Machine Learning笔记 第08周


Week 08 tasks:

  • Lectures: unsupervised learning: clustering and expectation maximization.
  • Reading: Chapter 6 of Mitchell, and the supplementary notes on Expectation-Maximization and clustering.

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  • Supervised learning: use labeled training data to generate labels to new instances. Can be seen as function approximation.
  • Unsupervised learning: make sense of unlabeled data. Data description, when new instance presents, describe it with the generated data description.

Basic Clustering Problem

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Basic Clustering Problem
  • definition: given set of object X and inter object distance D(x,y) = d(y,x), we can partition the input and put x and y into the same cluster when PD(x) = PD(y)
  • extreme cases: when PD(x) = 1, then will be only one cluster; when PD(x) = x, then each x is a cluster (each cluster has only one item).
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Quiz 1: Single Linkage Clustering
  • Single Linkage Clustering: first define each object as a cluster, and then find out the closest two points and merge them ( like kNN). The distance function could be customized. Repeat N-k times can get k clusters
  • k is prior knowledge
  • quiz, what two points should be linked together next?
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  • the clustering process could be represented as a hierarchical tree structure
  • the distance function could be mean, median...
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Quiz 2: Running time of SLC
  • For SLC, we need to look at each pair can find the one has the smallest distance and this is a O(n2) process. And we need to do this about n times. So the answer is O(n3)
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Quiz 3: Problem of SLC
  • SLC could not clustering this problem correctly


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K-means clustering
  • randomly initialize k centers
  • each center claims points to cluster the data
  • recompute the center by average the clustered points
  • repeat above until converge.
  • Question: does it always converge?

K Means in Euclidean Space proof

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K Means in Euclidean Space 1
  • Terms: partition, cluster and center
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quiz 4: K Means as Optimization

Not sure how to understand the definitions here.

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  • the error can never go up for partition part and re-centering part of the clustering process
  • given the that the partition/clustering space is finite, K-means will converge in finite time.
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quiz 4: K-means properties
  • it's possible for K-means to stuck at a local optima, but this can be solved by random restart ( like random hill climbing in the optimization)

Soft Clustering

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Quiz 6:
  • K-means and SLC could not give the point d a definitive cluster
  • Solution: lean on possibility :)
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Soft Clustering
  • here ML is maximum likelihood.
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maximum likelihood Gaussian
  • Hidden variables are used to keep track which Gaussian distribution that x is generated from
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Expectation Maximization
  • there are expectation and maximization for the soft clustering. The probability of Xi in the i cluster is between 0 and 1.
  • soft clustering can be converted to K-means if push the probability to be 0s and 1s.
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EM example
  • given K, randomly generate k centers
  • with each iteration, the centers were recalculated and the probability of the each point is in a cluster is also updated until converge.
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Properties of EM
  • the reason that EM does not converge is because there are infinite number of configurations.
  • Local maxima problem can be solved by random restart
  • E, M might be different for different problems

Clustering Properties

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Clustering Properties
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Quiz 7
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Impossibility Theorm
  • It's not possible to have all three properties.
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2016-03-02 初稿, SLC
2016-03-14 K-Means
2016-03-15 EM

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