【每日一词】Norm 29thOct.2018




accepted, established 接受的规范;公认的规范

ethical, moral 伦理规范;道德规范

cultural, social 文化规范;社会规范

statistical 统计学标准

community, family, group 小区规范;家庭规范;团体规范


conform to 符合规范:Their behaviour conforms to the group norm. 他们的行为符合这一群体的规范。

break, challenge 违规;挑战规范

deviate from, differ from 偏离常态;不合标准

[搭配]PREP.above the ~, below the ~, over the ~ 高于标准;低于标准;超过标准:They want to discourage pay settlements over the norm. 他们想阻止实行超过正常标准的工资解决方案。

~ for …的标准:Onscreen editing has become the norm for all student work. 在计算机屏幕上编辑已成为所有学生作业的标准要求。

~ of …的标准:accepted norms of behaviour 公认的行为规范


a deviation/departure from the norm 违背常态;

an exception to the norm 常规之外的特例;

the norm rather than the exception 正常而非例外:In the inner-city areas, poverty is the norm rather than the exception. 在内城区,贫穷是正常现象而不是例外。


Zoe - Creative people usually challenge norm, even deviate from the norm, rather than conform to it.

参考 - Creative minds tend to challenge and even deviate from the norm, rather than conform to it.



造句:Teenagers love to break norm.

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