更改终端服务(RDP 远程桌面) 默认3389端口


配置远程服务器时候有一个非常重要的工作,为了远程控制方便经常要启用windows的远程桌面终端,自己使用是方便了,但也给系统留下了隐患,如 果系统安全策略配置不好很有可能被人利用而入侵,一般情况下把默认的3389端口改成其它端口可以降低风险,使入侵者不容易利用。

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Terminal Server/Wds/Repwd/Tds/Tcp 看到那个PortNumber没有?0xd3d,这个是16进制,就是3389啦
修改键值,注意用10进制的去修改(默认的是16进制的),这个值是RDP(远程桌面协 议)的默认值,也就是说用来配置以后新建的RDP服务的,要改已经建立的RDP服务,我们去下一个键值:

这 里应该有一个或多个类似RDP-TCP的子健(取决于你建立了多少个RDP服务),一样改掉PortNumber,重新启动计算机,就OK啦!


但是客户端登录时怎么修改对应服务端口呢,各种说法不一,好像都不好使,请看下面我找到的最简方法(就是在填写服务端 IP 时加上端口号哪,比如 x.x.x.x:3390 )。


How do I change the connection port on the RDP Client?

When working with Terminal Server or RDP you have the choice to change the XP RDP 5.1 or 5.2 client connecting port.

For the "old" Windows 2000 Terminal Server client port changes see Use Terminal Server Client to Connect to a Different Port .

If you've changed the listening port on the TS from its' default - 3389 (Change Terminal Server Listening Port )- you'll also need to configure your client to connect to the new port. Changing the connection port on the RDP clients is quite easy.

To Alter the Port on the client side:

  1. Go to the Start menu and click on Run.
  2. On the Run menu type MSTSC and click Enter.
  3. In the RDP window, in the Computer box, scroll to the computer name or IP to which you wish to connect.
  4. Add a ":Port" (without the quotes) where "Port" is the decimal value of the destination port.




  1. Press Connect.

Another method of connecting to a different port that default is to run the MSTSC command with the required command line parameters:

/v:ServerName[: Port]

For example:


Note: To use RDP on computers with operating systems other than Windows XP/2003 you will first need to install the RDP client (Download RDP 5.2 ).

