在Visual Studio中创建一个新的ASP.NET项目

jQuery Gantt Package是一个真正的跨平台,基于HTML5 / jQuery的本地实现,具有2个不同的gantt小部件,可满足您所有基于gantt的可视化需求。还带有ASP.NET WebControl和MVC扩展,可轻松集成到现有应用中。

在Visual Studio中创建一个新的ASP.NET项目:

VS 2012 :FILE --> New --> Project --> Installed --> Templates --> Other Language --> TypeScript,创建一个项目。


1) Gantt Widget源码JS文件



然后在项目的解决方案资源管理器中点击 "显示所有文件 "工具条项来显示这个新包含的Src文件夹,并将其包含在项目中。

在Visual Studio中创建一个新的ASP.NET项目_第1张图片




3) JSON数据样本




"Name" : "Task 1",
"ID" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "8:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 1"


"Name" : "Task 2",
"ID" : 2,
"PredecessorIndices" : "1",
"StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "16:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 2"



"Name" : "Task 3",
"ID" : 3,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "1.12:30:00",
"ProgressPercent" : 90,
"Description" : "Description of Task 3"     



"Name" : "Child Task 1",
"ID" : 4,
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "8:00:00",
"ProgressPercent" : 75,
"Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1"



"Name" : "Child Task 2",
"ID" : 5,
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"PredecessorIndices" : "4+8",
"Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 2"



"Name" : "Grand Child Task 1",
"ID" : 6,
"IndentLevel" : 2,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "8:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1/Grand Child 1"


"Name" : "Grand Child Task 2",
"ID" : 7,
"IndentLevel" : 2,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-03T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "16:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 1/Grand Child 2"



"Name" : "Child Task 3",
"ID" : 8,
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "16:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 3/Child Task 3"



"Name" : "Task 4",
"ID" : 9,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "00:00:00",
"ProgressPercent" : 60,
"Description" : "Description of Task 4"



"Name" : "Task 5",
"ID" : 10,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "8:00:00",
"PredecessorIndices" : "3+8",
"Description" : "Description of Task 5"  



"Name" : "Child Task 1",
"ID" : 11,
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "16:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 5/Child Task 1"



"Name" : "Child Task 2",
"ID" : 12,
"PredecessorIndices" : "11SS",
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "8:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 5/Child Task 2"



"Name" : "Task 6",
"ID" : 13,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "1.16:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 6" 



"Name" : "Child Task 1",
"ID" : 14,
"IndentLevel" : 1,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-02T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "1.20:00:00",
"Description" : "Description of Task 6/Child Task 1"  



"Name" : "Grand Child Task 1",
"ID" : 15,
"StartTime" : "2012-02-04T00:00:00Z",
"Effort" : "1.00:00:00",
"IndentLevel" : 2,
"Description" : "Description of Task 6/Child Task 2"



在你的项目中创建一个新的HTML文件,并引用以下源文件。记得在下面最后一个引用中链接到正确版本的RadiantQ jQuery Gantt。



other script fils.



type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
url: 'GanttControlSkeleton.json',
    "text json": function (data) {
        return $.parseJSON(data, true
        /*converts date strings to date objects*/
            , true
        /*converts ISO dates to local dates*/
success: function (data) {

function loadGantt(datasourcejson) {

var columns = [
            field: "Activity_M().ID_M()",
            title: "ID",
            width: 20
            field: "Activity_M().ActivityName_M()",
            title: "Activity Name",
            width: 200,
            editor: RadiantQ.Default.Template.ProjectGanttExpandableTextboxEditor(),
            template: RadiantQ.Default.Template.ProjectGanttExpandableTextBlockTemplate()
            field: "Activity_M().StartTime_M()",
            title: "StartTime",
            width: 100,
            format: "MM/dd/yy",
            cellalign: "center",
            editor: ""
            field: "Activity_M().EndTime_M()",
            title: "EndTime",
            width: 100,
            format: "MM/dd/yy",
            cellalign: "center",
            editor: ""
            field: "Activity_M().Effort_M()",
            title: "Effort",
            format: "" /*to call the .toString()*/,
            width: 100,
            editor: ""
            field: "Activity_M().ProgressPercent_M()",
            title: "ProgressPercent",
            width: 100,
            editor: ""
            field: "Activity_M().Assignments_M()",
            title: "Assignments",
            iseditable: false,
            template: '
${ RadiantQ.Gantt.ValueConverters.ConverterUtils.GetResourcesText(data.Activity_M().Assignments_M(), false) }
', width: 200 }, { field: "Activity_M().PredecessorIndexString_M()", title: "PredecessorIndex", template: "
${data.PredecessorIndexString || '' }
", editor: "", width: 150 } ]; var ganttControl: GanttControl; var anchorTime = datasourcejson[0].StartTime["clone"](); var $gantt_container = $('#gantt_container'); $gantt_container.GanttControl({ ProjectStartDate: anchorTime, DataSource: datasourcejson, GanttTableOptions: { columns: columns }, IDBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("ID"), NameBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Name"), IndentLevelBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("IndentLevel"), StartTimeBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("StartTime"), EffortBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Effort"), PredecessorIndicesBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("PredecessorIndices"), ProgressPercentBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("ProgressPercent"), DescriptionBinding: new RadiantQ.BindingOptions("Description"), TimeRangeHighlightBehavior: RadiantQ.Gantt.TimeRangeHighlightBehavior.HighlightInChartOnHeaderMouseHover, GanttChartTemplateApplied: function (sender , args) { ganttControl = $gantt_container.data("GanttControl"); var $ganttChart = args.element; $ganttChart.GanttChart({ AnchorTime: anchorTime }); } });



你可能感兴趣的:(在Visual Studio中创建一个新的ASP.NET项目)