I implemented a virtual keyboard to translate from En/US layout to hindi Inscript (Indian Script) keyboard overlay which was standardized by DOE in 1986.
This article demonstrates a virtual keyboard in Hindi (official language of India) in this we use an image having all possible hindi characters and then generate a map to capture mouse movement on image.
style="z-index:0;position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;"> <img
src="images/Base_kbd.gif" border="0" usemap="#Map" /> // here, a map having name "Map" is attached with image <map
name="Map" id="Map">// here, we create a map to handel mouse click on image
shape="rect" coords="/*Left*/280,/*Top*/0,/*Right*/300,/*Bottom*/19" onclick="alert('Back Space - Not Implemented!');" /> <area
shape="rect" coords="271,20,300,39" onclick="alert('Delete - Not Implemented!');" /> // handel Delete <area
shape="rect" coords="257,40,300,59" onclick="alert('Enter - Not Implemented!');" /> // handel Enter <area
shape="rect" coords="-6,61,46,80" onmousedown="IsShift=!IsShift;reset();"/> // handel Left Shift <area
shape="rect" coords="247,61,300,79" onmousedown="IsShift=!IsShift;reset();"/> // handel Right Shift <area
shape="rect" coords="81,82,196,99" onmousedown="InsertChar('m',32)" onmouseup="ButtonUp(32)"/> // handel Space Bar
> </div
To capture keyboard events like KeyPress
, KeyUp
and KeyDown
at the browser level we use addEventListener.
style="z-index:0;position:absolute; top:103px; left:0px;"> <input
type="text" id="txtHindi" name="txtHindi" style="width:295px; height:30px;"/>
> <script
> if(navigator.appName!="Mozilla"
) // if the browser is not Mozilla { document.getElementById('txtHindi'
).onkeydown=checkCode; document.getElementById('txtHindi'
).onkeypress=writeKeyPressed; document.getElementById('txtHindi'
).onkeyup=restoreCode; } else { document.addEventListener("onkeydown"
,checkCode,true); document.addEventListener("onkeypress"
,writeKeyPressed,false); document.addEventListener("onkeyup"
,restoreCode,true); } </script
For ease of use, I have attached two separate zip files to this article. One contains only the default page which is the main focus of this article. The others is to show how we can use it our web page.
var VirtualKey = {
'113':'ौ','119':'ै','101':'ा','114':'ी','116':'ू','121':'ब','117':'ह', '105':'ग','111':'द','112':'ज',
'97':'ो','115':'े','100':'्','102':'ि','103':'ु','104':'प','106':'र', '107':'क','108':'त',
'81':'औ','87':'ऐ','69':'आ','82':'ई','84':'ऊ','89':'भ','85':'ङ', '73':'घ','79':'ध','80':'झ',
'65':'ओ','83':'ए','68':'अ','70':'इ','71':'उ','72':'फ','74':'ऱ', '75':'ख','76':'थ',
'96':'`','49':'1','50':'2','51':'3','52':'4','53':'5','54':'6','55':'7','56':'8','57':'9','48':'0','45':'-', '61':'ृ','92':'ॉ',
'126':'','33':'ऍ','64':'ॅ','35':'्','36':'र्','37':'ज्ञ', '94':'त्र','38':'क्ष', '42':'श्र','40':'(','41':')','95':'ः','43':'ॠ','124':'ऑ',
'32':' '
To use these code for any other language you have generate a new images and then update the array of Key code & its corresponding character.
8th May 2008 - First release