甘比笃学奖-Topic 5-A14506-外刊精读

France's Next Revolution

Day 15 生词




(fig比喻) distinctive feature, esp ofexcellence特点,特徵(尤指优良事物所具有者):

Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟.

>hallmarkv[Tn] stamp (sth) with a hallmark给(某物)打上纯度标记.


(cause sth to) move in circles round a central point(使某物)旋转或转动:

Danger: rotating blades.危险:叶片旋转,注意安全.

rotate the handle gently轻轻转动手柄.

(cause sb/sth to) take turns or recur in a particular order(使某人[某事物])轮流或按顺序循环:

The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任.

the technique of rotating crops轮种作物的技术.


(a) sudden violent upwardmovement(突然而猛烈的)向上的运动:

volcanic upheavals火山的爆发.

(b) (fig比喻) sudden violent change or disturbance激变;剧变;动乱:

political, social upheavals政治的﹑社会的动乱

Moving house causes such an upheaval.搬家引起了这麽大的变化.


adj[usu attrib通常作定语] in revolt; rebellious起义的;叛乱的;造反的:

insurgent troops叛军

an insurgent mob暴民

one of a group of people fighting against the government of their own country, or against authority


an attempt by a group of people to take control of their government using force and violence



when something is changed and organized in a different way

=reorganizationrealignment of

a realignment of the company's management structure

when people stop supporting one group and start to support and work together with a different group


a severe effect that is caused by a particular event and continues for a long time反响,影响

the scandal's politicalreverberations

a loud sound that is heard again and again as it is sent back from different surfaces回音


wild and violent anger狂怒;暴怒:speechlesswithfury气得说不出话来.


an important leader in a moral argument or political group领袖

a soldier in past times who carried thestandard(=flag) at the front of an army旗手


used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved据传说,据宣称

a sports car, allegedly stolen in Manchester



n.(fig比喻) thing that increases anger or other strong feelings(使愤怒或其他激情增强的)刺激因素:

His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油.

(idm习语)add fuel to theflamesdo or say sth that makes people react more strongly or fiercely火上加油(做的或说的使人反应更强烈或激烈)


severe physical or mental pain(肉体的或精神的)极度痛苦:

I was in anguish until I knew she was still alive.我以前不知道她还活着,所以一直万分痛苦.

grumble (at/to sb) (about/at/over sth)complain or protest in a bad-tempered way发怨言;鸣不平:

Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about.别抱怨了!你没什麽可抱怨的.


adjslow-moving; not alert or lively; lethargic行动迟缓的;不机警或不活泼的;无精打采的;(经济等)萧条的,不景气的

a sluggish stream, pulse流速缓慢的溪流﹑跳动缓慢的脉搏

sluggish traffic, conversation缓慢行驶的车辆﹑无生气的谈话

These tablets make me feel rathersluggish.我吃了这些药片感到困倦无力.


[esp passive尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr]sb/sth (of sth)gradually weaken sb/sth by taking away (strength, vitality, etc)逐渐削弱某人[某事物](力量﹑活力等):

I was sapped by months of hospital treatment.我住院治疗几个月,大伤元气.

She's been sapped of her optimism.她的乐观情绪已逐渐消失了.

[Tn] gradually take away (sb's strength, vitality, etc)逐渐消耗(某人的力量﹑ 活力等):

Stop sapping her confidence!别动摇她的信心!

Lack of planning is sapping the company's efficiency.公司缺乏计画性已逐渐降低了工作效率.


persistent energy; liveliness or vigour活力;精力;元气:

The dog was bouncing with health and vitality.那条狗又壮实又活跃,欢蹦乱跳的.

The ballet sparkled with vitality.那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼.

(fig比喻) (of institutions, etc) ability to endure or continue functioning(指机构等)维持生存或继续发挥作用的能力,生命力:

The vitality of the movement is threatened.这个运动的生命力岌岌可危.


n .活力

vim and vigour


(of water) not flowing and therefore dirty and smelling unpleasant; still and stale(指水)因不流动而污浊﹑ 腐臭的,静止而不新鲜的:

water lying stagnant in ponds and ditches池塘和沟中的死水.

(fig比喻) showing no activity (and therefore not developing or progressing); sluggish停滞的;不景气的:

Business was stagnant last month.上个月生意萧条.

jangle on sth

irritate (nerves, etc) by making an unpleasant noise发出噪声刺激(神经等):

Her voice jangles on my ears.她的声音我觉得很刺耳.




seriousdisagreementbetweenfriends,membersofagroup,etc(朋友﹑ 成员等之间的)不和,裂痕:



necessary changes or repairs made to a machine or system

The car needs acomplete overhaul.

when a system or method is changed in order to improve it

overhaul of

an overhaul of the tax system

v.catch up with and overtake (sth)追上并超过(某事物):

The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.快速巡逻艇迅即赶上那艘旧货船.

throw the bums out

tap into

to make as much use as possible of the ideas, experience, knowledge etc that a group of people has利用,开发

Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.

helping people tap into training opportunities


trouble (sb) in body or mind (used esp as in the expression shown)使(某人)痛苦或烦恼

What ails you?你有什麽烦恼?


(fig比喻) means of countering or removing sth undesirable纠正﹑ 矫正或消除某不良事物之方法:

seek a remedy for injustice寻求纠正不公之办法

He found a remedy for his grief in constant hard work.他找到了排忧解愁的方法,就是一刻不停地努力工作.

The mistake is beyond/past remedy, ie cannot be put right.这个错误是无法补救的.



evict sb (from sth)remove (a tenant) from a house or land, esp with the support of the law将(房客或佃户)逐出(尤指依法):

They were evicted from their flat for not paying the rent.他们因不付房租而被赶出公寓.

shut sb/sth out (of sth)keep sb/sth out; exclude sb/sth; block sb/sth将某人[某物]关在外面;排除;遮住:

The government wants to shut the refugees out.政府不愿接收难民




(a)stop the flow of (esp blood) 止住(尤指血)的流出:

stanch the bleeding止血.

(b)stop or control the flow of blood from (a wound) 止住或控制(受伤处)的流血:

stanch a cut止住伤口的血.


a slow rate at which people or things move:

at a trickle: The traffic was now moving at a trickle.

swap sth for sth

to give something to someone and get something in return


He swapped his watch for a box of cigars.


bring (sb) back to life again 使(某人)复活:

That noise is enough to resurrect the dead!那噪音都能把死人吵活!

revive (a practice, etc); bring back into use 使(某种做法)复兴; 重新使用:

resurrect old customs, habits, traditions, etc恢复旧的习俗﹑习惯﹑传统等



(publication containing a) public declaration by a political party, ruler, etc of principles and policy (政党﹑ 统治者等关於原则﹑ 政策的)宣言, 声明:

an election manifesto竞选声明

publish/issue a manifesto发表宣言.


Abeleagueredperson, organization, or project is experiencing a lot of difficulties, opposition, or criticism.困难重重的


~ sth (off sth/off)remove sth or reduce sth by cutting (用切﹑ 割﹑ 剪﹑ 砍等方式)除去或削减某物:

The article's too long. Can you trim it (by a quarter)?这篇文章太长. 你能删减(四分之一)


the total amount of wages paid to all the people working in a particular company or industry

the annual payroll was $88 million

La France ouverte ou la France forteresse?



to refuse to accept or continue with something


He repudiated all offers of friendship.

to state or show that something is not true or correct

The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.

the status quo

situation or state of affairs as it is now, or as it was before a recent change 现状; 原来的状况:

upset/restore/preserve the status quo打破现状[恢复原状/维持现状]

conservatives who defend the status quo维护现状的保守派.


(derog贬) narrow-minded and avoiding contact with others 偏狭的; 不愿与他人接触的:

an insular attitude偏狭的态度

insular habits and prejudices狭?益的习性和偏见.


unpleasant; disgusting 令人不愉快的; 令人厌恶的:a nasty smell, taste, sight令人厌恶的气味﹑味道﹑情景

unkind; spiteful 不善良的; 恶意的:What a nasty man!这个恶人!

(a) dangerous; threatening 危险的; 威胁的:The weather is too nasty for sailing.这种天气作帆船运动太危险.

(b) painful; severe 疼痛的; 严重的:a nasty cut, wound, etc严重的割伤﹑伤口等


~ sb (to sth)condemn sb (to death, destruction, failure, etc) 注定某人(死亡﹑ 毁灭﹑ 失败等):

The plan was doomed from the start.那计划从一开始就注定要失败.


(fig比喻) extensive; substantial 大量的; 可观的:She earns a hefty salary.她的薪水很高.


If youclinchsomething you are trying to achieve, such as a business deal or victory in a contest, you succeed in obtaining it.

Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0...


a second competition or election that is arranged when there is no clear winner of the first one第二轮

for all

despite; in spite of虽然;尽管

*For all his wealth, he is still unhappy.他虽有钱,却还是不幸福。

Day 16 神句+逻辑导图


1.Stagnation, both political and economic, has beenthe hallmark ofa country where little has changed for decades, even aspower has rotated betweentheestablished partiesof left and right.


2.The implications of these insurgenciesare hard to exaggerate.


3.The resultingrealignmentwillhave reverberations far beyondFrance’s borders. It couldrevitalizethe European Union, or wreck it.


4.Further fueling voter’s anger is theiranguish atthe state of France.


5.Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, hassapped the country’s vitality.


6.If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.



1.Uselessness and self-dealing of the ruling class统治阶级的无所作为和假公济私

2.Exposed deep cultural rifts with…暴露出深深的文化冲突

3.Get to grips with:掌控,改变

4.Overhaul of pensions and social security养老和社保系统整顿升级

5.Massive strikes:巨大的冲击

6.Tap into that frustration:感到沮丧

7.Radically different大相径庭

8.Call a referendum on leaving the EU在脱欧问题上发起全民公投

9.Staunchly pro-trade/embraces cultural change and technological disruption.坚决支持贸易/接受文化改革和技术分裂

10.Be short on precise policies:缺乏正确的政策

11.Pitch himself as…投身于

12.Trim the state payroll by…减少国家工资总支出

13.Repudiation of the status quo摒弃现状

14.Appeal to sb吸引

15.Hefty loan巨额贷款

16. Suffer hacking attacks遭到黑客攻击

17. Slash labor code: 简化法律

18. Enact agenda:制定日程


甘比笃学奖-Topic 5-A14506-外刊精读_第1张图片

Day 17 总结反思

理解误区 or 难点解析

1. Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right.


注:established这个词很有意思,绝对的报刊高频词,通常表示某事/人/物已有稳固地位,比如established capitalist countries通常被翻成老牌资本主义国家。

They are an established company with a good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固,信誉良好的公司。An established actor著名演员。

2. The implications of these insurgencies are hard to exaggerate.


Infurgencies原指an attempt to take control of a country by force,此处是和老牌政党形成对比。

3. Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.

庞大的政府消耗了GDP的57%, 国家的活力因此而被削弱。

Sap vitality/energy/confidence: sap sth/sap sb of sth: to make sb/sth weaker; to destroy sth gradually.  The hot sun sapped our energy. Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence.

注:Vast state指政府臃肿庞大,开支惊人,中国2010年政府开支占GDP比重为22%, 供参考~

4. Massive strikes: 大规模罢工

5. Tap into that frustration: 利用这种沮丧的情绪

Tap (into) sth: to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists.

Eg. We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.

6. Pitch himself as…把自己宣传/定位成…

名词:an aggressive sales pitch:强有力的推销行话

    Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch. 每个公司有十分钟的时间进行推销宣传。

动词:推销pitch sth at sb/pitch sth as sth: to aim or direct a product or service at a particulargroup of people.

    Eg. The new software is being pitched at banks. 这种新软件以银行为目标市场。

       Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company’s newest products.销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品。

7. Trim the state payroll by… 削减员工数量

8. Slash labor code:简化劳动法(注意搭配)

9. Enact agenda:执行计划 (注意搭配)


这篇文章相对之前的技巧来说,脉络简直清晰太多,看完一目了然~ 本文主要从两个候选人的角度,分析他们的不同主张,一个和主张开放一个主张闭塞,从而分析了法国总统大选的形势以及即将或已经带来的影响。

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