
The UN Youth Volunteers’ Pre-departure TrainingForm A Success

Date:2017-04-1Source: Volunteer BeijingClick:605


30thMarch, 2017, Beijing Volunteering Services Association(BVSA) successfully gave pre-departure training to the youth volunteers beingsent to UN. In the morning, volunteers generally understood the fundamentalsafter visiting the association. During the discussion, Chen Guang, director ofthe international department of BVSA, introduced the details of the 3rdUN Volunteering Services Cooperation Project and the background of South-SouthCooperation and Belt and Road Initiative, especially focused on how to tellChina’s volunteering stories with international voice.

Afternoon, volunteers visited China International Center for Economicand Technical Exchanges (CICETE). Related persons from CICETE and UNVolunteering Personnel Service had communications them and introduced theservice countries’ situations and working requirements.

At last, the tripartite heads stressed the volunteers’ missions. Theyalso expressed the hopes that those volunteers could positively establish thepartnership with international volunteering service organizations and learn theadvanced management in the following six months to improve theinternationalization of our volunteering services.

This selection waspart of the 3rdUN Volunteering Services Cooperation Project andthose volunteers were the first batch sent to abroad. Total 16 applicationswere received after BVSA released the recruitment notice in November, 2016. 8candidates were selected to have a send time interview after first interview inJanuary, 2017. Finally, two candidates were selected directly by UNVolunteering Personnel Service and were sent respectively to UN VolunteeringPersonnel Service Asia-Pacific Office and Myanmar Office, mainly engaged ininnovation and knowledge production, community reconstruction and disasterreduction work.
