
Season 5
Episode 1: Nameless, Faceless(2009.09.23)
• A weak man has doubts before a decision. A strong man has them afterwards.——Karl krauss

Episode 2: Haunted(2009.09.30)
• One need not be a chamber to be haunted.one need not be a house.The brain has corridors surpassing material place.——Emily dickinson
• There is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible,as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man.——Polybius

Episode 3: Reckoner(2009.10.07)
• Justice without force is powerless.Force without justice is tyrannical.——Blaise Pascal
• I have always found that mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice.——Abraham Lincoln

Episode 4: Hopeless(2009.10.14)
• There is no lasting hope in violence,only temporary relief from hopelessness.——Kingman Brewster Jr.
•【Kingman Brewster Jr.(美国教育学家外交家、曾任耶鲁校长):暴力无法给人持久的希望,只能让人暂不心绝。】
• These violent delights have violent ends.——William Shakespeare

Episode 5: Cradle to Grave(2009.10.21)
• You don't really understand human nature,unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around and why his parents will always wave back.——William D.Tammeus
•【William D.Tammeus(记者):你不可能真正了解人性,除非能理解为什么旋转木马上的孩子会在每次转过父母时和他们招手,而父母也会每次和他们招手。】

Episode 6: The Eyes Have It(2009.11.04)
• And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. ——Matthew 5:29
•【马太福音 5:29 :若是你的右眼叫你跌倒,就剜出来丢掉。】
• Dwell in peace in the home of your own being,and the messenger of death will not be able to touch you. ——Guru Nanak

Episode 7: The Performer(2009.11.11)
• In all the darkest pages of the malign supernatural,There is no more terrible tradition than that of the vampire, A pariah even among demons. ——Montague Summers
【Montague Summers(作家):在所有描述邪恶鬼怪的黑暗文字里,没有比描述吸血鬼传统更可怕的了,他是魔界的贱民。】
• Better to write for yourself and have no public,than to write for the public and have no self.——Guru Nanak
•【Cyril Connolly(英国作家):为自己写作无人问津,好过为人写作失去自我。】

Episode 8: Outfoxed(智取)(2009.11.18)
• Man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else, unless it's an enemy.——Albert einstein

Episode 9: 100(2009.11.25)
• He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster,and if you gaze for long into an abyss, The abyss gazes also into you.——Friedrich Nietzsche
• So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family,that it remains the measure of our stability,because it measures our sense of loyalty.——Haniel Long

Episode 10: The Slave of Duty(2009.12.09)
• It's love that makes the world go 'round.——W.S.Gilbert
•【威廉·施万克·吉尔伯特 (英国著名剧作家):爱让世界转动。】
• Where we love is home,home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.——Oliver Wendell Holmes
•【Oliver Wendell Holmes(美国著名法学家,最高法院大法官):我们所爱的地方是家,即使人离开了,心依然牵挂着。】
• What lies behind us and at lies before us are tiny matters,compared what lies within us.——Ralph Waldo Emerson

Episode 11: Retaliation(2009.12.16)
• Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.——Tacitus
• There is a sacredness in tears,they are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love. ——Washington Irving

Episode 12: The Uncanny Valley(2010.01.14)
• Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its usefulness, possesses you. And in this materialistic age, a great many of us are possessed by our possessions.——Mildred Lsette Norman
•【Mildred Lsette Norman:那些已经失去物质使用价值的東西,你却仍然无法割舍它。在这个唯物主义的年代,我们之中很多人都被我们占有的东西侵噬了灵魂。】
• In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.——Isaac Asimov

Episode 13:Risky Business(2010.01.20)
• Life is a game, play it. Life is too precious, do not distroy it.——Mother Teresa
• Experience is a brutal teacher but you learn. My god do you learn.——C.S. Lewis

Episode 14:Parasite(寄生虫)(2010.02.05)
• If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, who then am I? ——Erich Fromm
• Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive.——Sir Walter Scott

Episode 15:Public Enemy(2010.02.10)
• Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy.——F. Scott Fitzgerald
• When a father gives to his son, they both laugh.——William Shakespeare

Episode 16:Mosley Lane(2010.03.03)
• Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the tolments of man.——Nietzsche
• Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.——Emily Dickinson

Episode 17:Solitary Man(2010.03.10)
• We're all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins for life.——Tennessee Williams
• Family is a haven in a heartless world.——Christopher Lasch

Episode 18:The Fight guesting Forest Whitaker, Mind 2.0(2010.04.07)
• I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. ——Mother Teresa

Episode 19: A Rite of Passage (2010.04.14)
• A lion’s work hours are only when he’s hungry. Once he’s satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together. ——Chuck Jones
•【Chuck Jones:狮子只在饥饿的时候猎食,一旦他果腹,捕获者和猎物将和平共处。】
• Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ——Helen Keller.

Episode 20: A Thousand Words (2010.05.05)
• A sincere artist tries to create something which is in itself a living thing. ——Painter William Dobell
•【William Dobell:真正的艺术家想要创造的是有生命的作品。】
• Gandhi said, I have seen children successfully surmount the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul.

Episode 21:Exit Wounds(2010.05.12)
• Nature, in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts, is but the background and the theater of the tragedy of man. ——John Morley
• Ralph W. Sockman said, nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength.
•【拉尔夫·索克曼(美国牧师) :没有什么比温柔更坚强,而也没有什么比真正的坚强更温柔。】

Episode 22:The Internet is Forever(2010.05.19)
• The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that is has taken place. ——George Bernard Shaw.
• The internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesen’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had. ——Eric Schmidt
•【Eric Schmidt (Google CEO):网络是人类首次建立的自身所无法驾驭的东西,也是人类迈向混乱状态的危险之举。】

Episode 23:Our Darkest Hour (2010.05.23)
• Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, "And out of the darkness ,came the hands that reached through nature, molding men"(Morgan)
•【Alfred Lord Tennyson写道,在黑暗尽头,冥冥之中一双命运之手塑造着人类。】

Season 6
Episode 1: Lights Out(2010.09.22)
• A Family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another, it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.——The Buddha
• 【佛曰:所谓家庭,即是心之所依。若心彼此相爱,则家如花似锦;若心彼此相憎,则如风卷残叶。】

Episode 2: JJ(2010.09.29)
• A tragedy need not have blood and death. It's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness. That is the pleasure of tragedy.
• 【悲剧不需鲜血与死亡装点,有富丽堂皇的悲怆便以足够。而这却是悲剧令人可喜之处。原出处:Jean Racine(拉辛, 法国剧作家,诗人)】

Episode 3:Remembrance of Things Past(2010.10.06)
•Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.——Marcel Proust
• 【马塞尔·普鲁斯特(法国小说家、评论家):对逝去年华的追忆无须与真实记忆如一。】
• When I was younger, I could remember anything whether it had happened or not. But my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anything but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it.——Mark Twain
• 【马克吐温:当我还年轻时,我总能记住一切,不论那究竟有没有发生。而今我的身体机能每况愈下,很快我再也记不住任何东西,除了那些从未发生过的事情。这种结局很令人伤感,然而去世无法避免。】

Episode 4:Compromising Positions(2010.10.13)
• Whatever you are, be a good one.——Abraham Lincoln
• 【亚伯拉罕·林肯:无论你要变成什么,维持你善良的一面吧。/无论你做什么,努力做得优秀。(各人对good one理解不同,仁者见仁)】
• We all wear masks. And the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing our skins.——Andre Berthiaume
• 【安德烈·柏瑟姆(魁北克作家):我们都戴着面具生活,时间久了,面具就成为了我们生活的一部分。】

Episode 5: Safe Haven(2010.10.20)
• All humanity is one undivided and indivisble family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul.——Mahatma Gandhi
• 【圣雄甘地:人性囊括了一切,再扭曲的灵魂也不例外。 】
• But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.——Robert Frost
• 【罗伯特·弗罗斯特(美国现实主义诗人,普利策奖得主):信誓不可移,安眠不可得, 尚须行数里。】

Episode 6: Devil's Night(2010.10.27)
• If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vngeance need not be feared.——Niccolò Machiavelli
• 【马基雅维利(意大利的政治哲学家、音乐家、诗人、和浪漫喜剧剧作家,著作《君主论》):如果非要伤害一个人,那必须灭其复仇之力,断其复仇之念 。】
• Love feels no burden, think nothing of its trouble attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself.——Thomas à Kempis
• 【汤玛斯·肯皮斯(中世纪天主教僧侣,著作《对基督的模仿(The imitation of Christ)》):为了爱,需要无所顾忌,心无杂念,无所畏惧,毫无怨言和付出一切。】

Episode 7:Middle Man(2010.11.03)
• The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence. And the great welcome them out of vanity or need. ——Napoleon Bonaparte
• 【拿破仑·波拿巴:人们追寻伟人,不是因其本身,而是为其影响。而伟人出于虚荣和欲望,欣然欢迎。】
• Without heroes, we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go. ——Bernard Malamud
• 【伯纳德·马拉默德(美国犹太作家):没有英雄们作为标杆,我们都是在尘世中因失去方向而苦苦挣扎的凡人。 】

Episode 8:Reflection of Desire(2010.11.10)
• I believe humanity was born from conflict. Maybe that's why in all of us lives a dark side. Some of us choose to embrace it. Some have no choice. The rest of us fight it. And in the end, it's as natural as the air we breathe. At some point, all of us are forced to face the truth. Ourselves.
• 【我相信人生性矛盾,也许正因为如此,每个人都有自己黑暗的一面。有人选择皈依,有的选择逆来顺受,还有些人选择与之抗衡。最后一切都变得如呼吸般自然。而我们都会有那么个时候,不得不去正视藏在背后的真相,而这真相便是我们自己。】
• Fame will go by, and so long. I've had the fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle, so at least it's something I experienced but that's not where I live.
• 【玛丽莲·梦露:幸好我早已洞悉了它的虚无缥缈。我庆幸自己曾经置身其中,而没有深陷其中。】

Episode 9:Into The Woods (2010.11.17)
• I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.——Ralph Ellison
• 【拉尔夫·埃里森(美国著名黑人作家,代表作《Invisible Man (隐形人)》):之所以我可以遁形于市,是因为旁人选择去忽视我的存在。】
• Evil endures a moment's flush and then leaves but a burnt-out shell.——Elise Cabot, also known as Elise Pumpelly Cabot
• 【艾丽斯·卡博特(诗人):魔鬼通常在短暂的风光后散去,残留的只是它那空虚的外表。此句来自其作品《Arizona, and Other Poem》,1919】

Episode 10:What Happens at Home (2010.12.08)
• When we were childern, we used to think that when we grew up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grew up is to accept vulnerability; to be alive is to be vulnerable.——Madeleine L'Engle
• 【马德林·英格(美国作家, 代表作《A wrinkle in Time(时光中的纹理)》):当我们在孩提时,我们常想,当我们长大后就不会再受到伤害。但成长就是要去接受自己的弱点,而活着就是要承受伤痛。】
• Childern begin by loving their parents. As they grow older, they judge them, sometime they forgive them.——Oscar Wilde
• 【奥斯卡·王尔德(爱尔兰作家、诗人):孩提时,我们会很爱我们的父母。渐渐长大了,我们会开始对他们评头论足,但是我们还是会原谅他们。】

Episode 11:25 to Life (2010.12.15)
• All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.——Galileo
• 【伽利略( 意大利物理学家/数学家/天文学家/哲学家,1564-1642):一切真相一旦被发现后都变得通俗易懂,关键在于发现它们的过程。】

Episode 12: Corazon (2011.01.19)
• No man chooses evil because it is evil. He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.——Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
• 【玛丽·雪莱(英国小说家、短篇小说家、剧作家,著名诗人雪莱的妻子, 著有《Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus》(1818)):一个人走向邪恶不是因为向往邪恶,而是错把邪恶当成他所追逐的幸福。】
• The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.——Hellen Keller
• 【海伦·凯勒:世上最美好的东西,无法用眼或手触及,而要用心灵去感受。】

Episode 13:The Thirteen Steps(2011.01.26)
• What really raises one's indignation agianst suffering is not suffing intrinsically but the senselessness of suffering.——Friedrich Nietzsche
• 【尼采:人们对痛苦的真正愤慨,并不来源于痛苦本身,而是对痛苦的麻木。】
• What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today.——William Glasser
• 【威廉·格拉瑟(美国心理治疗师,行为认知学中选择理论Choice Theory和现实疗法Reality Therapy的创立者和完善者):过往的痛苦经历塑造了当下的性格特点。】

Episode 14:Sense Memory (2011.02.09)
• Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they are in the game.——Paul Rodriguez
• 【保罗·罗德里格斯( 墨西哥喜剧演员):狩猎不是竞技运动,竞技中的双方都应该光明正大地对决。】
• Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.——Vladimir Nabokov
• 【弗拉基米尔·纳巴科夫(俄裔美国小说家):只有似曾相识的气味,才能完全唤醒过去的记忆】

Episode 15:Today I Do (2011.02.16)
• It's hard to find an enemy who has outposts in your head.——Sally Kempton
• 【莎莉·肯普顿(当代最有影响力的冥想家之一):你无法打败脑海中的敌人】
• There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul.——Ella Wheeler Wilcox
• 【艾拉·维勒·威考克斯(美国作家/诗人):没有任何天力和人力能阻挡一颗坚定的心】

Episode 16:Coda(2011.02.23)
• Tomorrow you promise yourself, will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today.——James T. McCay
• 【詹姆斯·T·麦凯(作家,生平不详):你总期待明天将会有所不同,但明日却往往是今天的重复。】
• Most people of action are inclined to fatalism and most of thought believe in providence.——Honore De Balzac
• 【巴尔扎克(法国小说家、剧作家):人们的行动倾向于宿命论,而他们的想法去相信天命。】

注释:此处为原字幕翻译,个人对people of action/thought和providence的翻译有不同想法,较真在网上搜了搜,发现也有其他人认为翻译不妥。people of action应译作行动型的人,后面则应是指"most (people) of thought",即思考型的人。providence通常有以下三种释义:1.天道,天意;2.远见,卓见;3.冒险,玩命。若是说明两种人的态度,前一种人已有“宿命论”,后文另一种人再相信“天意”则语意不通。个人理解为“行动型的人倾向于宿命论,而思考型的人则相信自己的远见。”

Episode 17:Valhalla(2011.03.02)
• When I left go of what I am, I become what I might be.——lao Tzu
• 【老子曾曰:以其终不自为大,故能成其大。】
• Confession is always weakness, the grave soul keeps its own secrets.——Dorothy Dix
• 【多萝茜·迪克斯(记者、专栏作家):坦白永远是人性的弱点,沉重的灵魂为藏在心底的秘密加上了枷锁。】

Episode 18:Laruen(2011.03.16)
• The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart. That goes for lying to yourself even more so than lying to another.——Elizabeth Bear
• 【伊丽莎白·蓓儿(美国悬疑小说作家):远离说谎的方法是全心全意地坚信它,于是你更多地欺骗自己而不是欺骗别人。】
注释:此处为原字幕翻译,get away with意为“侥幸成功,逃脱处罚”而非逃离(get away from意为逃离),个人理解为“说谎而不为人所识破的秘诀就在于你本人全心全意地相信这个谎言,于是你更多地是在欺骗自己而非他人”。
• People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it.——Walter Langer
• 【瓦尔特·兰格(美国精神分析学家,因在二战时期分析希特勒的思想与行为,进一步推测他将会自杀而闻名。著作《The Mind of Adolf Hilter》):相对于小谎言,人们更容易相信大谎言。如果这个谎言被重复一千遍,那么人们迟早也会信以为真。】

Episode 19:With Friends like this(2011.03.30)
• The old faiths light their candles all about but burly truth comes by and puts them out.——Lizette Reese
• 【利兹特·里斯(美国诗人):那旧时的信仰点亮了他们的蜡烛,但残酷的现实掠过又会将其熄灭。】
• It is not his enemy or foe that lures him into evil ways.——Siddhartha Buddha
• 【释迦牟尼:人因自己的思想应由而堕入邪道,绝非因敌人的思想。】

Episode 20:Hanley Waters (2011.04.06)
• Man, when he does not grieve, hardly exist.——Antonio Porchia
• 【安东尼奥·波契亚(意大利诗人):世间但存身,悲楚即在心】

Episode 21:The Stranger (2011.04.13)
• Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters.——Stephen King
• 【斯蒂芬·金(美国现代恐怖悬疑科幻作家):没有人性的怪兽就隐藏在人群当中。】
• Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.——Adrienne Rich
• 【艾德里安娜·里奇(美国诗人、评论家、女权主义者):每一段对过去的回忆都因现实与过去的重合,而虚假错乱,扑朔迷离。】

Episode 22:Out of the Light (2011.05.04)
• Of this alone even god is deprived. The power of making things that are past never to have been.——Agathon
• 【阿伽同(雅典悲剧诗人):面对这种孤独,即使是上帝也失去了造物的能力,仿佛祂从未拥有过。】
• Bring the past only if you're going to build from it.——Domenico Estrada
• 【多米尼克·埃斯特拉达( 墨西哥作家):对过去念念不忘,才会希冀重塑往日。】

Episode 23:Big Sea (2011.05.11)
• The sea has never been friendly to man. At most, it has been the accomplice of human restlessness.——Joseph Conrad
• 【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰籍英文小说家):大海一直对人们不怀好意,只会令他们心神不宁。】
• We are tied to the ocean and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from once we came.——John F. Kennedy
• 【约翰·肯尼迪(第35任美国总统):我们来自于大海,而当我们回到大海,不论是航行还是远眺,都仿佛是冥冥中找到了归宿。】

Season 7
Episode 1:It Takes a Village (2011.09.22)
• The past cannot be cured.——Queen Elizabeth Ι
• 【伊莉莎白一世:遗伤难愈。】

Episode 2:Proof(2011.09.29)
• If it is a miracle, any sort ofevidence will answer.But if it is a fact, proof is necessary.——MarkTwain
• 【马克·吐温:若为奇迹,一切证据皆可为之。但若为事实,则必证明之。】
• Nothing inspirons forgiveness quite like revenge.——Scott Adams
• 【斯科特·亚当斯:复仇最能激发宽恕。】

Episode 3:Dorado Falls(2011.10.05)
• Men are not prisoners of fate,but prisoners of their own minds.——Franklin Roosevelt
• 【富兰克林·罗斯福:人不是命运的囚徒,而是受心灵的禁锢。】
• We’re born alone,we live alone,wedie alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we’re not alone.——OrsonWelles
• 【奥尔森·威尔斯:我们孤单地出生,孤单地活着,孤单地离世。唯有爱与友谊能营造一时的幻觉,让自己觉得并不孤单。】

Episode 4:Painless(2011.10.12)
• You may leave school, but it never leaves you.——Andy Partridge
• 【安迪·帕特杰(马耳他歌手,作曲家):你或许会离开学校,但学校将伴随你一生。】
• Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.——Kahlil Gibran
• 【卡里·纪伯伦(黎巴嫩著名作家、诗人、哲学家、艺术家):疼痛是一种破茧而出的领悟。】

Episode 5:From Childhood's Hour(2011.10.19)
• From childhood’s hour I have notbeen as others were,I have not seen as others saw.——Edgar Allan Poe
• 【埃德加·爱伦·坡(美国作家,诗人):童年时起,我便与别的孩子不同。我看不到他们看到的世界。】
• All things truly wicked startfrom an innocence.——Ernest Hemingway
• 【欧内斯特·海明威:所有的邪恶都是从纯真开始。】

Episode 6:Epilogue(2011.11.02)
• To die is poignantly bitter, butthe idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.——Erich Fromm
• 【埃里克·弗洛姆(美国心理学家):死亡是辛酸的痛苦,但是还未真正生存即寻死是无法令人接受的。】
• The timing of death, like theending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what precededit.——Mary Catherine Bateson
• 【玛丽·凯瑟琳·贝特森(美国作家,文化考古学家):死亡的时刻如同故事的结局,给予前面的人生一个不同的意义。】

Episode 7:There's No Place Like Home (2011.11.09)
• For the man sound of body andserene of mind, there is no sush thing as bad weather, every day has its beauty. And storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigrously.——George Gissing
• 【乔治·吉辛(英国小说家,散文家,著有《四季随笔》):身心若是平静安然,就无谓天气好坏,每天都是美好。激发血性的暴风,只会使脉搏跳动得更强烈。】
• Adversity is like a strong wind.It tears from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.——Arthur Golden
• 【亚瑟·高登(《艺妓回忆录》作者):逆境如强风。扯去我们的外衣却扯不走内心,所以我们才能看见真正的自己。】

Episode 8:Hope (2011.11.16)
• Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.——George Iles
• 【乔治·莱尔斯(著名演员):希望是黑暗中不灭的信念。】
• Find a place inside where there'sjoy, and the joy will burn out the pain.——Joseph Campbell
• 【约瑟夫·坎贝尔:找到一个愉悦之地,快乐将会抚平痛苦的伤口。】

Episode 9:Self Fulfilling Prophecy(预言)(2011.12.07)
• Things do not change. We change. ——Henry David Thoreau
• 【亨利· 戴维·梭罗(美国作家、哲学家):万物不变,变的是我们。】
• Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.——Jean de La Fountaine
• 【让·德·拉封丹(法国诗人):切勿以貌取人。】

Episode 10:The Bittersweet Science(2011.12.14)
• Everybody wants to go to heaven,but no one wants to die. ——Joe Louis
• 【乔·刘易斯(著名拳击手):人人都想上天堂,却无人想死。】
• Some of us think holding on makes us strong. But sometimes it is letting go.——Herman Hesse
• 【赫尔曼·黑塞(德国作家):有人认为坚持让我们强大,但有时放手才是。】

Episode 11:True Genius (2012.01.18)
• Three can keep a secret if two are dead. ——Benjamin Franklin
• 【本杰明·富兰克林:只有死人才能保守秘密。】
• There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery, the time when we were happy.——Dante
• 【但丁:最大的悲伤莫过于在痛苦中回忆幸福的往昔。】

Episode 12:Unknown Subject (2012.01.25)
• We do not suffer from the shock of our trauma, But we make out of it just what suits our purposes.——Alfred Adler
• 【阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(奥地利精神病学家,个体心理学的创始人,1870-1937):我们并不因过去的创伤而痛苦,我们只是按自己的目的去应付。】
• All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. ——Henry Ellis
• 【亨利·艾利斯(英国医生、性心理学家、社会改革家,1859-1939):生活的艺术在于把握好每一次的让步和坚持。】

Episode 13:Snake Eyes(2012.02.08)
• At the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.——A Chinese Proverb
• 【中国民谚:赌场无父子】
• A gambler with a system must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane. ——George Augustus Sala
• 【乔治·奥古斯都·萨拉(英国作家):自有一套的赌徒,或多或少都是疯狂的。】

Episode 14:Closing Time(2012.02.15)
•For trust not him that hath once broken faith.——William Shakespeare
•You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.——Frank Crane

Episode 15:A Thin Line (2012.02.22)
•Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.——Honoré de Balzac
•I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against.——Malcolm X

Episode 16:A Family Affair (2012.02.29)
•Eckhart Tolle said, where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.
•Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.——H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Episode 17:Love You Tommy Brown (2012.03.14)
•It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you but trusting them not to.
•For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.——Bo Bennett

Episode 18: Foundation(2012.03.21)
•Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.——Barbara Kingsolver
•Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.——Michel de Montaigne

Episode 19: Heathridge Manor(2012.04.04)
• We are each our own devil, and we make this world our own hell.——Oscar Wilde
•All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.——Edgar Allan Poe

Episode 20: The Company(2012.04.11)
•Worse than telling a lie, is spending your whole life staying true to a lie.——Robert Brault

Episode 21:Divining Rod (2012.05.02)
•Sooner murder an infant in its cradle, than nurse unacted desires.——William Blake
•Someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they won’t grow unless they get water from someplace.

Episode 22: Profiling 101(2012.05.09)
•The philosopher Voltaire wrote, to the living we owe respect, but to the dead, we owe only the truth.
•Irish Statesman and author Edmund Burke once wrote, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.

Episode 23 & 24:Hit & Run (2012.05.16)
•Fear is met and destroyed with courage.——James F. Bell
•I’ve always heard every ending is also a beginning, and we just don’t know it at the time. I’d like to believe that’s true.——Paget Brewster (剧中Emily扮演者)

Season 8
Episode 1: The Silencer (2012.09.26)
• As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say.I just watch what they do. ——Andrew Carnegie
• A man is known by the silence he keeps.——Oliver Herford

Episode 2: The Pact (2012.10.10)
• Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man's restless need to exact revenge out of his hate.——Ralph Steadman
• Paul Brown once said, if you win, say nothing.If you lose, say less.

Episode 3: Through the Looking Glass (2012.10.17)
• The German author Goethe wrote: Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image.
• One of the deep secrets of life is all that is really worth doing is what we do for others. ——Lewis Carroll

Episode 4: God Complex (2012.10.24)
• Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote: When a doctor goes wrong, he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge.
• Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies. ——Dr. Jeffery Miller

Episode 5: The Good Earth (2012.10.31)
• I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ——Edgar Allan Poe
• Alfred Austin said: Show me your garden, and I shall tell you who you are.
•【阿尔弗德雷·奥斯汀(英国诗人): 窥其园知其人。】

Episode 6: The Apprenticeship (2012.11.07)
• Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. ——Japanese Proverb
• The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. ——Benjamin Disraeli

Episode 7: The Fallen (2012.11.14)
• You never find yourself until you face the truth. ——Pearl Bailey
• I am not concerned that you have fallen; I am concerned that you arise. ——Abraham Lincoln

Episode 8: The Wheels on the Bus (2012.11.21)
• French novelist Jean Giraudoux said: I'm not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.
• Frederick Douglass said: It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

Episode 9: Magnificent Light (2012.11.28)
• A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. ——Sydney Smith
• The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. ——Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Episode 10: The Lesson (2012.12.05)
• William Shakespeare once wrote: love looks not with the eye, but with the mind.
• Thomas Merton once wrote: Love is our true destiny. We do not find meanings of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another.

Episode 11: Perennials (2012.12.12)
• I have never yet heard of a murderer who is not afraid of a ghost. ——John Philpot Curran
• The doctrine of the immortality of the soul has more threat than comfort. ——Mason Cooley

Episode 12: Zugzwang (2013.01.16)
• Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.——Lao Tzu

Episode 13: Magnum Opus (2013.01.23)
• My blood alone remains, take it, but do not make me suffer long. ——Marie Antoinette
•【玛丽·安托玛奈特(法王路易十四王后):我只有我的血了,拿去吧。但别折磨我太久。 】
• Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go, but rather learning to start over. ——Nicole Sobon

Episode 14: All That Remains (2013.02.06)
• Love never dies a natural death. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. ——Anais Nin
• The tragedy of this world is that no one is happy, whether stuck in a time of pain or of joy.——Alan Lightman

Episode 15: Broken (2013.02.20)
• The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, many are stronger at the broken places. ——Ernest Hemingway
• John 13:14: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Episode 16: Carbon Copy (2013.02.27)
• Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ——Charles Caleb Colton

Episode 17: The Gathering (2013.03.20)
• Barbara Grizzuti once said:all acts performed in the world begin in the imagination.
•【芭芭拉·格里祖蒂·哈里森(美国记者):世上的一切行为 最初都源自构想。】
• Oscar Wilde said, "I can resist anything but temptation."

Episode 18: Restoration (2013.04.03)
• I am dead. Only vengeance can restore me. ——Terry Goodkind.
• For darkness restores what light cannot repair. ——Joseph Brodsky

Episode 19: Pay It Forward (2013.04.10)
• A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen. ——Edward De Bono
• There is no present or future; only the past, happening over and over again now. ——Eugene O'Neill.

Episode 20: Alchemy (2013.05.01)
• Dreams are ture while they last,and do we not live in dreams?——Alfred Lord Tennyson
• 【.艾尔弗雷德·丁尼生(第一代丁尼男爵,英国著名诗人):未醒的梦即是真实,那我们是否亦生活在梦中?】
• I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.——John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
• 【约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金(英国作家、诗人、语言学家):我不会说不要哭泣,因为并非所有的眼泪都是罪过。】

Episode 21: Nanny Dearest (2013.05.08)
• Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.——Carl G. Jung
• 【卡尔·荣格(瑞士心理学家,精神分析医师):儿童的教养源自成人的修为而非说教。】
• Alone. All alone. Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone.——Maya Angelou
• 【玛雅·安杰罗(美国著名黑人女诗人,作家):只能依靠自己,没有任何人能独自找到心灵的归宿。】

Episode 22: Number Six (2013.05.15)
• We are not the same persons this year as last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing,continue to love the changed person. ——William Somerset Maughuam
• 【萨默赛特·毛姆(英国小说家、戏剧家):岁岁年年人不同,爱人亦是。我们不停改变,爱着不停改变的爱人。】
• I took you for better or worse and nothing is ever gonna change that.——James (Alex's Husband)
• 【詹姆斯(剧中Alex的丈夫):不论好坏我都和你在一起,没有什么能改变。】

Episode 23: Brothers Hotchner (2013.05.22)
• Rarely do members of the same family, grow up under the same roof. ——Richard Bach
• 【理查德·巴赫(美国作家、诗人、飞行员):极少有一家人在同一屋檐下长大。】
• Cruel is the strife of brothers.——Aristotle
• 【亚里士多德:兄弟之争,残酷无情。】

Episode 24: The Replicator (2013.05.22)
• Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.—— H. G. Wells (Herbert George Wells)
• 【赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(英国小说家、记者、政治家、社会学家、历史学家):苦难来临,并非为使我们感到悲伤,而是为使我们冷静;亦并非为使我们感到遗憾,而是为使我们更加明智。】
• The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.——Richard Bach
• 【理查德·巴赫(美国作家、诗人、飞行员):真正维系一个家庭的纽带并非血缘关系,而是生活中彼此之间的尊敬和快乐。】

Season 9
Episode 1: The Inspiration (Part I) (2013. 09. 25)
• Who knows where inspiration comes from? Perhaps it arises from desperation. Perhaps it comes from the flukes of the universe, the kindness of the muses. —— Amy Tan
• 【谭恩美(美籍华裔作家):谁知道灵感从何而来,或许源自绝望,或许妙手偶得,缪斯的恩赐。】
• There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared...twins. ——Josh Billings
• 【乔石·比林斯(美国幽默作家):世界上有两件事是我们永远无法做好准备的,那就是……双胞胎。】

Episode 2: The Inspired (Part II) (2013. 10. 02)
• We are not only our brother's keeper,in countless large and small ways, we are our brother's maker.——Bonaro Overstreet
• 【博纳罗·欧威特利(美国作家、诗人、心理学家):我们不仅仅是兄弟的守护者,不论是大的层面还是小的细节,我们还是兄弟的塑造者。】
• They mess you up, your mom and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and add some extra just for you. ——Philip Larkin
• 【菲利普·拉金(英国诗人):你的父母把你的生活搞得一团糟,这也许并非他们的本意,但却注定如此。他们不但把自己的过错传承给你,还会专门为你增添些许。】

Episode 3: Final Shot (2013. 10. 09)
• Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal. ——John F .Kennedy
• 【约翰.菲茨杰拉德.肯尼迪(美国第35任总统):我们最基本的共同联系是我们都生活在这个星球上,我们都呼吸着相同的空气,我们都珍惜我们孩子们的未来。我们都是凡人。】

Episode 4: To Bear Witness (2013. 10. 16)
• Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift. ——Mary Oliver
• 【玛丽.奥利弗(美国当代女诗人,普利策奖获得者):我爱的人曾给我一只满是黑暗的盒子,多年后我才明白,这也是一种礼物。】
• Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live. ——Norman Cousins
• 【诺曼.卡森斯(美国当代著名评论家、作家、社会活动家):人生中最大的损失并不是死亡,而是身虽在,心已死。】

Episode 5: Route 66 (2013. 10. 23)
• Life is a dream. Realize it. ——Mother Teresa
• 【特蕾莎修女(著名天主教慈善工作者,1979年诺贝尔和平奖获得者):生活是一个梦想,实现它。】

Episode 6: In the Blood (2013. 10. 30)
• After all, what is every man but a horde of ghosts, oaks that were acorns that were oaks. ——Walter de la Mare
• 【瓦特尔·德拉·梅尔(英国诗人、小说家):毕竟,人的内心藏着一群魔鬼,解铃还须寄铃人。】
• Death ends a life, not a relationship. ——Mitch Albom
• 【米契·艾尔帮(美国体育记者、小说家、专栏作家):死亡结束了生命,但切不断纽带。】

Episode 7: Gatekeeper (2013. 11. 06)
• If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins. ——Benjamin Franklin
• 【本杰明·富兰克林:如果激情驱使你,让理智勒紧缰绳。】
• The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them. ——Frank Clark
• 【弗兰克·克拉克(艺术家、教育家):父母教给孩子最重要的一课是如何独立生存。】

Episode 8: The Return (2013. 11. 13)
• There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. —— Alfred Hitchcock
• 【希区柯克:猛击不可怕,可怕的是对它的预期。】
• The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. ——Edmund Burke
• 【埃德蒙·伯克(爱尔兰政治家,哲学家):权力越大,滥用起来越危险。】

Episode 9: Strange Fruit (2013. 11. 20)
• The univese doesn't like secrets, it conspires to reveal the truth to lead you to it.
——Lisa Unger
• 【莎莉·安格(美国作家):宇宙会让秘密无所遁形,它将助你揭开真相。】

Episode 10: The Caller (2013. 11. 27)
• Fear is pain arising from anticipation of evil. ——Aristotle
• 【亚里士多德:恐惧是心生恶念时滋生的痛苦。】
• We can not despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings. ——Albert Einstein
• 【艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦:我们不能对人性绝望,因为我们自己就是人类。】

Episode 11: Bully (2013. 12. 11)
• Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ——Vitenamese proverb
• 【越南谚语:手足情深。】
• Alone we can do so litte. Together we can do so much. ——Helen keller
• 【海伦·凯勒:单枪匹马,杯水车薪;同心协力,其力断金。】

Episode 12: The Black Queen (2014. 01. 15)
• People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ——Thomas Szasz
• 【托马斯·沙茨(美籍匈牙利精神病学家):人们常说,这人或那人还没有认清自我。但自我并不是被发现的,而是被创造出来的。】
• To invent your own life's meaning is not easy. But it's still allowed. And I think you'll be happier for the trouble. ——Bill Watterson
• 【比尔·沃特森(美国漫画作家):发现自己生命的意义并不容易,但还是有可能的。我想你会因为烦恼而过得更幸福。】

Episode 13: The Road Home (Part I) (2014. 01. 22)
• Beware the fury of a patient man. ——John Dryden
• 【约翰·德莱顿(英国诗人):当心容忍者的暴怒。】
•Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. ——Paul Boese
• 【保罗·波希(美国商人、作家):宽恕不会改变过去,但是却可以拓展未来。】

Episode 14: 200 (Part II) (2014. 02. 05)
• Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look. ——James Burke
• 【詹姆斯·伯克:我们为何要在为未来做准备时回望过去?因为除此之外,别无选择。】
• When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you. ——Nietzsche
• 【尼采:当你深深地凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。】

Episode 15: Mr. & Mrs. Anderson (2014. 02. 19)
• Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse, millions of tiny moments
that create your love story. ——Jennifer Smith
• 【珍妮弗·史密斯(作家):婚姻是一张你与配偶共同完成的拼贴画,无数零碎的片段拼凑成了爱情故事。】
• Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you. ——Michael Murdock
• 【迈克尔·穆尔多克(美国牧师、布道者):每一段感情,使你或坚强,或脆弱。】

Episode 16: Gabby (2014. 02. 26)
• It's often said there is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world.
• 【雁过留声,人过留名。】
• A mother's arms are made of tenderness, and children sleep soundly in them.——Victor Hugo
• 【维克多·雨果:母亲的臂弯充满柔情,孩童在母亲的怀抱中岂能不安睡。】

Episode 17: Persuasion (2014. 03. 05)
• The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret.—— Salvador Dali
• 【萨尔瓦多·达利(西班牙画家):我影响力的秘诀就在于它一直保持神秘。】
• Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within.——Arthur Erickson
• 【亚瑟·埃里克森(加拿大建筑师):幻觉是用来掩盖内心的空虚的。】

Episode 18: Rabid (2014. 03. 12)
• It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. ——Hippocrates
• 【希波克拉底(古希腊医生,“医药之父”):知道一个什么样的人有病,要比知道一个人有什么病更重要。】
• Friendship multiplies the good of life, and divides the evil. —— Baltasar Gracian
• 【巴尔萨泽·葛拉西安(西班牙作家、哲学家):友情使快乐倍增,痛苦减半。】

Episode 19: The Edge Of Winter (2014. 03. 19)
• No one is ever a victim, although your conquerors would have you believe in your own victimhood. How else could they conquer you? —— Barbara Marciniak
• 【芭芭拉·马西尼亚(作家):没有人是受害者,尽管征服你的人会让你坚信你的受害者角色。否则他们怎能征服你?】
• There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow, it hides itself in sanity. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain, the mind must leave reality behind. ——Patrick Rothfuss
• 【派特里克·罗斯福斯(作家):有时候当大脑无法接受如此打击,只能以疯狂作为掩饰,有时候当现实只有无尽痛楚,为了远离痛楚大脑会忘记现。】

Episode 20: Blood Relations (2014. 04. 02)
• The past is never dead. It is not even past. ——William Faulkner
• 【威廉·福克纳(美国小说家、诗人、剧作家):过去永不会消失,甚至还没成为过去。】

Episode 21: What Happens in Mecklinburg... (2014. 04. 09)
• In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.—— Albert Einstin
• 【爱因斯坦:事情一旦涉及真理与正义则再无大小之分,因为关系到人们待遇的事情总是同等重要的。】

Episode 22: Fatal (2014. 04. 30)
• If you are born to be hanger, shall never be drowned.
• 【谚语有云:注定被吊死的,不会被淹死。】
• A person often meets his density on the road he took to avoid it. —— Jean de la Fontaine
• 【让·德·拉封丹(法国诗人):人在逃避命运的路上,往往与命运不期而遇。】

Episode 23: Angels (2014. 05. 07)
• The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. —— Revelation 17:5
• 【启示录17: 5:在她的额上写着一个名号:“奥秘哉,大巴比伦作世上淫妇和一切可憎之物的母。】

Episode 24: Demons (2014. 05. 14)
• When truth is buried, it grows.It chokes.It gathers such an explosive force.That on the day it bursts out,It blows up everything with it. ——Emile Zola
• 【埃米尔·左拉(法国作家):当真相被埋葬时,它仍在生长。虽感到压抑,却积聚着这样一种力量,一旦爆发,它将炸毁一切。】
• We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ——Joseph Campbell
• 【约瑟夫·坎贝尔(美国比较神话学大师):我们须得放下规划好的人生,才能拥抱正在等待我们的生活。】

Season 10
Episode 1: "X" (2014. 10. 01)
• I remained too much inside my head, and ended up losing my mind.——Edgar Allan Poe
• 【埃德加·爱伦·坡:我太醉心于自己的思想,以致最终迷失在我那些意识里。】
• Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.——Irene Peter
• 【艾琳·彼得:一切都不一样了,并不意味着一切都改变了。】

Episode 2: "Burn" (2014. 10. 08)
• The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.——Winston Churchill
• 【温斯顿·丘吉尔:回首越深邃,前瞻愈智慧。】
• It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go.——J.C. Watts
• 【J.C·瓦特(美国议员):耗尽心力的不是坚持下去,而是学会放手。】

Episode 3: "A Thousand Suns" (2014. 10. 15)
• If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.——Bhavagad-Gita, the Hindu holy book
• 【印度圣书《博伽梵歌》:如果一千个太阳的光辉同时在空中爆发,那会像是勇士的荣耀。】
• We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent.——J. Robert Oppenheimer
• 【罗伯特·奥本海默(美国犹太人物理学家):这个世界每个人是不一样的,有的人笑,有的人哭,大多数人都沉默。】

Episode 4: "The Itch" (2014. 10. 22)
• What's the matter, you dissentious rogues, that rubbing the poor itch of your opinion make yourselves scabs?——William Shakespeare
• 【威廉·莎士比亚:怎么了,你们这些吵闹的流氓们,在你们愚见的脓包上磨个不停,是要让它变成痂吗?】
• Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of a truth.——Ludwig Borne
• 【路德维希·白尔尼(德国作家)摆脱欺骗,远比掌握真相明智。】

Episode 5: "Boxed In" (2014. 10. 29)
• There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.——Jean Baudrillare
• 【让·鲍德里亚(法国哲学家):万圣节一点都不好笑,这个节日充满讽刺,不过是孩子们出于心理阴暗而对成人世界的报复。】
• Always kiss your children good night, even if they're already asleep.——H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
• 【杰克逊·布朗(美国作家):即使你的孩子已经睡着了,也一定要亲吻他和他道晚安。】

Episode 6: "If the Shoe Fits" (2014. 11. 05)
• Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence.——Vittorio Alfieri
• 【维托里奥·阿尔菲耶里(意大利剧作家、诗人):深深的沉默孕育了刻骨铭心的复仇。】
• The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract positive thinking.——Albert Einstein
• 【阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦:对我来说,善于想象的天赋比任何抽象的积极思考天赋都要重要。】

Episode 7: "Hashtag" (2014. 11. 12)
• Naivete in grownups is often charming but when coupled with vanity, it is indistinguishable from stupidity.——Eric Hoffer
• 【埃里克·霍弗(美国作家):成年人身上的天真往往很迷人,但若是加上虚荣,就和愚蠢没什么区别。】
• There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.——Robert Louis Stevenson
• 【罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森(苏格兰作家):有种相伴甚至比独处还要静谧,如果能正确地去理解,那才是完美的独处。】

Episode 8: "The Boys of Sudworth Place" (2014. 11. 19)
• How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours.——Wayne Dyer
• 【韦恩·戴尔(美国作家、演说家):别人如何待你是他们的因缘,而你怎样应对他们也是你的因缘。】
• Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it. To channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transiton.——Alvin toffler
• 【艾尔文·托夫勒(文学大师):我们的道德责任不是去阻断未来,而是去塑造未来。把我们的命运引向慈爱,减轻转变带来的痛苦。】

Episode 9: "Fate" (2014. 11. 26)
• Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.——John F Kennedy
• 【约翰·F·肯尼迪(美国第35任总统):人生是充满变数的,而那些只留恋过往或是现在的人终将错失未来。】
• When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn. And where we end up is really in fact where we always intended to be.——Julia Glass
• 【朱莉亚·格拉丝(著名记者、作家):说到生活,我们都在编织自己的故事。故事最终我们所在之地,就是我们内心一直向往之地。】

Episode 10: "Amelia Porter" (2014. 12. 10)
• Remove my sin and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. ——Psalm 51
• 【诗篇51:求你除掉我的罪,使我洁净;求你洗涤我,使我比雪更白。】
• The soul that has conceived in one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter. —— Sophocles
• 【索福克勒斯(古希腊三大悲剧诗人之一):一朝堕入邪门,终难施善行。】

Episode 11: "The Forever People" (2015. 01. 14)
• Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. ——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
• 【亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗(19世纪美国诗人):人人都有不为世人所知的悲伤,而我们却常常视一个悲伤之人为冷漠之人。】

Episode 12: "Anonymous" (2015. 01. 21)
• Death is the only God who comes when you call. —— Roger zelazny
• 【罗杰·泽拉兹尼(作家):死神是唯一随传随到的神邸。】
• As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new and near the end, the milestones into headstones changes, neath every one a friend.——James Russell lowell
• 【杰姆斯·拉塞尔·洛威尔(美国19世纪作家):生命前行,陌生的面孔出现在旅途中,行至迟暮,墓碑上的里程也变得精彩,因为有每一位好友。】

Episode 13: "Nelson's Sparrow" (2015. 01. 28)
• The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deads left undone.—— Harriet beecher stowe
• 【哈丽叶特·比切·斯托(美国女作家):墓碑前最痛苦的泪水,皆因未言之语、未竟之事而流下。】
• When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him.——Euripides
• 【欧里庇得斯(希腊悲剧诗人):当一个好人受到伤害时,所有的好人定将与其同历磨难。】

  • 片头名言曾在S1E11出现过,片尾名言曾在S1E05出现过。想必是表达对Gideon的怀念吧。

Episode 14 "Hero Worship" (2015. 02. 04)
• The most heroic word in all languages is revolution.—— Eugene Debs
• 【尤金·戴博斯:在所有语言中,最英勇的词都是革命。】
• True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It's not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.—— Arthur Ashe
• 【阿瑟·阿什(美国网球运动员):真正的英雄主义令人肃然起敬,却又平淡无奇,它不是不计一切后果凌驾于他人之上而是不惜牺牲一切帮助他人。】

Episode 15: "Scream" (2015. 02. 11)
• Men often make up in wrath what they want in reason.—— William R. Alger
• 【威廉·R·阿尔杰(美国一神论派牧师、作家):人们尽管想要讲理,却常失于愤怒。】
• Nothing can drive one closer to his own insanity than a haunting memory refusing its own death. —— Darnella Ford
• 【达尼尔·福特(美国女作家):没什么比一段永不泯灭令人难忘的记忆更让人精神错乱。】

Episode 16: "Lockdown" (2015. 03. 04)
• When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out.——Ho chi minh
• 【胡志明(越南民主共和国主席):当监狱大门敞开之时,真正的巨龙会振翅飞出。】
• If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care, and so on. The only thing lacking a freedom.——Dwight d. Eisenhower”
• 【德怀特·大卫·艾森豪威尔(美国第34任总统):如果你想要绝对的安全,那就进监狱吧。在那里食物、衣服、医疗应有尽有,唯一缺少的就是自由。】

Episode 17: "Breath Play" (2015. 03. 11)
• There is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.——W. Somerset maugham
• 【威廉·萨姆赛特·毛姆(英国作家):假如每个人的性生活都被播出,那么几乎每个人的性生活都会给这个世界带来震惊甚至是恐惧。】
• Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression.——Haim Ginott
• 【海明·吉诺特(以色列心理学家):孩子就像是潮湿的水泥,任何失足都会留下印记。】

Episode 18: "Rock Creek Park" (2015. 03. 25)
• The truth is rarely pure and never simple.——Oscar Wilde
• 【奥斯卡·王尔德:真相并不纯粹,也绝不简单。】

Episode 19: "Beyond Borders" (2015. 04. 08)
• No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness is always there first.——Terry Pratchett
• 【特里·普拉切特(英国小说家):无论光速有多快,黑暗总是捷足先登。】
• Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.——Henry Ford
• 【亨利·福特:走到一起是开始,凝聚一心是进步,携手合作才是成功。】

Episode 20: "A Place at the Table" (2015. 04. 15)
• When one has not had a good father, one must create one.——Friedrich Nietzsche
• 【弗里德里希·尼采:如果一个人没有一个好的父亲,那么他得创造一个。】
• We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.——George Bernard Shaw
• 【萧伯纳:使我们变得睿智的并不是对过去的回忆,而是我们对未来的责任感。】

Episode 21: "Mr. Scratch" (2015. 04. 22)
• Your memory is a monster; it summons with will of its own. You think you have a memory, but it has you.——John Irving
• 【约翰·埃尔文(小说家):你的记忆是怪兽,想来便来想走就走。你以为是你掌握着记忆,其实是记忆操纵着你。】

Episode 22: "Protection" (2015. 04. 29)
• It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.——Buddha

Episode 23: "The Hunt" (2015. 05. 06)
•Life is about choices, Some we regret, Some we’re proud of. We are what we choose to be.——Graham Brown
