



npm install -g quorum-wizard




Welcome to Quorum Wizard!

This tool allows you to easily create bash, docker, and kubernetes files to star
t up a quorum network.
You can control consensus, privacy, network details and more for a customized se
Additionally you can choose to deploy our chain explorer, Cakeshop, to easily vi
Welcome to Quorum Wizard!

This tool allows you to easily create bash, docker, and kubernetes files to star
t up a quorum network.
You can control consensus, privacy, network details and more for a customized se
Additionally you can choose to deploy our chain explorer, Cakeshop, to easily vi
Welcome to Quorum Wizard!

This tool allows you to easily create bash, docker, and kubernetes files to star
t up a quorum network.
You can control consensus, privacy, network details and more for a customized se
Additionally you can choose to deploy our chain explorer, Cakeshop, to easily vi
ew and monitor your network.

We have 3 options to help you start exploring Quorum:

  1.  Quickstart - our 1 click option to create a 3 node raft network with tesse
ra and cakeshop

  2.  Simple Network - using pregenerated keys from quorum 7nodes example,
      this option allows you to choose the number of nodes (7 max), consensus me
chanism, transaction manager, and the option to deploy cakeshop

  3.  Custom Network - In addition to the options available in #2, this selectio
n allows for further customization of your network.
      Choose to generate keys, customize ports for both bash and docker, or chan
ge the network id

Quorum Wizard will generate your startup files and everything required to bring
up your network.
All you need to do is go to the specified location and run start.sh

 Simple Network
? Would you like to generate bash scripts, a docker-compose file, or a kubernete
s config to bring up your network? bash
? Select your consensus mode - istanbul is a pbft inspired algorithm with transa
ction finality while raft provides faster blocktimes, transaction finality and o
n-demand block creation istanbul
? Input the number of nodes (2-7) you would like in your network - a minimum of
4 is recommended 4
? Which version of Quorum would you like to use? Quorum 2.7.0
? Choose a version of tessera if you would like to use private transactions in y
our network, otherwise choose "none" none
? What tools would you like to deploy alongside your network? (Press space to se
lect options, then press enter)
? What would you like to call this network? 4-nodes-istanbul-bash
? A network with the name '4-nodes-istanbul-bash' already exists. Do you want to
 overwrite it? Yes
Downloading dependencies...
Using cached istanbul at: /Users/zhaozijun/.quorum-wizard/bin/istanbul/1.0.3/istanbul
Using cached quorum at: /Users/zhaozijun/.quorum-wizard/bin/quorum/2.7.0/geth
Building network directory...
Generating network resources locally...
Building qdata directory...
Initializing quorum...

Quorum network created

Run the following commands to start your network:

cd network/4-nodes-istanbul-bash

A sample simpleStorage contract is provided to deploy to your network
To use run ./runscript.sh public_contract.js from the network folder


cd network/4-nodes-istanbul-bash




Starting Quorum network...

Starting Quorum nodes
Successfully started Quorum network.


./attach.sh 1


Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!

instance: Geth/v1.9.7-stable-6005360c(quorum-v2.7.0)/darwin-amd64/go1.13.13
coinbase: 0xd8dba507e85f116b1f7e231ca8525fc9008a6966
at block: 6 (Sat, 14 Nov 2020 21:17:32 CST)
 datadir: /Users/zhaozijun/network/4-nodes-istanbul-bash/qdata/dd1
 modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 istanbul:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
