



举个例子:Puro-Cas9 donor (Addgene #58409)

Puro-Cas9 donor

1. Ori




在细菌的接合生殖过程中,在oriT ('T'是transfer的缩写) 的FAT质粒序列上开始以滚环式复制的模式进行DNA复制。

不同于原核生物仅有一个复制起始点,真核生物中往往有多个复制起始点,并且是分开复制而并不是同步复制的,即时序性;且复制起始点比E.coliOriC要短。如酵母菌的DNA复制起始点仅仅包含11bp的富含AT的核心序列,又叫做自主复制序列(ARS,autonomous replication sequence)。


2. CAP binding site

CAP,Catabolite activator protein 激活蛋白



Catabolite activator protein (CAP; also known as cAMP receptor protein,****CRP) is a trans-acting transcriptional activator that exists as a homodimer in solution.

Each subunit of CAP is composed of a ligand-binding domain at the N-terminus (CAPN, residues 1-138) and a DNA-binding domain at the C-terminus (DBD, residues 139-209).[[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catabolite_activator_protein#cite_note-Busby-1)[2] Two cAMP (cyclic AMP) molecules bind dimeric CAP with negative cooperativity. Cyclic AMP functions as an allosteric effector by increasing CAP's affinity for DNA. CAP binds a DNA region upstream from the DNA binding site of RNA Polymerase. CAP activates transcription through protein-protein interactions with the α-subunit of RNA Polymerase.

**(i) catalyzing the formation of the RNAP-promoter closed complex; and (ii) isomerization of the RNAP-promoter complex to the open confirmation. CAP's interaction with RNA polymerase causes bending of the DNA near the transcription start site, thus effectively catalyzing the transcription initiation process. **

3. lac promoter and operator



promoter for the E. coli lac operon

The lac operon (lactose operon) is an operon required for the transport and metabolism of lactose in Escherichia coli and many other enteric bacteria. Although glucose is the preferred carbon source for most bacteria, the lacoperon allows for the effective digestion of lactose when glucose is not available through the activity of beta-galactosidase.


4. M13 REV

M13 REV : common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar variants

M13 fwd: common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar variants

5. T3 promoter and HA-L, HA-R


5.1 T3 promoter:如图所示
5.2 HA-L: left homology arm from the adeno-associated virus integration site (AAVS1) within intron 1 of the human PPP1R12C gene; HA-R: right homology arm from the adeno-associated virus integration site (AAVS1) within intron 1 of the human PPP1R12C gene.

6. SA,T2A and puro-R


6.1 SA:splice acceptor site
6.2 T2A:2A peptide from Thosea asigna virus capsid protein (相应的还有F2A,P2A,E2A等等,主要是来源不同)
6.3 puro-R:puromycin抗性基因




7. bGH poly(A) signal


bovine growth hormone polyadenylation signal




poly(A) tail:真核生物mRNA的3’端都有一段) [1] ,这种尾巴不由基因编码,而是在转录后加到mRNA上的。加尾过程受位于终止密码3’端的加尾信号序列所控制。 在结构基因的最后一个外显子中有一个保守的AATAAA序列,此位点下游有一段GT丰富区或T丰富区,这两部分序列共同构成poly(A)加尾信号。

哺乳动物细胞表达质粒主要是用于转录出mRNA, 常用的转录终止子有SV40, hGH, BGH, 和rbGlob,同时包含有AAUAAA基序促进聚腺苷酸化和转录终止。除了上面列出的,SV40 late polyArbGlob polyA被认为可以更加有效的终止转录。



8. attB1 and attB2


Gateway BP reaction


Gateway也可以被视为一种克隆操作平台:把目的基因克隆到入门载体(Entry Vector)后,就不用依赖限制性内切酶,而靠载体上存在的特定重组位点和重组酶,高效、快速地将目的基因克隆到其它的受体载体(Destination Vector,目的载体)上。



同样,目的载体(Destination Vector)也必须和Gateway系统配套,即目的载体的表达调控元件下游有两个重组位点attR1和attR2,大小均为125bp,同样也夹着一个ccdB自杀基因。

bipartite nuclear localization(NLS)signal from nucleoplasmin (核纤溶酶的二部核定位信号 )


A nuclear localization signal or sequence (NLS) is an amino acid sequence that 'tags' a protein for import into the cell nucleus by nuclear transport. Typically, this signal consists of one or more short sequences of positively charged lysines or arginines exposed on the protein surface. Different nuclear localized proteins may share the same NLS. An NLS has the opposite function of a nuclear export signal (NES), which targets proteins out of the nucleus.

9. SV40 NLS, 3xFLAG, Kozak sequence, attB1, tight TRE promoter and tet operator


9.1 SV40 NLS,我们上面提到过

They found significantly higher nuclear localization efficiency of c-Myc NLS compared to that of SV40 NLS,他们发现c-Myc NLS比SV40 NLS的和定位效率更高。说明这两个都是一个核定位因子,与上面提到的一致。

NLS is an amino acid sequence that 'tags' a protein for import into the cell nucleus by nuclear transport. NLS是一个可以标记蛋白的氨基酸,以便于被和细胞核转运体转运到细胞核中,实现核定位功能。

9.2 3xFLAG

three tandem FLAG® epitope tags, followed by an enterokinase cleavage site. 三个串联FLAG®表位标签,接着是肠激酶裂解位点 。

9.3 Kozak sequence

vertebrate consensus sequence for strong initiation of translation (Kozak, 1987) 脊椎动物共有的,转录的强启动因子

9.4 attB1 上面提到过

9.5 tight TRE promoter and tet operator

Tet-responsive promoter PTight, consisting of seven tet operator sequences followed by the minimal CMV promoter

10. T7 promoter

T7: promoter for bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase

11. ccdB

ccdB, a bacterial toxin that poisons DNA gyrase。 ccdB就是前面在gateway reaction里面提到过的自杀基因,ccdB是一种细菌毒素,可以破坏DNA旋转酶。

12. AmpR

