chinese by Jay Chou when he was at a low point of his life. The song goes like I wanna climb up step by step, and fly with a leaf from the peak, which was kind of the literal translation in English.
Actually, I first heard of it while I was shopping at a mall after school about ten years ago. This article is from Laokaoya website. I didn’t know the singer at that time but was so touched by the lyrics. When I got back home. I Baidued it online and listened to it on repeat.
The reason why I got so moved by the lyrics was that it was so encouraging. You know, I was kind of experiencing a difficult situation at school, and those two lines of lyrics motivated me and told me never to give up.
#### Part3 追加问题
Are you good at memorizing things?
Do you think children would like the rhythm of songs or poems? Why?
Do you think it is easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults? Why?
What can people learn from songs or poems?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a good decision you made recently 最近做的好决定
Describe a good decision you made recently
You should say
What it was
When you made it
What the result was
And explain how you felt about it
The experience I am going to tell you happened last month, when I came to the 3rd year of my university. According to the tradition, it was time for us to compete for the leaders of the various societies in my university. Being a leader brought enormous benefits. It would not only improve your skills like communication and organization but also gain you a great advantage during the application for master degrees.
However, I could not decide whether I would join the campaign or not. If I was not the winner, I would this article is from Laokaoya website be embarrassed. If I was elected, I might not be able to achieve a balance between study and club activities and failed in both of them.
I went to my best friend and asked for his advice. He encouraged me to compete. He said if I tried and failed, it was not a big deal. It happened all the time and nobody would laugh at me. But if I was too daunted to give it a try, I would be a real coward.
I took his advice and decided to run the election. Though I did not succeed, I still believe it was a good choice. On the one hand, I have accumulated a lot of experience about how to win the votes of strangers, which may be useful when I enter the workplace in the future. On the other hand, if I had quit at the start, I would blame myself every evening before I went to sleep for missing such a good opportunity.
#### Part3 追加问题
What decisions do people make every day?
Why do people make decisions?
Can children make decisions on their own?
When do people change their decisions?
### Part2话题卡Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh
Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh
You should say:
What the program is
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
Why it made you laughed
The comedy I am going to tell you is called “Hello, Mr. Billionare”. In it, a loser in life, who earned very little money and took a bribe to cheat in an amateur football match, was suddenly going to inherit a 20-billion-RMB heritage from a distant relative. But to get the money, he was required to spend 1 billion RMB in a month.
I watched it on a Saturday last month. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. My roommate and I did not have any class that day and decided to waste ourselves. Since we got up, we had been playing our favorite game, “league of legends”. By the late afternoon, we were exhausted and I felt like that I would throw up if I played one more minute.
He proposed why not we went to the cinema and watched a film. I thought that was a good idea. We browsed all the options and found “Hello, Mr. Billionare”. Its reviews were pretty good and got an 8.9 out of ten. We booked two tickets online and set out.
What made me laugh is the dramatic change in people’s attitude towards the man. They used to despise him. But after they learned about the news, they thronged to fawn upon him. His shortages suddenly became his strong points, which is quite ironic.
#### Part3 追加问题
Why do children like to laugh?
Is laughing beneficial to children? How about old people?
What do you do when you feel sad?
What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?
Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a short term job you want to have in a foreign country描述一份你想做的国外短期工作
这道题是今年这个季度的全新题目,难度系数适中,要求考生描述与工作相关的内容。其难点在于考生可能会纠结于多久的工作属于short term(短期)的工作。其实,题目并没有做出任何限定,言外之意,只要你觉得持续时间短就好了。你既可以描述自己曾经在国外的所见所闻,也可以是自己在网络上或者朋友那里了解到的情况。比如去国外做带薪实习或者志愿者工作等等。
Describe a short term job you want to have in a foreign country
You should say
What the job is
Where you want to do it
How you knew it
And explain why you want to do it
A short term job I wan to do in another country is actually doing some basic tasks as a cashier in a fast-food chain store such as the KFC or Mcdonald’s.
The job mainly involves some services like helping the customers order the meals they want and to receive and pay out the money. Apart from that, I would probably also need to do some teamwork such as designing a promo activity with my coworkers and acting as a liaison between team members.
My ideal place to do this job is somewhere in New Zealand, where I know there’s a Working Holiday program for global youths each year. This article is from Laokaoya website. Within this program, candidates are permitted to work in any company to do some basic work for a short period of time, which usually lasts about 6 months to a year.
I knew this program from a piece of news on Wechat, telling us that students from China are also eligible to apply.
Well, I think the main reason why I’d like to have this job is that I want to travel to Newzealand which is one of my favorite countries. Also, through this program, I am able to support myself during my stay in that country. So, why not?
#### Part3 追加问题
Is it good for young people to have the experience of living in other countries?
Why are some people unwilling to work in other countries?
What kind of work can young people do in foreign countries?
What is the difference between working in an international company and working in a domestic one?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a book you read that you found useful 描述一本你读过的感觉有用的书
Describe a book you read that you found useful
You should say
What it is
When you read it
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you felt about it
The book I am going to tell you is a biography of Zhu Rongji. He was China’s prime minister from 1998 to 2003. During his term, he carried out a profound reform on state-owned enterprises, which significantly improved their efficiency, boosted their profit, and laid the foundation of the rapid growth of China’s economy in the following years. Until now, there are still a large number of people honouring him.
Besides describing the hardships and obstacles he encountered when he implemented these reforms, the book also focuses on his upbringing, this article is from Laokaoya website, especially how he grew up from an orphan to the prime minister. The author attributes his success to his diligence. He never gave up studying no matter what the environment was, how busy the work was and how tired he was.
I read it on my way home. It was quite a long journey and I had developed a habit that before I embarked on the journey, I would browse through the shelves in the bookshop and bought some book that seemed interesting. It was a good way to kill time.
The reason why I think it is useful is that it convinced me that success is never won by accident. Every successful individual has made a lot of effort to reach their status. And as a person without any special gift, I have no excuse to be sluggish. Inspired by the prime minister’s experience, I had worked really hard in the following semester and won a scholarship.
#### Part3 追加问题
What are the types of books that young people like to read?
What is the difference between the reading habits of old people and young people?
What is the difference between paper books and e-books?
Some people say that it is easier for children who start reading from a young age to succeed. Do you agree?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a time when you received good news 收到的好消息
Describe a time when you received good news
You should say
What the news was
Who told you the news
When you knew
And how you felt about it
The good news I am going to tell you is the peony park in our city was finally completed. It is built along the river, stretching out for 11 kilometers. The government introduced various plants, constructed a rubber dam, planted a huge number of peonies and set up a wide range of entertainment facilities there, including a 400-meter standard plastic track, six badminton courts and several table tennis tables.
It was a summer afternoon, the hottest time during a day. The sun was burning the land, this article is from Laokaoya website, and even a short walk outside was like torture. I was staying at home and after I finally finished all the homework, I decided to watch my favorite TV series as a reward.
When I turned on the TV, it was broadcasting this piece of news. The host briefly introduced all the features and then played a short film of the park. What a beautiful place it was.
This park would greatly enrich people’s lives, especially those who live nearby. In the past, most of them would choose to stay at home and watch TV after dinner, but now they could take a walk or participate in physical activities. That is why I think it was a good piece of news
#### Part3 追加问题
Where do people get news?
What kind of news do people like to read? Why?
How can companies tell the public its news? On the internet or through press conference?
What do you think of the news on social media?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people 你觉得自己可以教授别人的技能
Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people
You should say
What it is
When you learned it
How you can teach others
And how you feel about this skill
The skill that I think I can teach others is photography. To be more specific, it is about how to make people look prettier in the photos we take with cellphones. It involves a series of techniques, like adjusting the pose of the model, choosing the best background, angle and light, and perfecting the picture using the applications installed in the phone.
I acquired this skill about two years ago. My best friend had been very picky about the photos of herself and what I had taken never satisfied her. So to please her and show how I cared about her, this article is from Laokaoya website, I read a lot of books about photography and watched numerous videos. After several months of hard-working, I finally mastered this skill. Now, whenever she wants a picture of herself, I am her first choice. She said she looked far more beautiful in the photos than in the reality.
I think the best way to teach others this skill is through practice and feedback. I mean I will first ask them to take a photo, and then give comments about the mistakes they have made and advice about how to improve them. And we will repeat these two steps until we get a satisfactory one. After several times, they should know how to produce a perfect photo by themselves.
I think this skill is really practical. Now most of us have smartphones, and have developed the habit of taking photos and then sharing it on social media. A good photo can win a large number of likes and greatly satisfy our vanity.
#### Part3 追加问题
Should teachers be funny when they teach?
What qualities should teachers have?
Which do you think is more important, practical skills or academic skills?
Which age group is the best at learning new things?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a live sport match that you have watched 现场/直播体育比赛
Describe a live sport match that you have watched
You should say
What it was
When you watched it
What it was like
And how you felt about it
The sports match I am going to tell you is the final between Djokovic and Nadal in the 2012 Australian Open Tennis Championship. Although eight years have passed and a lot of things have faded away from memory, this match is still as vivid as it happened yesterday.
It was a Sunday. After dinner, I was planning to return to my room and play games, but then it occurred to me that I had not seen my parents for a whole week. It might be a good idea to spend some time with them together. So I sat on the couch and turned on the TV to see if there was anything interesting.
When I was switching channels, I noticed that a station was broadcasting this match. It was already the third set of the five and Nadal was leading by one. I thought this game would soon come to an end, but the persistence and determination of Djokovic were simply beyond my imagination. This article is from Laokaoya website. He never gave up a single opportunity, trying his best to save every shot. So was Nadal. From the fourth set, neither of them could maintain the lead for more than 5 minutes and I could clearly see both of them had exhausted all their stamina. The only reason for this game to carry on was their iron will. Eventually, after nearly 6 hours’ intense competition, Djokovic won the champion.
I was moved by the qualities they had shown in this game and realized how a strong will could push people beyond their limits.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do you prefer to watch live sports or watch it on TV?
Why do some people like to watch live sports?
What kinds of sports do Chinese people like to watch?
Do you think competition is good for students?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future 未来完美的工作/描述一个你以后想要获得的一个完美工作/喜欢的梦寐以求的工作
Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future
You should say:
What it is
How you knew it
What it is like
And explain why you think it is perfect
The most ideal job I’d like to get in the future is working as a librarian.
It is a job that involves a lot of physical and mental work, for example, classifying books and providing some academic assistance to the readers, etc.
Well, I knew it since the first time I went to the library as a kid. But, it was in the second year of college when I was an exchange-program student in the United States that gave me a complete understanding of this job.
I remember I had a paper to be done, but somehow couldn’t find several books I had to refer to in the school library. You know, the entire building has countless stacks labeled with alphabetical letters that made me feel clueless. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, I turned to a librarian who was a really kind middle-aged lady. She helped me decipher all those mysterious codes on the stacks and even taught me some small tricks on how to find the academic materials efficiently. You know, It seems that she knows no less than a prof!
Well, the most important reason why I think it is a perfect job is that being a librarian grants me an opportunity to be immersed in an environment where I could read all those books whenever I want. Plus, it is well paid, and I don’t have to worry about my living. It’s like killing two birds with one stone, isn’t it?
#### Part3 追加问题
What kind of job do children like?
Do children like to choose the same profession as their parents?
Will people regret about their career choices when they become older?
What should people consider when choosing jobs?
### Part2话题卡:Describe something you bought recently and felt pleased about 很开心买到的东西
该题目有两个信息点:something you bought和happy with。前者决定这东西必须是买的,不能是别人送的,或者捡的。至于在哪里买的则没有加以限制,可以是商场,可以是网购,也可以路边摊。后者决定你必须对这东西比较满意,不能买完之后就后悔了。整体而言,该题目应该是这个题季最简单的一道题目了。尤其是当下剁手党盛行,男男女女哪个没有买过点东西并且买完之后还向别人安利的。像什么女生买的化妆品,口红,偶像周边,衣服;男生买的鼠标,键盘,鞋子等都是我们可以说的内容。
Describe something you bought recently that you were happy with
You should say:
What it was
Where you bought it
What it was for / how it was used
And explain why it made you happy
The item I bought recently is a kindle. Two months ago, when I was scanning the Amazon website trying to find some interesting books. There was this huge advertisement on the head of its homepage, stating that a whole new generation of kindle had been produced and its performance had been greatly improved compared to the previous one.
I had seen kindle in reality from a friend and was surprised by the e-ink technology it employed, which radically changed my view of e-reader. But I did not know where he got it. At seeing this advertisement, I decided to order one at once and it turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.
First, the screen of kindle does not flicker like other pads. No matter how long I read, my eyes do not hurt. This is very essential to a bookworm. Second, Kindle has long battery life. Once it is charged to full power, I do not need to recharge it for at least two weeks. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. Third, it was light and small, very convenient to carry. I can put it into pockets on my clothes just like my cell phone. Fourth, it has even inserted reading light in this device. I do not need to worry about whether the environment is bright enough. Ever since I bought this Kindle, my travel has never been boring, be it to work or to a far-away place.
#### Part3 追加问题
How often do people in your country go shopping?
Why is online shopping popular?
How should sellers set prices for their products?
Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores?
### Part2话题卡:Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time 对家庭重要的东西/描述你个你们家庭保存了很久的重要物品
该题关键词是:important以及long time。有的烤鸭可能会纠结家里是否有这样的东西。其实,哪怕家里没有金银珍宝之类老古董(例如:开元通宝、玉石、纸币等)也没有关系,只要你们家认为这是比较重要的有年代感的东西即可。例如,家里人保存很久的一张相片或者一个家具等。大家可以思考几分钟,在脑海中找找看有没有类似的物品,然后尝试口头表达一番,最后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创答案进行学习。
Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time
You should say:
What it is
When your family had it
How your family got it
And explain why it is important for your family
I would like to talk about a set of coins that my family has kept for a long time. It was passed by my great grandfather. So, our family has actually preserved it for nearly a century.
It has four coins, all of which are from the early Republic of China period. Each of the coins was carved with an icon of Yuan Shikai who was a warlord and the president in the year 1914. This article is from Laokaoya website. There’s also an interesting history about him. You know, he was the only president and emperor throughout the history of China, though his 83-day imperial status was not internationally recognized.
Honestly, my grandfather was born in an affluent family. So, he has inherited a lot of them from his father. However, we actually didn’t care much about the coins until one day our family felt that those coins were getting more and more scarce. And, my father even bought another one from the market to pair the other three coins.
We think it’s crucial for our family because this set of antiques carries that special piece of history. Surely, we don’t expect to have another emperor and president in China again because that will be terrible if we have. Also, those coins have appreciated greatly in the past decades, and our family has regarded them as part of our important assets.
#### Part3 追加问题
What things do families keep for a long time?
What’s the difference between things valued by people in the past and today?
What kinds of things are kept in museums?
What’s the influence of technology on museums?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a toy you liked in your childhood 童年喜欢的玩具
Describe a toy you had in your childhood
You should say:
When you had the toy
Who gave you the toy
What it was like
How you felt about the toy
The toy I am going to tell you is the model of a transformer. When I was 5 or 6 years old, the cartoon ‘transformers’ was very popular in China. Every night at 6.30, I would sit in front of the television and wait for the good Optimus Prime and his fellow warriors fighting against the evil Megatron. My classmates and I even played their roles in the day and fought against each other at school.
One day when my father and I were shopping in a mall, I notice the model of Optimus Prime on the counter of a shop. It may be a little crude in today’s perspective, but then it was the best thing I had ever seen. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. I could not move my eyes. After begging my father for almost half an hour, he finally agreed to buy it.
It was the best toy in my childhood, with not only flexible joints but also two forms. It could change from human to a truck, a true transformer. Every day, I held it in my hand, imagining that I was fighting against Megatron and saving the earth. I shouted their slogan or made the sound of shooting and explosion. I was so absorbed in my own world that sometimes I even forgot to eat. Oh, I miss it.
#### Part3 追加问题
How do advertisements influence children?
Should advertising aiming at kids be prohibited?
Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?
What is the difference between toys kids play now and those they played in the past?
### Part2话题卡:Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone 有趣的谈话/跟某人有意思谈话
Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger/someone
You should say:
Who this person is
What the conversation was about
Why you had this conversation
And how you felt about it
The interesting conversation I am going to tell you happened last summer when I was traveling to Inner Mongolia on the train. It was a 12 hours exhausting journey. At first, I played games on my cellphone to kill time but the battery soon ran out. After staring at the monotonous view outside the window for about 2 hours, I finally noticed the man sitting beside me.
He was around 50 years old and part of his hair had turned grey. He was wearing suit pants and a white shirt, just like most senior citizens in China. This article is from Laokaoya website. But what caught my attention was the book he was reading. It was written in Mongolian. So I asked him whether he was an indigen there and then our conversation began.
Learning that I was a tourist who was going to spend my vacation in his hometown, he showed great enthusiasm. He put the book down and started introducing the local customs and tourist attractions. The most interesting part of this conversation is that he said in Inner Mongolia, the host would cut the tail of the roasted sheep and presented it to the most honored guest. The tail, which consisted of a lot of fat, would be regarded as an unhealthy food outside, but it was the most precious gift there, which contradicted my perception.
I really enjoyed this conversation. Thanks to him, I was able to find many cheap but delicious restaurants and avoid making misunderstandings with the locals.
#### Part3 追加问题
Do people communicate more when they talk face to face?
What do young people have conversations about?
Do people have conversations more or less than they did in the past?
Do you think we need to be good at communication at work?
### Part2话题卡:Describe a kind of weather you like描述你喜欢的天气
What kind of weather it is
我喜欢的天气是晴天(sunny)。温度在25度左右徘徊(fluctuate)柔和的阳光(soft sunlight)照亮(lighten up)河水和街道,微风拂过(breeze gently touches)人们的脸庞,鸟儿在树上歌唱。
When this weather usually occurs
What you usually do during this weather
当这种天气出现的时候,我会叫上几个朋友,一起到学校里打篮球或者踢足球。运动之后,我们会找一家饭店,坐在外面(open air),点上一些烤肉(grilled meat)和啤酒,尽情享受。聊聊最近的情况,开开玩笑,或者玩一些游戏。
And explain how this weather affects your mood/why you like it
这种天气是上天的恩赐(gift from the god)。它为我逃离(escape from)繁重的工作/学习提供机会。我会充分利用这一天与我的朋友尽情的放松,增进我们之间的友谊,平衡工作与学习之间的关系。
#### Part3 追加问题
What do people wear in different weather?
How does weather influence people’s life?
What are people’s opinions on weather forecast?
Are there any festivals about seasons?
Describe an energetic person that you know 精力充沛的人
Describe a person who often helps others 乐于助人的人
Describe a person who you think is very open 直率的人
Describe an old friend that you got in contact again 重新联系的老朋友
Describe a family (not your own) which you like and happy to know 喜欢的一家子
Describe an intelligent person you know 聪明人/智慧的人
Describe a polite person you know 礼貌的人
Describe a famous person you are interested in 感兴趣的名人
Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes 奇装异服的人
Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live in 拜访过但不想住的家
Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in 喜欢的城区
Describe an event you experienced in which you did not like the music played 不喜欢的音乐
Describe a time when you saw children behaved badly in public 熊孩子
Describe an occasion when you forgot something important 忘记重要的事情
Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language 第一次用外语
Describe a time when you worked in a group 团队合作
Describe a time when you changed your opinion 改变看法
Describe a time you needed to use your imagination 发挥想象力
Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth 告诉朋友实情
Describe a time you made a promise to someone 许下的承诺
Describe a time when you got close to wild animals 野生动物
Describe a short trip you often take but do not like 不喜欢的短途旅行
Describe a time when you gave advice to others 给别人建议
Describe a time when you ate something for the first time 第一次吃的食物
Describe a time when you felt bored 无聊的经历
Describe a time when you had to wait in line (queue up) for a long time 排很长时间的队
Describe a time when your computer broke down 电脑罢工
Describe an occasion when you lost your way 迷路的经历
Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do 鼓励别人做不愿做的事
Describe a prize that you received 获过的奖
Describe a photograph of you that you like 一张照片
Describe a tradition in your country 国家传统
Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time 长久的追求
Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that interests you 感兴趣的科学领域
Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally 贵贵的活动/昂贵的活动
Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in 无聊的话题
Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song 诗歌或歌词
Describe a good decision you made recently 好决定
Describe a film that made you laugh 搞笑电影
Describe a short term job you want to have in a foreign country 国外短期工作
Describe a book you read that you found useful 有用的书
Describe a time when you received good news 好消息
Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people 可以传授别人的技能
Describe a live sport match that you have watched 现场/直播体育比赛
Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future 完美的工作
Describe something you bought that you were happy with 很开心买到的东西
Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time 对家庭重要的东西
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood 童年喜欢的玩具
Describe an interesting conversation 有趣的谈话
Describe a kind of weather you like 喜欢的天气