V8 Debugger Protocol

V8 Debugger Protocol

This document describes the message based protocol exposed by V8.
It's a very simple text-based protocol.
As with HTTP there's a strict definition of line breaks:
They MUST be "\r\n".
Every message frame consists of a headers and a body part:

Header-A: Some-Value\r\n
Content-Length: 9\r\n

Each frame MUST have a Content-Length headers.
The header value MUST be the byte length of the body section.
The next message starts immediately after the last byte of the body.
The body is generally JSON encoded,
see frame body below for the format.

When connecting a special, body-less message is sent by V8.
The following example is from connecting to a node.js instance:

Type: connect\r\n
Protocol-Version: 1\r\n
Embedding-Host: node v0.10.26\r\n
Content-Length: 0\r\n

Frame Body

Each message body is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • seq: Identifier of this message.
    This is used to map responses to the proper request.
  • type: Either "request", "response", or "event"

Request Message

These are sent by the debug client to v8.
Request messages have two additional properties:

  • command: The command that is invoked
  • arguments: A object with named arguments, optional

Available commands are documented below.



Response Message

These are sent to the debug client by v8.
Response message have the following additional properties:

  • request_seq: The request this is the response to
  • command: The original command
  • success: If true, look at body, otherwise look at message
  • body: The "return value" of the command, only if success is true
  • message: Error message for failed commands
  • running: false if the vm is suspended, true otherwise
  • refs: Array of referenced values in the body

The type of body to expect is documented below,
in the section request/response pairs.

Example: Successful response

{ "seq":67,
  "running": true }

Example: Successful response, returning data

{ "seq":67,
  "running": true,
  "body": { "index":0, "frameIndex":0 } }

Example: Failing response

{ "seq":67,
  "running": true,
  "message": "Missing arguments" }

Example: What is refs?

Important to note:
There's no guarantee that everything referenced inside of refs
will itself resolve.
The ref properties denote references to mirror objects.
Mirror objects are identified by their handle.
refs contains an array of serialized mirror objects.

[ { handle: 4,
    type: 'function',
    className: 'Function',
    constructorFunction: { ref: 8 },
    protoObject: { ref: 9 },
    prototypeObject: { ref: 5 },
    name: 'Error',
    inferredName: '',
    resolved: true,
    source: 'function Error() { [native code] }',
    scopes: [],
     [ { name: 'length', attributes: 7, propertyType: 3, ref: 10 },
       { name: 'name', attributes: 7, propertyType: 3, ref: 11 } ],
    text: 'function Error() { [native code] }' },
  { handle: 6, type: 'undefined', text: 'undefined' },
  { handle: 7,
    type: 'string',
    value: 'err message',
    length: 11,
    text: 'err message' } ]

Event Message

Sent by v8 to the debug client.
These messages look similar to response messages
in that they also contain body and refs.

  • event: Type of event

You can find a list of available events below.

Request/response pairs

The name of the command is followed by the name of function in
src/debug-debugger.js that handles the command.
Most filenames in this section reference the v8 codebase.
Other important files are mirror-debugger.js and messages.js
for serialization.
Implementation details of macros can be found in runtime.cc.

Request continue - continueRequest_

The request continue is a request from the debugger to start the VM running again.
As part of the continue request the debugger can specify if it wants the VM to perform a single step action.

In the response the property running will always be true as the VM will be running after executing the continue command.
If a single step action is requested the VM will respond with a break event after running the step.

Warning: Sometimes the non-presence of arguments is not the same
as an empty arguments object.
Also even though it looks like the handler for continue doesn't do anything
when no arguments are passed in,
the fact that it is setting response.running to true will magically resume


When no arguments are provided, this command will just resume execution.

For step-based actions, pass the following arguments:

  • stepaction: One of the actions listed below, string,
    required (the default value is ignored)
  • stepcount: How many steps to take, uint, optional, default: 1

Available step actions (taken from src/debug.h)

  • out: Step out of the current function. StepOut = 0
  • next: Step to the next statement in the current function. StepNext = 1
  • in: Step into new functions invoked
    or the next statement in the current function. StepIn = 2
  • min: Perform a minimum step in the current function. StepMin = 3

StepInMin does not seem to be supported by the debugger protocol.


Empty response

Example: Just resume execution


Example: Step forward 5 statements

{ "seq":117,"type":"request","command":"continue",
  "arguments": { "stepaction": "next", "stepcount": 5 } }

Request break - breakRequest_

Seems to be doing nothing. Quote:

Ignore as break command does not do anything when broken.

Request setbreakpoint - setBreakPointRequest_

The request setbreakpoint creates a new break point.
This request can be used to set both function and script break points.
A function break point sets a break point in an existing function
whereas a script break point sets a break point in a named script.
A script break point can be set even if the named script is not found.

The result of the setbreakpoint request is a response with the number of the newly created break point.
This break point number is used in the changebreakpoint and clearbreakpoint requests.


  • type: Type of breakpoint to create, see below (string)
  • target: Script or function to break at (string)
  • line/column: Position for script breakpoints (uint)
  • enabled: Starts off enabled, default: true
  • condition: Expression that guards the breakpoint (string)
  • ignoreCount: uint, default: 0
  • groupId: Script breakpoints only,
    allows to clear multiple breakpoints at once, uint.

Known breakpoint types and what target should be:

  • function: target evaluates to a function in global scope
  • handle: target is the (stringified) handle of a function
  • script: target is the name of a script
  • scriptId: target is the id of some already compiled script
  • scriptRegExp: target matches the name of a script


  • type: "scriptId", "scriptName", "scriptRegExp", or "function"
  • breakpoint: Breakpoint id, number
  • actual_locations: Array of locations where the breakpoint will fire.
    Will have one element for function breakpoints,
    may have multiple locations for script breakpoints.
    Every entry consists of {scriptId, line, columns}.
  • line/column: Location of breakpoint, script breakpoint only
  • script_id: Only for scriptId breakpoints
  • script_name: Only for scriptName breakpoints
  • script_regexp: Regex (as string), only for scriptRegExp breakpoints


{"seq":119,"type":"request","command":"setbreakpoint","arguments":{"type":"function","target":"f","condition":"i > 7"}}

Request setexceptionbreak - setExceptionBreakRequest_

The request setexceptionbreak is a request to enable/disable breaks on all / uncaught exceptions.
If the "enabled" argument is not specify,
the debuggee will toggle the state of the specified break type.


  • type: Either "all" or "uncaught", required
  • enabled: Defaults to the opposite of whatever the current state is


type and enabled. If enabled wasn't passed in, the response can be used
to detect the current status.


{"seq":118,"type":"request","command":" setexceptionbreak","arguments":{"type":"all","enabled":false}}
{"seq":119,"type":"request","command":" setexceptionbreak","arguments":{"type":"uncaught","enabled":true}}

Request changebreakpoint - changeBreakPointRequest_

The request changebreakpoint changes the status of a break point.


  • breakpoint: Breakpoint id, number
  • enabled: Optional, enable or disable the breakpoint
  • condition: Optional, change the condition
  • ignoreCount: Optional, reset the ignore count


Empty response

Request clearbreakpoint - clearBreakPointRequest_

The request clearbreakpoint clears a break point.


  • breakpoint: Breakpoint id, number


  • breakpoint: Breakpoint id, number



Request clearbreakpointgroup - clearBreakPointGroupRequest_


  • groupId: Breakpoint group id, number


  • breakpoints: Array of cleared breakpoint ids

Request listbreakpoints - listBreakpointsRequest_

The request listbreakpoints is used to get information on breakpoints
that may have been set by the debugger.

This seems to only list script break points.


No arguments


  • breakpoints: Array of breakpoints, see below
  • breakOnExceptions: Current state of "all"
  • breakOnUncaughtExceptions: Current state of "uncaught"

Breakpoint descriptions contain the following fields:

  • type: "scriptId", "scriptName", "scriptRegExp", or "function"
  • number: Breakpoint id, number
  • line/column: Position in file
  • groupId: Breakpoint group id
  • hit_count: How often the breakpoint was hit already
  • active: If the breakpoint is enabled
  • condition: Condition expression
  • ignoreCount: Remaining ignore count.
    Will update whenever the breakpoint is ignored.
  • actual_locations: See above, {scriptId, line, column}
  • script_id: Only for scriptId breakpoints
  • script_name: Only for scriptName breakpoints
  • script_regexp: Regex (as string), only for scriptRegExp breakpoints



Request disconnect - disconnectRequest_

The request disconnect is used to detach the remote debugger
from the debuggee.
This will trigger the debuggee to disable all active breakpoints
and resumes execution if the debuggee was previously stopped at a break.

Disable all breakpoints and continue.


All arguments that are valid for continue will work
though anything but no arguments could be pretty confusing.


Empty response



Request backtrace - backtraceRequest_

The request backtrace returns a backtrace (or stacktrace)
from the current execution state.
When issuing a request a range of frames can be supplied.
The top frame is frame number 0.
If no frame range is supplied data for 10 frames will be returned.


  • fromFrame: Index of first frame to return
  • toFrame: Exclusive end of range
  • bottom: Boolean, set to true if the bottom of the stack is requested


  • fromFrame: First frame returned
  • toFrame: Actual last frame returned, might be less than requested toFrame
    when less frames are available.
  • totalFrames: Number of frames currently available
  • frames: Array of frames

For the properties of each frame, see the frame request below.



Request frame - frameRequest_

The request frame selects a new selected frame
and returns information for that.
If no frame number is specified the selected frame is returned.


  • number: Optional, the frame to select


  • index: number
  • receiver: reference
  • func: reference
  • script: reference
  • constructCall: boolean
  • atReturn: boolean
  • returnValue: reference, only if atReturn is true
  • debuggerFrame: boolean
  • arguments: Array[{name, value}], value is a reference
  • locals: Same as arguments
  • scopes: Array[{type, index}], both are numbers

Valid scope types:

var ScopeType = { Global: 0,
                  Local: 1,
                  With: 2,
                  Closure: 3,
                  Catch: 4,
                  Block: 5,
                  Script: 6 };

Reference: JSONProtocolSerializer.serializeFrame_



Request scopes - scopesRequest_

The request scopes returns all the scopes for a given frame.
If no frame number is specified the selected frame is returned.


A "scope holder". This is either a stack frame or a function.
From resolveScopeHolder_:

Gets scope host object from request.
It is either a function ('functionHandle' argument must be specified)
or a stack frame ('frameNumber' may be specified
and the current frame is taken by default).

For function scopes:

  • functionHandle: number, retrieves function from mirror cache

For stack frame scopes:

  • frameNumber: number, has to be a valid frame index.
    Defaults to currently selected stack frame if omitted.
    Stack frames are selected via the frame request.


  • inlineRefs: boolean, if true object will be returned as a value
    rather than as a reference, see scope below.


  • fromScope: number, always 0
  • toScope: number, always number of scopes
  • totalScopes: number of scopes
  • scopes: Array, see scope below for properties



Request scope - scopeRequest_

The request scope returns information on a given scope for a given frame.
If no frame number is specified the selected frame is used.


A "scope holder" (see scopes) plus:

  • number: A valid scope index, defaults to 0 (top scope)
  • inlineRefs: boolean, if true object will be returned as a value
    rather than as a reference


  • index: index of this scope in the scope chain.
    Index 0 is the top scope and the global scope will always have
    the highest index for a frame (from v8 wiki)
    Confusingly the same value that is called number above.
  • frameIndex: The same thing called frameNumber above.
  • type: Scope type, see frame above
  • object: reference or value, an object representing the scope

The object part depends on the special inlineRefs argument.

object as reference

Will have just one property, ref, which is the mirror's handle.
The object itself will be added to the refs part of the response.
Every object added will later be serialized via serializeReferencedObjects.
The serialization will exclude details
which means that actual property values won't be included.
In other words: For scope requests this is a poor fit.

object as value

This described the general structure of something serialized via
serialize_(obj, false, true) - not as reference, with details.
You can assume that a scope object should be an object.

  • type: string, type of mirror, see below for possible values.
    This is the only property for 'null' and 'undefined'.
  • handle: number, handle of the serialized mirror

For 'boolean', 'number', 'string':

  • value: May be truncated for strings.
  • length: Only for strings, total length of string
  • fromIndex/toIndex: 0/length of truncated string.
    Not present if the string was returned in full.

For 'object', 'function', 'regexp', 'error' (see serializeObject_):

  • className: string, name of the class
  • constructorFunction: reference
  • protoObject: reference
  • prototypeObject: reference
  • namedInterceptor: boolean
  • indexedInterceptor: boolean
  • properties: Array of property descriptors
  • internalProperties: Array of property descriptors

All references are serialized via serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_.
See the properties section below.

For 'function only:

  • name: Name of the function
  • inferredName: "Nice" name of the function, not always available
  • resolved: boolean, source is available
  • source: The source of the function
  • script: Reference to the script where the function is defined
  • scriptId: Id of the script where the function is defined`
  • line/column: Position of the function definition in the script
  • position: Seems to be the same as line/column

If the object is a date object:

  • value: ?

Each property is serialized based on inlineRefs.
The serialization is handled by serializeProperty_.
Property descriptors always have a name property.

When inlineRefs is enabled then each descripor has a value property.
It is filled using serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_:

  • ref: Handle of the mirror object
  • type: See below for possible types
  • value: For 'undefined', 'null', 'boolean', 'number', 'string',
    'error', 'regexp'.
    For 'string' the value will be truncated.
    For 'error' the value will be ?.
  • name: For 'function' - name of the function
  • inferredName: For 'function' - nice name of the function
  • scriptId: For 'function' - Script where the function was defined
  • className: For 'object' - name of the class

Without inlineRefs, the property descriptor will only contain meta data:

  • ref: The property value's handle.
  • attributes: Signals if property is frozen/readOnly/etc..
  • propertyType: Only if it isn't a "normal" property.

Possible values for property type are:

// from mirror-debugger.js
PropertyType.Normal                  = 0;
PropertyType.Field                   = 1;
PropertyType.Constant                = 2;
PropertyType.Callbacks               = 3;
PropertyType.Handler                 = 4;
PropertyType.Interceptor             = 5;
PropertyType.Transition              = 6;
PropertyType.Nonexistent             = 7;
Values for type
// from mirror-debugger.js
var UNDEFINED_TYPE = 'undefined';
var NULL_TYPE = 'null';
var BOOLEAN_TYPE = 'boolean';
var NUMBER_TYPE = 'number';
var STRING_TYPE = 'string';
var OBJECT_TYPE = 'object';
var FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function';
var REGEXP_TYPE = 'regexp';
var ERROR_TYPE = 'error';
// ignore everything below, won't be retured
var PROPERTY_TYPE = 'property';
var INTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE = 'internalProperty';
var FRAME_TYPE = 'frame';
var SCRIPT_TYPE = 'script';
var CONTEXT_TYPE = 'context';
var SCOPE_TYPE = 'scope';



Request setVariableValue - setVariableValueRequest_


  • scope: Scope holder & number
  • name: Name of the variable to set
  • newValue: The value to set the variable to

The scope will be resolved via resolveScopeHolder_.
It has to have a property number (the scope index).
It may have a functionHandle property.
If it has no functionHandle, it's considered a frame-based scope.
In that case an optional frameNumber can be provided.

The newValue will be resolved via resolveValue_.
The following kinds of values are supported:

  • handle: A mirror's handle
  • stringDescription/type: The description will be parsed.
    Supported types are 'number', 'string',
    and 'boolean'.
  • value: Just a value
  • type: Possible values are 'undefined' or 'null'


  • newValue: A mirror object for the new value

Request evaluate - evaluateRequest_

The request evaluate is used to evaluate an expression.
Optional argument additional_context specifies handles
that will be visible from the expression under corresponding names


  • expression:
  • frame:
  • global:
  • disable_break:
  • additional_context:


The result of evaluating the expression.
See scope above for what it looks like.


{"seq":120,"type":"request","command":"evaluate","arguments":{"expression":"obj.toString()", "additional_context": [{ "name":"obj","handle":25 }] }}

Request lookup - lookupRequest_

The request lookup is used to lookup objects based on their handle.


  • handles: Array of mirror handles (numbers)
  • includeSource: Include source of scripts (if mirrors are scripts)


Mirror objects indexed by their handle.
See scope for how each entry looks like.



Request references - referencesRequest_


  • type: Either "referencedBy" or "constructedBy"
  • handle: Object to find references for


Array of referenced objects

For referencedBy:

Find all objects with direct references to this object.

For constructedBy:

Returns objects constructed by this function.

Request source - sourceRequest_

The request source retrieves source code for a frame.
It returns a number of source lines
running from the fromLine to but not including the toLine,
that is the interval is open on the "to" end.
For example, requesting source from line 2 to 4 returns two lines (2 and 3).
Also note that the line numbers are 0 based: the first line is line 0.


  • frame: Index of the frame, default: selected frame.
    Frames are selected with the frame request.
  • fromLine: First line to return, defaults to first line
  • toLine: First line not to return, defaults to the end of the script


  • source: The actual source code
  • fromLine: Actual first line returned
  • toLine: Actual first line not returned
  • fromPosition: First character index returned
  • toPosition: First character index not returned
  • totalLines: Total number of lines in the file



Request scripts - scriptsRequest_

The request scripts retrieves active scripts from the VM.
An active script is source code
from which there is still live objects in the VM.
This request will always force a full garbage collection in the VM.


  • types: Bitmask of script types to retrieve. Defaults to "normal" only.
  • ids: Filter by script ids, invalid ids are just ignored.
    Defaults to returning all scripts.
  • includeSource: Include source in the response, defaults to false
  • filter: If this looks like a number,
    only scripts with this script id will be returned.
    This might or might not be the same
    as just passing one id into ids.
    If it's a string,
    it will filter scripts by if the name contains the filter.

Script types are:

  • 0: Native scripts, in bitmask: 1 << 0 = 1
  • 1: Extension scripts, in bitmask: bit 1 = 1 << 1 = 2
  • 2: Normal scripts, in bitmaks bit 2 = 1 << 2 = 4


Array of script mirror objects.
Descriptions where partially taken from the v8 wiki.

  • name: name of the script
  • id: id of the script
  • lineOffset: line offset within the containing resource
  • columnOffset: column offset within the containing resource
  • lineCount: number of lines in the script
  • data: optional data object added through the API
  • source: source of the script if includeSource was specified in the request
  • sourceStart: first 80 characters of the script
    if includeSource was not specified in the request
  • sourceLength: total length of the script in characters
  • scriptType: script type (see request for values)
  • compilationType: How was this script compiled.
    0 if script was compiled through the API
    1 if script was compiled through eval
  • evalFromScript: if "compilationType" is 1 this is the script
    from where eval was called
  • evalFromLocation: {line,column} if "compilationType" is 1
    this is the position in the script
    from where eval was called
  • evalFromFunctionName: If "compilationType" is 1 this is the function name
    from where eval was called



Request threads - threadsRequest_


No arguments


  • totalThreads: Number of threads
  • thread_info.id: Id of the thread, number
  • thread_info.current: If the thread is the current one, boolean

Request suspend - suspendRequest_

No arguments, no response. Pauses execution.
The reverse of calling continue without arguments.

Request version - versionRequest_

The request version reports version of the running V8.


  • V8Version: The version of v8 the process is running


{"seq":134,"request_seq":1,"type":"response","command":"version","success":true,"body":{"V8Version":"1.3.19 (candidate)"},"refs":[],"running":false}

Request changelive - changeLiveRequest_

The juicy parts can be found in liveedit-debugger.js.


  • script_id: Id of the script to change
  • preview_only: Do a dry run without actually changing the source
  • new_source: The new source code for the script


  • change_log: ?
  • result.stack_modified: Changes affect one of the current stack frames
  • result.change_tree: Tree of changes
  • result.textual_diff.old_len: Length of old source code
  • result.textual_diff.new_len: Length of new source code
  • result.textual_diff.chunks: Changed chunks
  • result.updated: True if any change was made
  • result.created_script_name: Sometimes the diff algorithm needs to create
    a copy of the old script.
  • result.stack_update_needs_step_in: Same as stack_modified
  • stepin_recommended: true if stack_update_needs_step_in
    and the VM isn't currently paused.
    Will not be set for preview requests.

Request restartframe - restartFrameRequest_

The juicy parts can be found in liveedit-debugger.js.

Warning: This is one of the few functions
where empty arguments are required to be passed in as {}
instead of not sending anything.


  • frame: Valid stack frame or undefined for the selected frame.


  • result.stack_update_needs_step_in: Always true

Request flags - debuggerFlagsRequest_

Warning: This is one of the few functions
where empty arguments are required to be passed in as {}
instead of not sending anything.

Known flags:

  • breakPointsActive
  • breakOnCaughtException
  • breakOnUncaughtException


  • flags: Pair of name and value.
    The value is optional, if it is provided the flag will be updated.
    Filters which flags are returned.
    If omitted, all flags are returned.
    Invalid or unknown flags are gracefully ignored.


  • flags: Array of flags, same pair of name and value as above.
    If no flags were passed in,
    this will return all current flag values.

Request v8flags - v8FlagsRequest_

The request v8flags is a request to apply the specified v8 flags (analogous to how they are specified on the command line).

Warning: This is one of the few functions
where empty arguments are required to be passed in as {}
instead of not sending anything.


  • flags: A string with command line flags, defaults to empty string.


No response


{"seq":117,"type":"request","command":"v8flags","arguments":{"flags":"--trace_gc —-always_compact"}}
{"seq":118,"type":"request","command":" v8flags","arguments":{"flags":"--notrace_gc"}}

Request gc - gcRequest_

The request gc is a request to run the garbage collector in the debuggee.
In response, the debuggee will run the specified GC type.

Warning: This is one of the few functions
where empty arguments are required to be passed in as {}
instead of not sending anything.


  • type: Defaults to "all"

As for available types, to quote runtime.cc:

Presently, it only does a full GC.


  • before: Heap usage before, integer
  • after: Heap usage after, integer




Each event name is followed by the name of the event class
in debug-debugger.js.
The number in front is the v8-internal enum value of the event.
The representation of the event body is determined
by the method toJSONProtocol of the event class.

All examples omit the wrapping message and only show the body.
We'll also show the parsed body - JSON with slightly less quotes.
For completeness' sake here one relatively complete event frame:

Content-Length: 78\r\n

1: Event break - BreakEvent

Event Body

  • invocationText: Text representation of the top stack frame
  • script: Script in which the break occured
  • sourceLineText: Source code of the line where execution stopped
  • sourceLine/sourceColumn: Position in the script
  • breakpoints: Array of ids of breakpoints that caused the break


{ invocationText: '#.[anonymous](exports=#, require=function require(path) {\n    return self.require(path);\n  }, module=#, __filename=/full/path/to/test/buggers/breakpoint.js, __dirname=/full/path/to/test/buggers)',
  sourceLine: 16,
  sourceColumn: 2,
  sourceLineText: '})();',
   { id: 46,
     name: '/full/path/to/test/buggers/breakpoint.js',
     lineOffset: 0,
     columnOffset: 0,
     lineCount: 19 },
  breakpoints: [ 1 ] }

2: Event exception - ExceptionEvent

Event Body

  • invocationText: Text representation of the top stack frame
  • script: Script in which the break occured
  • sourceLineText: Source code of the line where execution stopped
  • sourceLine/sourceColumn: Position in the script.
    sourceLine may be -1 if there's no valid stack frame.
  • uncaught: true if this was an uncaught exception
  • exception: The exception object


{ uncaught: false,
   { handle: 0,
     type: 'error',
     className: 'Error',
     constructorFunction: { ref: 4 },
     protoObject: { ref: 5 },
     prototypeObject: { ref: 6 },
     properties: [
      { name: 'stack', attributes: 2, propertyType: 3, ref: 6 },
      { name: 'arguments', attributes: 2, propertyType: 1, ref: 6 },
      { name: 'type', attributes: 2, propertyType: 1, ref: 6 },
      { name: 'message', attributes: 2, propertyType: 1, ref: 7 } ],
     text: 'Error: err message' },
  sourceLine: 3,
  sourceColumn: 10,
  sourceLineText: '    throw new Error(\'err message\');',
   { id: 46,
     name: '/full/path/to/test/buggers/throws.js',
     lineOffset: 0,
     columnOffset: 0,
     lineCount: 12 } }

3: Event ? - NewFunctionEvent

Not exposed in any obvious way

4: Event beforeCompile - CompileEvent

Event Body

See: afterCompile

5: Event afterCompile - CompileEvent

  • script: The script that was compiled


{ script: 
   { handle: 1,
     type: 'script',
     name: 'node.js',
     id: 30,
     lineOffset: 0,
     columnOffset: 0,
     lineCount: 903,
     sourceStart: '// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereb',
     sourceLength: 28135,
     scriptType: 2,
     compilationType: 0,
     context: { ref: 0 },
     text: 'node.js (lines: 903)' } }

6: Event scriptCollected - ScriptCollectedEvent

Emitted when a script is no longer referenced and was collected.

Event Body

See: afterCompile

7: Event ?

BreakForCommand, defined in v8-debug.h

Response object serialization

For now see scope

// From mirror-debugger.js
// Mirror hierarchy:
//   - Mirror
//     - ValueMirror
//       - UndefinedMirror
//       - NullMirror
//       - NumberMirror
//       - StringMirror
//       - ObjectMirror
//         - FunctionMirror
//           - UnresolvedFunctionMirror
//         - ArrayMirror
//         - DateMirror
//         - RegExpMirror
//         - ErrorMirror
//     - PropertyMirror
//     - InternalPropertyMirror
//     - FrameMirror
//     - ScriptMirror

Important links

Original author in the v8 wiki:

  • https://code.google.com/u/mikhail.naganov/

Page in the v8 wiki:

  • https://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/DebuggerProtocol

你可能感兴趣的:(V8 Debugger Protocol)