Add Binary | leetcode 67 【Java解题报告】

原题链接:67. Add Binary


思路1和思路3思路是一样的,也是用0补齐最短字符串左侧,至两字符串等长,如 a = "1111", b = "1",其基本实现就是实现 a = "1111",b = "0001",这样相加,只是代码更简洁:

    public String addBinary(String a, String b) {
        int maxLen = Math.max(a.length(), b.length());
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int carry = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) { //从右边开始逐位取出字符串 a、b 的字符值 tempA 和 tempB,如果长度不足,则用0替代
            int tempA = a.length() > i ? a.charAt(a.length() - i - 1) - '0' : 0;
            int tempB = b.length() > i ? b.charAt(b.length() - i - 1) - '0' : 0;
            sb.insert(0, (tempA + tempB + carry) % 2);  //在最左侧插入相加结果
            carry = tempA + tempB + carry > 1 ? 1 : 0;  //得到进位
        if (carry == 1) sb.insert(0, 1);  //如果最高位有进位,则最高位还要加一位 1
        return sb.toString();

294 / 294 test cases passed. Runtime: 5 ms  Your runtime beats 30.64% of javasubmissions.



public class Solution {
    public static String addBinary(String a, String b) {
        if(a.equals("")) return b;
        if(b.equals("")) return a;               //如果b为空,则返回a
        int al = a.length() - 1;                 //字符串a的长度减1,刚好指向数组的末尾
        int bl = b.length() - 1;  
        int t = Math.max(al, bl) + 1;    
        char[] arr = new char[t+1];             //设置要创建char数组的长度
        int c = 0;
        /*char[] str1 = a.toCharArray();
        char[] str2 = b.toCharArray();*/  //注释部分是将字符串放入数组中,这种方法以后再实现,如果读者有兴趣的话,可以自己尝试实现。
        for(; al>=0 && bl>=0; al--, bl--, t--) {           //这里实现a1与b1的位相加
            int s = a.charAt(al) + b.charAt(bl) + c - '0' - '0';
            if(s==2) {
            	c = 1;
            	s = 0;
            } else if(s == 3) {
            	c = 1;
            	s = 1;
            else c = 0;
            arr[t] = (char)(s+'0');
        while (al >= 0) {                      //若b字符串长度小于a长度,则继续求 a 和进位的和
        	if(a.charAt(al) - '0' + c > 1) {
        		arr[t] = 0 + '0';
        		c = 1;
        	} else {
        		arr[t] = (char) (a.charAt(al) + c);
        		c = 0;
        while (bl >= 0) {
        	if(b.charAt(bl) - '0' + c > 1) {
        		arr[t] = 0 + '0';
        		c = 1;
        	} else {
        		arr[t] = (char) (b.charAt(bl) + c);
        		c = 0;
        if(c == 1) arr[0] = 1+'0';
        return new String(arr).trim();

294 / 294 test cases passed. Runtime: 3 ms  Your runtime beats 91.41% of javasubmissions.



public class Solution {
    public String addBinary(String a, String b) {
		int aLen = a.length();
		int bLen = b.length();
		if(aLen > bLen) {                    //字符串 b 的长度较长
			int gap = aLen - bLen;
			while(gap-- > 0) b = 0 + b;  //用0补齐字符串 b 至字符串 a、b 等长
		if(bLen > aLen) {
			int gap = bLen - aLen;
			while(gap-- > 0) a = 0 + a;
		int maxLen = aLen > bLen ? aLen : bLen;
		int c = 0, sum = 0;
		String result = "";
		for(int i = --maxLen; i >= 0; i--) {
			sum = a.charAt(i) + b.charAt(i) + c - '0' * 2;
			if(sum > 1) {
				c = 1;
				sum -= 2;
			} else {
				c = 0;
			result = sum + result;
		if(c == 1) result = 1 + result;
		return result;

294 / 294 test cases passed.   Runtime: 5 ms
