SharePoint 2007备份还原小结

Microsoft Technet上的关于备份还原的文章很多, 细节也全. 就因为太全, 所以弄清楚费时间. 小结一下, 列在这里.

注意, 这里列出的不包括第三方软件的备份还原方法, 就因为这些是微软提供的方法, 所以微软肯定提供支持的.


You can back up all server farm components or individual components, such as site content databases by using SharePoint Central Administration. You also have the option to backup shared services components, such as search.




To perform a backup, do the following:

    1. Launch SharePoint Central Administration.

    2. Click the Operations tab.

    3. Click Perform a backup under the backup and Restore section. The Perform a Backup page is displayed.

    4. Select Components to you want to backup

    5. Click Continue to Backup Options in the page options. You are then redirected to the Start Backup page

    6. Specify the options and click OK to confirm backup.


To restore from backup, do the following:

    1. Launch SharePoint Central Administration.

    2. Click the Operations tab.

    3. Click Restore from backup under the Backup and Restore section. The Restore from Backup - Step 1: Select Backup File page is displayed for you.

    4. Type the backup location and click OK. SharePoint will look to read the spbrtoc.xml file from this location. The Restore From Backup - Step 2: Select Backup Package To     Restore page is displayed.

    5. Select the backup you want to restore.

    6. Click Start Restore Process from the page options. The Restore from Backup – Step 3: Select Component to Restore page is displayed.

    7. Select the component you want to restore and click Start Restore Process from the page options. The Restore from Backup - Step 4: Select Restore Options page is displayed.

    8. Confirm the settings.

    9. Click OK.




If customer want to backup a site collection, he can use stsadm.exe command-line tool. For more information about this, please check



For catastrophic backup, this can backup whole farm.

stsadm -o backup

   -directory <UNC path or local drive>

   -backupmethod <full or differential>

   [-item] <created path from tree>

   [-percentage] <integer between 1 and 100>

   [-backupthreads] <integer between 1 and 10>





For catastrophic restore, this can restore whole farm.

stsadm -o restore

   -directory <UNC path>

   -restoremethod <overwrite or new>

   [-backupid] <GUID from backuphistory, see stsadm -help backuphistory>

   [-item] <created path from tree>

   [-percentage] <integer between 1 and 100>



   [-username] <user name>

   [-password] <password>

   [-newdatabaseserver] <new database server name>



If customer want to backup a site or sub site, he can also use stsadm.exe command-line tool.



For site collection backup

stsadm -o backup

   -url <URL name>

   -filename <file name>




For site collection restore

stsadm -o restore

   -url <URL name>

   -filename <file name>

   [-hostheaderwebapplicationurl] <Web application URL>




For site backup.

stsadm -o export

   -url <URL name>

   -filename <export file name>






   [-versions] <1-4>

   [-cabsize] <integer value>





For site restore.

stsadm -o import

   -url <URL name>

   -filename <import file name>





   [-updateversions] <1-3>


