Fall 2020 Berkeley cs61a Projects cats答案
"""Typing test implementation"""
from utils import lower, split, remove_punctuation, lines_from_file
from ucb import main, interact, trace
from datetime import datetime
def choose(paragraphs, select, k):
"""Return the Kth paragraph from PARAGRAPHS for which SELECT called on the
paragraph returns true. If there are fewer than K such paragraphs, return
the empty string.
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
eligible_paragraphs = [x for x in paragraphs if select(x)]
if len(eligible_paragraphs) > k:
return eligible_paragraphs[k]
return ''
def about(topic):
"""Return a select function that returns whether a paragraph contains one
of the words in TOPIC.
>>> about_dogs = about(['dog', 'dogs', 'pup', 'puppy'])
>>> choose(['Cute Dog!', 'That is a cat.', 'Nice pup!'], about_dogs, 0)
'Cute Dog!'
>>> choose(['Cute Dog!', 'That is a cat.', 'Nice pup.'], about_dogs, 1)
'Nice pup.'
assert all([lower(x) == x for x in topic]), 'topics should be lowercase.'
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def helper(a_sentense):
separate_words = split(lower(remove_punctuation(a_sentense)))
k = 0
while k < len(topic):
for x in separate_words:
if x == topic[k]:
return True
k += 1
return False
return helper
def accuracy(typed, reference):
"""Return the accuracy (percentage of words typed correctly) of TYPED
when compared to the prefix of REFERENCE that was typed.
>>> accuracy('Cute Dog!', 'Cute Dog.')
>>> accuracy('A Cute Dog!', 'Cute Dog.')
>>> accuracy('cute Dog.', 'Cute Dog.')
>>> accuracy('Cute Dog. I say!', 'Cute Dog.')
>>> accuracy('Cute', 'Cute Dog.')
>>> accuracy('', 'Cute Dog.')
typed_words = split(typed)
reference_words = split(reference)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
i = 0
accuracte_words = 0.0
if len(typed_words) == 0:
return accuracte_words
if len(typed_words) >= len(reference_words):
while i < len(reference_words):
if typed_words[i] == reference_words[i]:
accuracte_words += 1
i += 1
accuracy = accuracte_words/len(typed_words)
while i < len(typed_words):
if typed_words[i] == reference_words[i]:
accuracte_words += 1
i += 1
accuracy = accuracte_words/len(typed_words)
return accuracy*100
def wpm(typed, elapsed):
"""Return the words-per-minute (WPM) of the TYPED string."""
assert elapsed > 0, 'Elapsed time must be positive'
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return len(typed)*12/elapsed
def autocorrect(user_word, valid_words, diff_function, limit):
"""Returns the element of VALID_WORDS that has the smallest difference
from USER_WORD. Instead returns USER_WORD if that difference is greater
than LIMIT.
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
k = 1
current_difference = limit
candidate_word = 'nothing'
for i in valid_words:
if user_word == i:
return user_word
if diff_function(user_word, i, limit) <= limit:
if diff_function(user_word, i, limit) <= current_difference and candidate_word == 'nothing':
candidate_word, current_difference = i, diff_function(user_word, i, limit)
if diff_function(user_word, i, limit) < current_difference:
candidate_word, current_difference = i, diff_function(user_word, i, limit)
if k == len(valid_words):
if candidate_word == 'nothing':
return user_word
return candidate_word
k += 1
def shifty_shifts(start, goal, limit):
"""A diff function for autocorrect that determines how many letters
in START need to be substituted to create GOAL, then adds the difference in
their lengths.
if len(start) == len(goal):
if len(start) == 0:
return 0
if start[0] == goal[0]:
return shifty_shifts(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)
return 1 + shifty_shifts(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)
if len(start) == 0 or len(goal) == 0:
return abs(len(start) - len(goal))
if start[0] == goal[0]:
return shifty_shifts(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)
return 1 + shifty_shifts(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)
def pawssible_patches(start, goal, limit):
"""A diff function that computes the edit distance from START to GOAL."""
if start == goal:
return 0
elif start == "" or goal == "":
return max(len(start), len(goal))
elif limit == 0:
return 10000
if start[0] == goal[0]:
return pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit)
add_diff = pawssible_patches(start, goal[1:], limit-1)
remove_diff = pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal, limit-1)
substitute_diff = pawssible_patches(start[1:], goal[1:], limit-1)
return (min(add_diff, remove_diff, substitute_diff))+1
def final_diff(start, goal, limit):
"""A diff function. If you implement this function, it will be used."""
assert False, 'Remove this line to use your final_diff function'
def report_progress(typed, prompt, user_id, send):
"""Send a report of your id and progress so far to the multiplayer server."""
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def fastest_words_report(times_per_player, words):
"""Return a text description of the fastest words typed by each player."""
game = time_per_word(times_per_player, words)
fastest = fastest_words(game)
report = ''
for i in range(len(fastest)):
words = ','.join(fastest[i])
report += 'Player {} typed these fastest: {}\n'.format(i + 1, words)
return report
def time_per_word(times_per_player, words):
"""Given timing data, return a game data abstraction, which contains a list
of words and the amount of time each player took to type each word.
times_per_player: A list of lists of timestamps including the time
the player started typing, followed by the time
the player finished typing each word.
words: a list of words, in the order they are typed.
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def fastest_words(game):
"""Return a list of lists of which words each player typed fastest.
game: a game data abstraction as returned by time_per_word.
a list of lists containing which words each player typed fastest
player_indices = range(len(all_times(game)))
word_indices = range(len(all_words(game)))
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def game(words, times):
"""A data abstraction containing all words typed and their times."""
assert all([type(w) == str for w in words]), 'words should be a list of strings'
assert all([type(t) == list for t in times]), 'times should be a list of lists'
assert all([isinstance(i, (int, float)) for t in times for i in t]), 'times lists should contain numbers'
assert all([len(t) == len(words) for t in times]), 'There should be one word per time.'
return [words, times]
def word_at(game, word_index):
"""A selector function that gets the word with index word_index"""
assert 0 <= word_index < len(game[0]), "word_index out of range of words"
return game[0][word_index]
def all_words(game):
"""A selector function for all the words in the game"""
return game[0]
def all_times(game):
"""A selector function for all typing times for all players"""
return game[1]
def time(game, player_num, word_index):
"""A selector function for the time it took player_num to type the word at word_index"""
assert word_index < len(game[0]), "word_index out of range of words"
assert player_num < len(game[1]), "player_num out of range of players"
return game[1][player_num][word_index]
def game_string(game):
"""A helper function that takes in a game object and returns a string representation of it"""
return "game(%s, %s)" % (game[0], game[1])
enable_multiplayer = False
def run_typing_test(topics):
"""Measure typing speed and accuracy on the command line."""
paragraphs = lines_from_file('data/sample_paragraphs.txt')
select = lambda p: True
if topics:
select = about(topics)
i = 0
while True:
reference = choose(paragraphs, select, i)
if not reference:
print('No more paragraphs about', topics, 'are available.')
print('Type the following paragraph and then press enter/return.')
print('If you only type part of it, you will be scored only on that part.\n')
start = datetime.now()
typed = input()
if not typed:
elapsed = (datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
print("Nice work!")
print('Words per minute:', wpm(typed, elapsed))
print('Accuracy: ', accuracy(typed, reference))
print('\nPress enter/return for the next paragraph or type q to quit.')
if input().strip() == 'q':
i += 1
def run(*args):
"""Read in the command-line argument and calls corresponding functions."""
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Typing Test")
parser.add_argument('topic', help="Topic word", nargs='*')
parser.add_argument('-t', help="Run typing test", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.t: