
C++ Queues

The C++ Queue is a container adapter that gives the programmer a FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure.

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Queue constructor construct a new queue
back returns a reference to last element of a queue
empty true if the queue has no elements
front returns a reference to the first element of a queue
pop removes the first element of a queue
push adds an element to the end of the queue
size returns the number of items in the queue
 1 #include < iostream >
 2 #include < queue >
 3 #include < algorithm >
 4 using   namespace  std;
 5 int  main()
 6 {
 7    //队列,first_in ,first_out,不提供迭代器,不提供走访功能
 8    int i;
 9    queue<int>q;
10    for(i=0;i<5;i++)q.push(i);
11    while(q.size()){
12        cout<<q.front();
13        q.pop();
14    }

15    return 0;

