Windows 8 开发系列- 拆分页关键问题分析








 protected override string DetermineVisualState(ApplicationViewState viewState)


            // Update the back button's enabled state when the view state changes

            var logicalPageBack = this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation(viewState) && this.itemListView.SelectedItem != null;

            var physicalPageBack = this.Frame != null && this.Frame.CanGoBack;

            this.DefaultViewModel["CanGoBack"] = logicalPageBack || physicalPageBack;

            // Determine visual states for landscape layouts based not on the view state, but

            // on the width of the window.  This page has one layout that is appropriate for

            // 1366 virtual pixels or wider, and another for narrower displays or when a snapped

            // application reduces the horizontal space available to less than 1366.

            if (viewState == ApplicationViewState.Filled ||

                viewState == ApplicationViewState.FullScreenLandscape)


                var windowWidth = Window.Current.Bounds.Width;

                if (windowWidth >= 1366) return "FullScreenLandscapeOrWide";

                return "FilledOrNarrow";


            // When in portrait or snapped start with the default visual state name, then add a

            // suffix when viewing details instead of the list

            var defaultStateName = base.DetermineVisualState(viewState);

            return logicalPageBack ? defaultStateName + "_Detail" : defaultStateName;



   private bool UsingLogicalPageNavigation(ApplicationViewState? viewState = null)


            if (viewState == null) viewState = ApplicationView.Value;

            return viewState == ApplicationViewState.FullScreenPortrait ||

                viewState == ApplicationViewState.Snapped;




    private void WindowSizeChanged(object sender, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs e)



 public void InvalidateVisualState()


            if (this._layoutAwareControls != null)


                string visualState = DetermineVisualState(ApplicationView.Value);

                foreach (var layoutAwareControl in this._layoutAwareControls)


                    VisualStateManager.GoToState(layoutAwareControl, visualState, false);






 /// <summary>

        /// Invoked when the page's back button is pressed.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sender">The back button instance.</param>

        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how the back button was clicked.</param>

        protected override void GoBack(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


            if (this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation() && itemListView.SelectedItem != null)


                // When logical page navigation is in effect and there's a selected item that

                // item's details are currently displayed.  Clearing the selection will return to

                // the item list.  From the user's point of view this is a logical backward

                // navigation.

                this.itemListView.SelectedItem = null;




                // When logical page navigation is not in effect, or when there is no selected

                // item, use the default back button behavior.

                base.GoBack(sender, e);




    void ItemListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)


            if (this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation()) this.InvalidateVisualState();


进入InvalidateVisualState()再去判断当前状态,此时: string visualState = DetermineVisualState(ApplicationView.Value);




     void ItemListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)


            if (this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation()) this.InvalidateVisualState();




 protected override void GoBack(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


            if (this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation() && itemListView.SelectedItem != null)


                // When logical page navigation is in effect and there's a selected item that

                // item's details are currently displayed.  Clearing the selection will return to

                // the item list.  From the user's point of view this is a logical backward

                // navigation.

                this.itemListView.SelectedItem = null;




                // When logical page navigation is not in effect, or when there is no selected

                // item, use the default back button behavior.

                base.GoBack(sender, e);



所以在Goback方法中只对this.itemListView.SelectedItem = null;



if (this.UsingLogicalPageNavigation() && itemListView.SelectedItem != null)

        base.GoBack(sender, e);






















