If you can never remember where you parked your car, check out these apps to keep track.
By Lance Whitney
通过 兰斯惠特尼
Having trouble remembering where you parked your car? With the right smartphone app, you can mark where you parked your car and quickly locate it again.
记不记得您将车停在哪里? 使用正确的智能手机应用程序,您可以标记自己的车停在哪里,然后Swift找到它。
Google Maps allows you to record the location of your car; iPhone users with CarPlay or Bluetooth in their vehicles can also use Apple Maps. Or find a variety of apps across app stores by searching “find my car.” Let’s check them out.
Google地图可让您记录您的汽车位置; 装有CarPlay或蓝牙的iPhone用户也可以使用Apple Maps。 或通过搜索“找到我的车”在应用商店中找到各种应用。 让我们检查一下。
Google Maps(iOS和Android) (Google Maps (iOS and Android))
You can call on Google Maps to help find your car, whether you have an iPhone or Android phone, though some of the steps differ slightly between iOS and Android. After you’ve parked your car, open Google Maps on your phone.
无论您使用的是iPhone还是Android手机 ,尽管iOS和Android的某些步骤略有不同,但您都可以致电Google Maps来帮助您找到汽车。 停车后,在手机上打开Google地图。
安卓系统 (Android)
On an Android phone, tap the blue pin that represents your current location and parking spot. Select the Save your parking option, then tap the option at the bottom for More Info. You can now enter notes with more details about your location.
在Android手机上,点击代表您当前位置和停车位的蓝色图钉。 选择保存您的停车选项,然后点击底部的选项以获取更多信息 。 现在,您可以输入注释,其中包含有关您的位置的更多详细信息。
Tap the Add Photos button to snap a photo of your surroundings. In the Time left area, select a specific number of hours and/or minutes, which can be helpful if you’re parked at a meter. You can also tap Share if you want to share your location with someone else.
点击添加照片按钮以捕捉周围的照片。 在“剩余时间”区域中,选择特定的小时数和/或分钟数,如果您停在仪表处,这将很有帮助。 如果您想与其他人共享您的位置,也可以点击共享。
苹果手机 (iPhone)
On an iPhone, tap the blue pin for your current location and select Set as parking location. Press down on the blue pin until you see a section at the bottom for Dropped pin. Swipe up on that section to see more details about it.
在iPhone上,点击您当前位置的蓝色图钉,然后选择设为停车位置 。 向下按蓝色图钉,直到在底部看到“已放置图钉”的区域 。 向上滑动该部分以查看有关它的更多详细信息。
Now it’s time to find your parked car. On an Android phone or iPhone, tap the blue pin for your parking spot. Tap Directions and then tap Go to get directions to your car.
现在是时候找到您的停放的汽车了。 在Android手机或iPhone上,点击蓝色的停车位。 点按“路线”,然后点按“转到”以获取前往您的汽车的路线。
苹果地图(iOS) (Apple Maps (iOS))
You need to tweak a few settings before you can use Apple Maps to find your parking spot. Open Settings > Privacy > Location Services on your iPhone and make sure Location Services is turned on.
您需要调整一些设置,然后才能使用Apple Maps查找停车位。 在iPhone上打开设置>隐私>位置服务 ,并确保打开了位置服务。
Scroll to the bottom of the Location Services screen and select System Services > Significant Locations. You may be asked for your passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID, then turn on the switch for Significant Locations.
滚动到“位置服务”屏幕的底部,然后选择“ 系统服务”>“重要位置” 。 可能会要求您输入密码,Touch ID或Face ID,然后打开“重要位置”开关。
Next, go to Settings > Maps and turn on the switch for Show Parked Location. Now the next time you drive somewhere, you can track your car’s location after you park.
接下来,转到“设置”>“地图” ,然后打开“ 显示停放位置”的开关。 现在,下次您开车到某个地方时,可以在停车后跟踪汽车的位置。
Make sure your iPhone is connected via Bluetooth or CarPlay, then get out of the vehicle. When you disconnect from the car, your phone should display a notification indicating that Maps has dropped a pin to show where you parked.
确保您的iPhone已通过蓝牙或CarPlay连接,然后离开车辆。 当您与汽车断开连接时,您的手机应显示一条通知,指示“地图”已放置图钉以显示您的停放位置。
If the notification doesn’t appear, open Apple Maps. Look for the blue Parked Car pin on the map and tap it. If you don’t see it, type “parked car” in the search field, and the car’s location should then appear. Tap the Edit Location button to see an image of your car’s surrounding area. You can also create a note with more details and tap the Add Photo button to snap a photo of your car and location.
如果没有出现通知,请打开Apple Maps。 在地图上寻找蓝色的“停放的汽车”图钉,然后点按它。 如果没有看到,请在搜索字段中输入“ parked car”,然后将出现汽车的位置。 点按“编辑位置”按钮以查看汽车周围区域的图像。 您还可以创建带有更多详细信息的注释,然后点击“添加照片”按钮以捕捉您的汽车和位置的照片。
When you need to find your car, open Apple Maps. Tap the Parked Car pin, select Directions, and then tap the Go button to follow walking directions to your parked car.
当您需要找车时,请打开Apple Maps。 点按“停放的汽车”图钉,选择“方向”,然后点按“前进”按钮,以按照步行路线前往停放的汽车。
停放的汽车定位器(Android) (Parked Car Locator (Android))
With Parked Car Locator, tap the compass icon to zoom in on your current location. Tap the Park Here button and tap OK to set your parking.
使用“ 停放的汽车定位器” ,点按指南针图标以放大当前位置。 点击“在这里停车”按钮,然后点击“确定”以设置您的停车位。
When it’s time to find your car, just open the app and follow the arrow to get to your car. Tap the hamburger icon in the upper left to switch the view between normal, satellite, terrain, and hybrid.
当需要找车时,只需打开应用程序,然后按照箭头指示上车即可。 点按左上角的汉堡图标可在普通,卫星,地形和混合模式之间切换视图。
查找我的车— GPS导航(Android) (Find My Car — GPS Navigation (Android))
A straightforward app, Find My Car — GPS Navigation makes it simple to record your car’s location and then find it later. Open the app and tap the Park button. You can then add a note to your location and snap a photo of it.
一个简单的应用程序,“ 查找我的汽车”-GPS导航使您可以轻松记录您的汽车位置,然后再查找。 打开应用程序,然后点击“停放”按钮。 然后,您可以在您的位置添加便条并为其拍照。
When you’re ready to return to your car, open the app again and tap the Find My Car button. Just follow the direction of the pointer, and the app will steer you to the right spot.
当您准备好返回汽车时,请再次打开该应用,然后点击“查找我的汽车”按钮。 只需按照指针的方向进行操作,该应用程序就会将您引导到正确的位置。
通过Bello Studios(iOS)使用AR查找我的车 (Find My Car with AR by Bello Studios (iOS))
The $1.99 Find My Car with AR app is quite simple. At the main screen, tap the Add New Car Location license plate icon when you park your car. Tap the Mark Location button. Name the location and select the location type, then tap the Save location button.
1.99美元的带有AR应用程序的“ 查找我的车”非常简单。 停车时,在主屏幕上,点击添加新车位置牌照图标。 点击标记位置按钮。 命名位置并选择位置类型,然后点击“保存位置”按钮。
When you need to find your car, open the app and tap the Back to Location button. You’ll see the location of your car displayed on the map. Walk in the direction of your car. You can switch among a map view, a satellite view, or a hybrid view that combines the two, or tap the AR icon to see your surroundings as you walk.
当您需要找车时,请打开应用程序,然后点击返回位置按钮。 您会在地图上看到汽车的位置。 朝汽车方向走。 您可以在地图视图,卫星视图或结合了两者的混合视图之间切换,或者在步行时点按AR图标以查看周围的环境。
通过Augmented Works(iOS)使用AR查找您的汽车 (Find Your Car with AR by Augmented Works (iOS))
If you choose Find Your Car with AR, open the app before you leave your car and tap the I parked here button. When it’s time to find your car, launch the app again. A large red arrow points in the direction of your car; just follow that arrow.
如果选择“使用AR查找汽车”,请在离开汽车之前打开应用程序,然后点按“ 我在这里停车”按钮。 该找车了,再次启动该应用程序。 较大的红色箭头指向您的汽车方向; 只要跟随那个箭头。
You can change the display from a conventional map to a satellite or between a regular or augmented reality map. The AR map shows you your actual surrounding area so you can see what’s nearby as you walk to the car.
您可以将显示从常规地图更改为卫星,或者在常规或增强现实地图之间更改。 AR地图会向您显示您的实际周围区域,以便您步行前往汽车时就能看到附近的事物。
Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.
最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com 。
翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/how-to-use-a-smartphone-app-to-find-your-car-d543cbda312e