

(1)I didn’t understand the meaning of the words. - 我不理解他的话。

(2)The man robbed him of all his money. - 这个人抢了他所有的钱。

:rob + 人 + of + 物,抢了某人的某物。还有一个词叫“偷”,steal,和rob不同,steal的直接宾语是物,即steal + 物 + from + 人,意为:从某人哪里偷取某物。

(3)My mother will take good care of the kids. - 我妈妈会好好照顾这些孩子。

:take是动词,take care of 是个动词短语,意为照顾,take good care of是好好照顾的意思。

通常将这整个短语当作名词,那么kids就是宾语。我们也会经常见到“take care”。意为”保重“,完整的意思是”take care of yourself”,照顾好自己。

重点:有一部分动词,它做名词的意思和做动词的意思是一致的。例如:dream, sleep, live, die, fight, smile等。

(1)I dreamed a strange dream last night. - 昨晚我做了一个奇怪的梦。

:dream做动词意为做梦,做名词意为梦。dreamed a dream 意为做了个梦。

(2)I slept a sound sleep in the soft bed. - 我在那张柔软的床上睡了个好觉。

:sleep做动词意为睡觉,做名词意为睡眠。sleep a sleep,也叫睡觉。通常对睡眠加修饰词的时候才这样用。

(3)She lived an unhappy life. - 他过着不幸福的生活。


(4)He smiled a sweet smiled. - 他甜甜地笑了。




Every afternoon a vendor drives a pickup to our community to sell vegetables.

(2)他认识我们附近的每一个人, 而我们每一个人也认识他。

He knows every one of us in our neighborhood, and every one of us knows him too.

:every one是两个词,everyone是一个词,前者可以被修饰,比如“附近的”,后者不可以被修饰。前者可以代表人或事物,后者只能代表人。




授予动词+直接宾语 + 介词 + 间接宾语

意思一样,即:授 某物 予 某人。例如:I gave him a book. - 我给了他一本书。I gave the book to him. - 我把一本书给了他。


1、to一般用于动词:allow, give, hand, recommend, write等。


(1)He handed the clerk the money.

He handed the money to the clerk. - 他把钱交给了店员。

(2)The teacher recommended us the book.

The teacher recommended the books to us. - 老师推荐了这些书给我们。

2、for通常用于bring, choose,make, spare等。

(1)She made her daughter a new dress.

She made a new dress for her daughter. - 她给她女儿做了一件新的洋装。

(2)Can you spare me a few minutes?

Can you spare a few minutes for me? - 能为我腾出几分钟吗?

重点1直接宾语若是代词,只能用句型 动词 + 直接宾语 + 介词 + 间接宾语

例如:give it to me是对的,而give me it是错的。


例如:He told me how to stop smoking.



His parents left him a big fortune.

His parents left a big fortune for him.


She sent both her friends and her husband’s friends a lot of Christmas cards.

She sent a lot of Christmas cards both to her friends and her husband’s friends .


(1)They found that stranger a spy. - 他们发现那个陌生人是个间谍。

:如果没有a spy,这句话也是对的,句子是完整的,但无法表达相同的意思,句尾的是补语,补充说明宾语,叫做宾语补足语。

(2)We must always keep the classroom clean. - 我们要保持教室干净。

(3)All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. - 一只工作不休息,使得Jack变得迟钝。




make / have + 宾语 + 不定式原型(宾语主动)

make / have + 宾语 + 过去分词(宾语被动)

let + 宾语 + 不定式原型(宾语主动)

let + 宾语 + to 过去分词(宾语被动)

get + 宾语 + to + 不定式(宾语主动)

get + 宾语 + 过去分词(宾语被动)


(1)I can’t make him understand it. - 我无法使他理解这件事。

(2)I can’t make myself understood in English. - 我无法用英语使自己被理解。(无法准确地用英语表达自己)。

(3)He wouldn’t let his daughter go out alone. - 他不让她女儿独自外出。

(4)He let the work be done soon. - 他很快完成了工作(直译是:他使工作很快被完成)。

(5)You don’t have to do it by yourself; I’ll get him to help you to finish it. - 你不需要自己做完这件事,我会让他帮助你完成它。

(6)I had my hair cut. - 我剪了头发。(使头发被剪)

(7)I had my money stolen. - 我的钱被偷了。(使我的钱被偷)


feel, see, watch

look at, notice, observe

hear, listen to

动词 + 宾语 + 原形(主动)/现在分词(主动)/过去分词

(1)I heard my mother humming a tune. - 我听到我妈妈哼着曲子。

(2)I heard something crash against the wall. - 我听到什么东西撞到了墙上。

(3)I saw the boy punished by his father. - 我看到这个男孩被他父亲处罚了。



Frequent demonstrations have made the traffic worse.


The children consider their house a heaven.


The management want all the employees to be punctual.

