SQL Server数据库备份还原

SQL Server还原选项:

-- 创建备份设备
sp_addumpdevice  ' disk ' ,jasonbak , ' C:\jason.bak '
-- 备份
backup   database  northwind  to  jasonbak 
with  noinit -- (附加,不加参数时默认)
with  init -- (重写备份设备的内容)
with  format -- (重新格式化备份设备,使用)

-- 还原
restore  filelistonly  from  jasonbak
-- 查看文件列表(只能看到第一个备份内容)
restore  headeronly  from  a]
-- 查看设备内内容
restore  verifyonly  from  a
-- 校验


restore   database  pubs  from  jasonbak 
restore   database  northwind  from  jasonbak  with   file = 2

restore   database  northwind  from  jasonbak  with  norecovery
restore   log  northwind  from  jasonbak  with   file = 2  

-- Changed to Simple修改恢复模型后一定要完全备份数据库
backup   database  northwind  to  jasonbak  with  format
-- change back to Full
create   table  jason2 (Idd  int )
backup   log  northwind  to  jasonbak 
restore  verifyonly  from  jasonbak
drop   database  northwind

restore   database  northwind  from  jasonbak  with  norecovery
restore   log  northwind  from  jasonbak  with   file = 2

-- Full Backup nw
Create Table1  ,write down the time
Create Table2  ,write down the time
Backup Log 
Drop nw
Recover Nw
Recover Table1, No table2

backup   database  northwind  to  jasonbak  with  format
Create   table  table1 (IDD  int )     -- 21.13.26
Create   table  table2 (IDD  int )     -- 21.13.35
backup   log  northwind  to  jasonbak
restore  northwind  from  jasonbak  with  stopat = ""

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