
!                         !=                        $ELEM$                    
$KEY$                     $VALUE$                   $elem$                    
$key$                     $sum0                     $value$                   
%                         &                                                  
)                         );                        *                         
+                         ,                         -                         
.                         /                         :                         
<                         <=                        <=>                       
<>                        =                         ==                        
>                         >=                        ABORT                     
ADD                       ALL                       ALTER                     
AND                       ARRAY                     AS                        
ASC                       BIGINT                    BINARY                    
BOOLEAN                   BUCKET                    BUCKETS                   
BY                        CAST                      CLUSTER                   
CLUSTERED                 COLLECTION                COLUMNS                   
COMMENT                   COMPACT                   COMPACTIONS               
CONSTRAINT                CREATE                    DATA                      
DATE                      DATETIME                  DEFINED                   
DELIMITED                 DESC                      DESCRIBE                  
DIRECTORY                 DISABLE                   DISTINCT                  
DISTRIBUTE                DOUBLE                    DROP                      
ENABLE                    EXCEPT                    EXPLAIN                   
EXTENDED                  EXTERNAL                  FALSE                     
FIELDS                    FLOAT                     FOREIGN                   
FORMAT                    FROM                      FULL                      
FUNCTION                  GROUP                     INPATH                    
INPUTFORMAT               INSERT                    INT                       
INTERSECT                 INTO                      IS                        
ITEMS                     JOIN                      KEY                       
KEYS                      LAST                      LEFT                      
LIKE                      LIMIT                     LINES                     
LOAD                      LOCAL                     LOCATION                  
MAP                       MSCK                      NONE                      
NORELY                    NOT                       NOVALIDATE                
NULL                      NULLS                     OF                        
OFFSET                    ON                        OR                        
ORDER                     OUT                       OUTER                     
OUTPUTFORMAT              OVERWRITE                 PARTITION                 
PARTITIONED               PARTITIONS                PRECISION                 
PRIMARY                   PURGE                     REDUCE                    
REFERENCES                REGEXP                    RELY                      
RENAME                    REPLACE                   REWRITE                   
RIGHT                     RLIKE                     ROW                       
SELECT                    SEQUENCEFILE              SERDE                     
SERDEPROPERTIES           SET                       SHOW                      
SMALLINT                  SORT                      SORTED                    
STORED                    STRING                    SUBQUERY                  
TABLE                     TABLES                    TABLESAMPLE               
TBLPROPERTIES             TEMPORARY                 TERMINATED                
TEXTFILE                  TIMESTAMP                 TINYINT                   
TO                        TRANSACTIONS              TRANSFORM                 
TRUE                      UNION                     UPDATE                    
USING                     VALIDATE                  VALUES                    
WAIT                      WHERE                     WITH                      
[                         \'                        ]                         
^                         abort                     abs                      
acos                     add                       add_months               
aes_decrypt              aes_encrypt              all                       
alter                     and                       and                      
array                     array                    array_contains           
as                        asc                       ascii                    
asin                     assert_true              atan                     
avg                      base64                    between                  
bigint                    bigint                   bin                      
binary                    binary                   bloom_filter             
boolean                   boolean                  bround                   
bucket                    buckets                   by                        
cardinality_violation    case                     cast                      
cbrt                     ceil                     ceiling                  
char                     char_length              character_length         
chr                      cluster                   clustered                 
coalesce                 collect_list             collect_set              
collection                columns                   comment                   
compact                   compactions               compute_stats            
concat                   concat_ws                constraint                
context_ngrams           conv                     corr                     
cos                      count                    covar_pop                
covar_samp               crc32                     create                    
create_union             cume_dist                current_database         
current_date             current_timestamp        current_user             
data                      date                      date                     
date_add                 date_format              date_sub                 
datediff                 datetime                  day                      
dayofmonth               dayofweek                decimal                  
decode                   defined                   degrees                  
delimited                 dense_rank               desc                      
describe                  directory                 disable                   
distinct                  distribute                div                      
double                    double                   drop                      
e                        elt                      enable                    
encode                   ewah_bitmap              ewah_bitmap_and          
ewah_bitmap_empty        ewah_bitmap_or           except                    
exp                      explain                   explode                  
extended                  external                  extract_union            
factorial                false                     field                    
fields                    find_in_set              first_value              
float                     float                    floor                    
floor_day                floor_hour               floor_minute             
floor_month              floor_quarter            floor_second             
floor_week               floor_year               foreign                   
format                    format_number            from                      
from_unixtime            from_utc_timestamp       full                      
function                  get_json_object          get_splits               
greatest                 group                     grouping                 
hash                     hex                      histogram_numeric        
hour                     if                       in                       
in_bloom_filter          in_file                  index                    
initcap                  inline                   inpath                    
inputformat               insert                    instr                    
int                       int                      internal_interval        
intersect                 interval_day_time        interval_year_month      
into                      is                        isnotnull                
isnull                   items                     java_method              
join                      json_tuple               key                       
keys                      lag                      last                      
last_day                 last_value               lcase                    
lead                     least                    left                      
length                   levenshtein              like                      
like                     limit                     lines                     
ln                       load                      local                     
locate                   location                  log                      
log10                     log2                      logged_in_user           
lower                    lpad                     ltrim                    
map                       map                      map_keys                 
map_values               mask                     mask_first_n             
mask_hash                mask_last_n              mask_show_first_n        
mask_show_last_n         matchpath                max                      
md5                       min                      minute                   
mod                      month                    months_between           
msck                      named_struct             negative                 
next_day                 ngrams                   none                      
noop                     noopstreaming            noopwithmap              
noopwithmapstreaming     norely                    not                       
not                      novalidate                ntile                    
null                      nullif                   nulls                     
nvl                      octet_length             of                        
offset                    on                        or                        
or                       order                     out                       
outer                     outputformat              overwrite                 
parse_url                parse_url_tuple          partition                 
partitioned               partitions                percent_rank             
percentile               percentile_approx        pi                       
pmod                     posexplode               positive                 
pow                      power                    precision                 
primary                   printf                   purge                     
quarter                  radians                  rand                     
rank                     reduce                    references                
reflect                  reflect2                  regexp                    
regexp                   regexp_extract           regexp_replace           
regr_avgx                regr_avgy                regr_count               
regr_intercept           regr_r2                   regr_slope               
regr_sxx                 regr_sxy                 regr_syy                 
rely                      rename                    repeat                   
replace                   replace                  replicate_rows           
reverse                  rewrite                   right                     
rlike                     rlike                    round                    
row                       row_number               rpad                     
rtrim                    second                   select                    
sentences                sequencefile              serde                     
serdeproperties           set                       sha                      
sha1                      sha2                      shiftleft                
shiftright               shiftrightunsigned       show                      
sign                     sin                      size                     
smallint                  smallint                 sort                      
sort_array               sort_array_by            sorted                    
soundex                  space                    split                    
sq_count_check           sqrt                     stack                    
std                      stddev                   stddev_pop               
stddev_samp              stored                    str_to_map               
string                    string                   struct                   
subquery                  substr                   substring                
substring_index          sum                      table                     
tables                    tablesample               tan                      
tblproperties             temporary                 terminated                
textfile                  timestamp                 timestamp                
tinyint                   tinyint                  to                        
to_date                  to_unix_timestamp        to_utc_timestamp         
transactions              transform                 translate                
trim                     true                      trunc                    
ucase                    unbase64                  unhex                    
union                     unix_timestamp           update                    
upper                    using                     uuid                     
validate                  values                    var_pop                  
var_samp                 varchar                  variance                 
version                  wait                      weekofyear               
when                     where                     windowingtablefunction   
with                      xpath                    xpath_boolean            
xpath_double             xpath_float              xpath_int                
xpath_long               xpath_number             xpath_short              
xpath_string             year 

