正规写法:insert into T_Person(FName,FAge,FRemark)Values('Tom',18,'USA')
简易写法:insert into T_Person Values('Tom',18,'USA')(此方法必须与表里的字段顺序和个数一致)
update T_Person set FRemark=‘SuperMan’
update T_person set Fage=12 where FName=‘Tom’ or FName=‘Jim’
简单的删除(所有数据,表的结构还在):Delete from T_person
删除一条或几天用where,not 或or关键字
delete from T_Person where FAge>20 or FRemark=‘Mars’
select * from T_Employee
select FName,FAge from T_Employee
select FName as name,FAge as age from T_Employee
select * from T_Employee where FSalary <5000 or FAge>25
年龄大于25岁员工的最高工资:select max(FSalary),min(FSalary) from T_Employee where FAge>25
select avg(FAge) from T_Employee where FSalary >3800
select sum(FSalary) from T_Employee
select count(*),count(FNamber) from T_Employee
order by放句末,升序asc(默认),降序desc
按年龄升序排列:select * from T_Employee order by FAge asc
按年龄降序,年龄相同的工资降序排列:select * from T_Employee order by FAge desc,FSalary desc
where关键字(order by 放最后):select * from T_Employee where FAge>23 order by FAge desc,FSalary desc
搜索FName结尾为“erry”,像Jerry、Kerry:select * from T_Employee where FName like '_erry'
搜索首字母为“T”的所有记录:select * from T_Employee where FName like 'T%'
搜索首字母为“B”或“T”的记录:select * from T_Employee where FName like '[BT]%'
搜索首字母不为“B”和“T”的记录:select * from T_Employee where FName like '[^BT]%'
is null关键字
select * from T_Employee where FName is null
select * from T_Employee where FName is not null
select * from T_Employee where FAge !=22 and FSalary !<2000
select * from T_Employee where FAge !=22 and not(FSalary !<2000)
in关键字,between and 关键字,两数之间的值。
select * from T_Employee where FAge in (23,22,28)
23和27岁之间的员工:select * from T_Employee where FAge between 23 and 27
group by关键字,放在where语句之后,需要分组的所有列都必须位于group by 子句的列名列表中
查看员工年龄段:select FAge from T_Employee group by FAge
select FAge from T_Employee where FSubCompany = 'Beij' group by FAge
每个年龄段的人数:select FAge ,count (*) as countofthisage from T_Employee group by FAge
年龄段人数和排序:select FSubCompany,FAge,Count(*) as CountOfThisSubComAge from T_Employee group by FSubCompany,FAge order by FSubCompany
sum、avg、max在分组中使用:select FSubCompany,sum(FSalary) as FSalarySum from T_Employee group by FSubCompany
因为where语句不能用在group by中,having语句代替了where。用于对部分分组过滤。having中不能包含未分组的列名。
年龄段人数大于1的分组:select FAge,count(*) as CountOFAge from T_Employee gruop by FAge having count(*)>1