good day

Today is Friday, December 11th, 2020

Today, listen to how to find your sideline position。

Q:What kind of sideline do you belong to?

A:The first kind of iron rice bowl plus hobby combination is suitable for those who have a stable job but are not satisfied with the status quo。

The second combination of left and right brain is suitable for those who have both rational thinking and perceptual thinking。

The third combination of mental strength and physical strength is suitable for those office workers who love sports; the combination of writing, education and consultation is suitable for those service-centered industries; and the combination of one post and multi-functions is suitable for those who want to dig deep into their careers。

I'm glad the teacher mentioned my name today。

I'm the last type. how about you?

Looking forward to your sharing,

thank you for your support, attention and likes,

good night,

see you tomorrow night。

你可能感兴趣的:(good day)