//greatest common divisor //假定a、b都是正整数 function gcd(a, b){ if (a < b) return gcd(b, a);//ensure a >= b var c = a % b; if (c === 0) return b; else return gcd(b, c); }
//define a vertex function Vertex(id){ var stem={}; stem.id=id; stem.adjacent=[]; return stem; } //define a graph function Graph(){ var stem={}, vertices={}; //add vertices to the graph function add(vertex){ if (vertex instanceof Array){ for (var i=0, v=vertex; i<v.length; i++){ vertices[v[i].id]=v[i]; } } vertices[vertex.id]=vertex; } //create vertices from ids and add them to the graph function addIds(ids){ var id; for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){ id=ids[i]; vertices[id]=Vertex(id); } } //create an edge between two vertices function connect(i1, i2){ var v1=vertices[i1], v2=vertices[i2]; if (v1 && v2){ v1.adjacent.push(v2); v2.adjacent.push(v1); } } stem.vertices=vertices; stem.add=add; stem.addIds=addIds; stem.connect=connect; return stem; }
//try to walk out of the maze and print the result function walkOut(entry, exit){ var visited = [], path = []; function walk(vertex){ if (vertex === exit) {//find the exit path.push(vertex); return true; } if (visited.indexOf(vertex) > -1) {//the vertex was visited return false; } visited.push(vertex);//remember each vertex var connected = vertex.adjacent; var length = connected.length; if (length === 0) {//the vertex is isolated return false; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (walk(connected[i])) {//try each adjacent vertex path.push(vertex); return true; } } } function printPath(){ var footprint = ''; var length = path.length; for (var i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) { footprint += path[i].id; footprint += i === 0 ? '' : ' > '; } print(footprint); } if (walk(entry)) { printPath(); } else { print('出不去!'); } }
function testMaze(){ var g=Graph(); g.addIds([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); g.connect(1, 2); g.connect(1, 3); g.connect(1, 4); g.connect(2, 3); g.connect(3, 5); //你可以画出这个图 walkOut(g.vertices[1], g.vertices[5]);//1 > 2 > 3 > 5 walkOut(g.vertices[1], g.vertices[6]);//出不去! walkOut(g.vertices[2], g.vertices[5]);//2 > 1 > 3 > 5 }