DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(简介部分)




“传统上,专业的网页设计公司依赖于静态的HTML页面获取他们的利润.然而,随着商务门户web应用程序的出现 , 客户迅速的了解到动态页面带给他们的好处。为了适应新的需求,网页设计者需要时刻关注这些新技术的发展。DotNetNuke中的皮肤系统可以让专业的web设计者创造出与底层门户应用程序无缝结合用户界面,开发出具有强大功能而在视觉上又满足客户需要的web站点。”


术语 “Skinning(皮肤)来自于软件工程中将应用程序逻辑、内容与表现层分离出来而提供给用户方便管理的一种方法。这种表单和函数的提取有时候被称为双重表现模式。皮肤系统的优点在于应用程序逻辑和web页面外观版式是分离的,而且可以各自单独的设计以及修改。这样,一个软件开发者和一个网页设计师就可以不用担心妨碍对方的工作而进行合作。


ASP – 它作为一个web快速开发工作流行的首要原因实际上是由于asp脚本可以插入到HTML标记中使得静态的HTML成为动态的web页面。这个特性使得快速开发asp应用程序和建立一个与数据库(或其他外部数据源)关联的动态页面进而创建一个功能强大的web应用程序成为可能。






当然,皮肤系统在提供这种方便的同时也增加了 web 应用程序的复杂性。在合并大量文件生成一个单一页面的过程中可能导致 web 应用程序性能的下降,同时也要求开发者必须具备良好的素质确保表现层及内容在他们的脚本代码中得到良好的表达和精确的定位。以上两个问题可以通过技术和一个可靠的皮肤系统得以减轻。




“ Traditionally, professional web design companies have relied on static HTML web sites for a substantial portion of their revenue. However, with the emergence of economical portal applications, the consumer has quickly become savvy to the benefits offered by dynamic web sites. In order to cope with this new demand, web designers need to become acquainted with the opportunities presented by these new technological advancements. The skinning architecture in DotNetNuke allows professional web designers to create stunning user interfaces which integrate seamlessly with the underlying portal application to produce a powerful, yet visually appealing customer web site.”


The term “Skinning” refers to a software architecture which provides you with a manageable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This abstraction of “form” and “function” is sometimes referred to as a two-tiered presentation model. The advantages of skinning are that application logic and web page layout are separated and can be designed and modified independently. A software developer and a web page designer can collaborate without the risk of interfering with each others work.


One of the nice things about ASP - and one of the primary reasons for its popularity as a rapid web development (RAD) tool - is the fact that ASP script can be inserted into regular HTML markup to turn otherwise static HTML content into intelligent web pages. This feature makes it possible to quickly write ASP applications that build web pages dynamically from a database (or other external data source), and to create powerful web applications.


However, this ease of use comes with a price. Most ASP web sites contain a mangled spaghetti of intermingled HTML markup and ASP script, making them hard to decipher and even more difficult to maintain. This problem most commonly rears its ugly head when web designers need to alter the user interface. Since the presentation attributes are embedded in the ASP script, changes typically require a joint effort between a web developer and a designer to ensure the integrity of the modification. This ultimately results in more effort, more time, and higher cost.


Skinning involves the use of "templates" which separate presentation and layout attributes from application logic. An intelligent skinning engine is then used to assemble the artifacts into a final product. This two-tiered approach affords both developers and designers a fair degree of independence when it comes to maintaining a web site, and can substantially reduce the time and effort required in the post-release phases of a development project.


However, skinning also introduces some complexities to your web application. The process of merging multiple files into a single page can lead to serious performance degradation. Not to mention, developers must be well educated to keep the presentation details of layout and appearance abstracted from their script code. Both of these items can be mitigated through the use of technology and a solid skinning architecture.

DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录:
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(简介部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(术语与win客户端程序部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(技术部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(定义部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(DotNetNuke部分)

