[C#]HttpWebRequest、HttpWebRespoonse、WebRequest and WebResponse、WebClient差异


在看FTP Upload And Download 相關書籍時,覺得卡卡的(觀念不通)。
目前在網上看到較優的解釋 ,這只是一個12歲的小孩寫的,觀念如此的清晰,羞愧了我
is a concrete class that allows you to request in code any sort of 
file over HTTP. You usually receive it as a stream of bytes. What you do with it 
after that is up to your application.
allows you to process the response from a web server that was 
previously requested using HttpWebRequest.
WebRequest and WebResponse
are the abstract base classes that the HttpWebRequest and 
HttpWebResponse inherit from. You can't create these directly. Other classes that 
inherit from these include Ftp and File classes.
I have always seen as a nice helper class that provides simpler ways to, 
for example, download or upload a file from a web url. (eg DownloadFile and 
DownloadString methods). I have heard that it actually uses HttpWebRequest / 
HttpWebResponse behind the scenes for certain methods.
