







Subject: Quick question on a figure on the latest The Economist cover 

Hi David,

I am a The Economist reader and have been amused and impressed by your cartoons. The fascination led me to your personal website and more of your works.

As usual, I enjoyed your caricature of the outgoing Silicon Vally entrepreneurs and delightfully discovered the skateboarder being Peter Thiel. Meanwhile, the identity of the bespectacled youth on the electric scooter has been bugging me for days. (I tried all the means imaginable to dig it out, but failed.)

I'd be great if you could tell me the name of the young guy. Thanks in advance.

Best regards from Beijing,


收到David 的回复邮件如下:

Hi Justin,

Thanks for your email.

I'm a wee bit embarrassed about this: I was asked by the The Economist to put Peter Thiel in the exodus, but all the others are just made-up characters. They don't represent anyone in particular, just the young entrepreneur geeks that might have once created garage starts-ups in Silicon Vally but are now prohibited by astronomic rising costs.

I'm so sorry you've spent time and energy on a fruitless quest-but it was lovely to get your email, and I thank you again for taking the trouble to track me down and ask. Much appreciated.

With all good wishes,


Justin 老师回复

Hi David,

What a thrill to hear from you! Thank you.

I don't see it as a fruitless quest. Part of the pleasure of watching cartoons lies in the fun involved in figuring out certain details, whether intended or not by cartoonists. In this regard, it was a fun pursuit and I don't regret a bit the energy spent.

Thank you again. I look forward to more of your creativity.




Subject: A thank you note from OID Financial Submmit

Dear Dr. Chang,

Thank you very much for taking the time to join us last week at the OID Financial Submmit in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

 Your keynote speech China's "One Belt One Road" Initiative: What are the Opportunities for MENA? was much appreciated and contributed to a highly successful event. I hope you found the post-speech discussion interesting and useful. Feekback from our attendees on your session has been very positive. Videos of all sessions have been uploaded to our official website and can be accessed any time.

Once again, thank you for joining us in Abu Dhabi, and I look forward to seeing you at future OID events.


David Li


Subject:  Introducing an American friend who is visiting Japan

Hi Yuka,

How are things? It's been quite a while since we met last time in Beijing.

I am writing because an American friend of mine named Peter is going to visit Tokyo for one week from Jaunary 20th. This is the first time for him to visit Japan. His Janpanese is minimal, but he is excited to learn more about local culture and get to know locals.

Once I heard his travel plan, you immediately came to mind. Your English is phenomenal, and you are always looking to expand your social network. So I was wondering whether you'd be interested in meeting up with Peter. You may meet for meal or coffee during his stay in Tokyo. Oh, by the way, Peter is from Boston, where you went to college.

Please drop me a line when you have time.




1、英式和美式的写法:a wee  bit 英式写法,a little bit

2、finctional=made-up  虚构的


As usual 


Once again

In this regard

Oh, by the way


Hi hello 比较非正式场合

Dear 正式


Best regards from Beijing  拉近距离

With all good wishes, 活泼起来;生动起来 / 比起 Best regards   Best wishes

Please drop me a line when you have time. 有空回个信

Thank you again. I look forward to more of your creativity

6、如何简单叙旧;不尬聊 Small talk 

How have you been?

How are you doing?

How is Tokyo?

How is work?


outgoing 走出去的;名词-exodus 大批的离去

enquire inquire 咨询

fictional=made up 虚构的

How have you been?

How are you doing?

How is Tokyo?

How is work?


a quick question 表达我们平常场景中,说我很快问个问题啊 

specify 具体化

effective communication 有效的沟通

Hi hello conversational 回话的交流

amused 很喜欢 like

have been amused 替代粉丝,一直以来

impressed 太棒了;惊叹

praise 对别人的褒奖

genuine 真诚的

led me to A and B

spectator 观众 bespectacled 戴眼镜的

bugging me 困惑我;听恼人的;不安分

additional information 补充信息

that I can think of / imagine  / I tried all the means imaginable to dig it out

tactic 策略 

last resort 最后的办法

personal touch 拉近距离;暖心 warmth

Recognizable 辨识度的

iconic 标志性的;

iconic works 代表性的作品

data is wealth 数据即财富

memorable 印象深刻

In this regard 这个角度来看,来说

fictional=made up 虚构的

contribute to 有助于

contribution 贡献

post-speech 结束之后

post-modern 后现代

as usual 如往常一样

once again


A thank you note from OID Financial Submmit

How have you been 

How are you doing

How is Tokyo

How is work?

small talk  简单叙旧;不尬聊

compact 紧凑

buffer 缓冲

one of many possible versions 可能的版本之一

minimal limited 局限的

has been planning to 计划。。。

locals 本地人

Are you a local? Are you originally from Beijing? 本地人么?

survival Japanese 不太好

commonplace 朴实=enjoy making friends 

Lifetime 终身的

so I was wondering whether you'd 我在想是否你能

Business emial with professional empathy 同理心

formulaic patterns 套路
